《the human (r.h)》twenty four;supermodel



Delilah George nearly dropped the bottle of beer she had in her hand when the voice of a boy startled her from behind. Recently she wasn't used to people creeping up on her, which had caused her heart to race quite a bit.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to make you jump."

The brunette whipped around as a slightly smaller boy came into her view. "It's okay." She smiled slightly as she slowed her breathing down, thankful that she hadn't dropped her drink after all.

"I'm Seth." The boy held out a tan hand, one that Delilah took and shook as her smile grew. She liked him already. "And you're Delilah."

The human lifted an eyebrow at the boys words, "How did you know?"

"Everyone knows." Another voice, this time one that sounded a lot older caused Delilah to jump. One fright had already been enough, "Paul." The older boy spoke as he moved into Delilah's view.

A smirk broke out on Delilah's face as she took in the boys words, "And you already know my name...am I alright to ask why?"

"You are."

"Are you alright to answer?" It was now Paul's turn to smirk, it was fair to say that he quite liked Delilah George. However before he could answer, Seth interrupted him.

"Bella talks about you to Jake all the time, which means Jake thinks about you sometime." Seth paused as a frown fell on his lips, "Sorry about your....memory by the way."

Delilah tried not to show that she was effected by Seth's words, in truth, she hated that people other than Isabella, Maya and her family knew about her condition. She wished everyone thought of her as the same normal person she felt inside- although she wasn't actually normal.

"Don't worry." After a few seconds, a large happy smile broke out on her face, even though it was a very fake one, it was believable, "I often forget there's something wrong with me."

As Seth laughed at Delilah's attempt of a joke, Paul sent him a harsh glare. Only because from the stuff he'd heard about Delilah from Jake had made him quite like her. To him Delilah seemed like quite the strong woman, Jake even described the old her as a female version of himself. So if truth be told, he felt rather protective over the girl he'd just met.


"Seth." Paul caught the boys attention, "Why don't you go and get a hot dog or something?"

Blue eyes follows Seth as he practically ran to go and get himself some food, a small giggle fell from Delilah's lips as she watched him do so, "Is that not cannibalism?"

Paul moved his brown eyes from where he too was watching Seth, and to the brunette next to him, "Is what cannibalism?"

"You all eating hot-dogs. Are you not a dog yourself?"

The wolf had to admit, that a small laugh did emit from his throat at the girls words, "Very funny."

"You laughed didn't you?" Delilah was enjoying her conversation with Paul, while he looked big and scary, she quickly realised he was quite nice. Or at least he was to her.

Paul raised at eyebrow, "You're not allowed to tell anyone. I'm not known for being a barrel of laughs."

And Delilah also raised an eyebrow, "But here you are laughing! I am such an exception?"

And now Paul dropped his eyebrows as he turned his gaze serious, "You won't be if you carry on."

"Oh Paul," Delilah's sighed, knowing full well the man was joking, "I can already tell you're a big softie."

The tanned man huffed, as he moved his eyes from Delilah and around the field, noticing how all but one were sat around the campfire.

"Looks like Leah is as happy as normal."

Delilah took a sip of her beer as her eyebrows pulled together in confusion, "Who?"

The wolf nodded his head over towards a girl who was sat on a log by herself a bit away from the camp fire. Delilah noted how the girl was pretty, however she'd be a lot prettier with a smile on her face, the brunette believed a grin would suit her. So after two seconds and another sip of some dutch courage, Delilah started on her way towards the girl.

"Woah, what are you doing? Paul tried to grab onto the humans arm, but she was already gone. "Oh crap." The boy couldn't tear his eyes away.

The woman had noticed Delilah walking over to her the second she had first moved, and she had considered standing up and walking away. However, Leah ended up catching the eyes of Seth who had moved to stand next to Paul with a hotdog in hand and smile on his face. And Leah just couldn't disappoint her brother.


"Hello." This was weird, Delilah had never approached someone in her life (or at least not that she could remember anyway) and now here she was approaching possibly the most scary looking person she had ever seen, "You looked lonely."

The girls gaze softened for two seconds before hardening again, "I wasn't."

"Oh," But Delilah was determined to not let the girls hard gaze rock her, "Well I was."

"You were talking to Paul."

"I was," The smile never fell from her lips, "But I wanted to talk to you instead."

For a few seconds Leah felt her heart warm, no one ever really wanted to speak to her, not even Jake who she considered her friend. Most of the pack just presumed Leah would be rude to them if they spoke to her, so they tended to leave her alone. But sometimes she found herself wanting someone to talk to.


The girl tried to keep her giggles in as she cleared her throat and deepened her voice, "Because a pretty girl like you shouldn't be looking all lonely." Unfortunately she could only hold the giggles in until after she'd stopped speaking, and the same could be said for Leah. It wasn't until the giggling had died down that Delilah could speak, "Sorry, I had someone say that to me once."

"Ew, boys are creeps."

A large smile broke out on Delilah's face as she plonked herself down next to Leah, it didn't take long for her to crack, "I know!"

"Did you try to say that in a Monica Geller voice?"

"Oh my god, are you a Friends fan?" It was fair to say that this was the most excited Delilah had been all day.

"Isn't everyone?" Now the wolf also had a smile on her face, she was glad she'd let Delilah sit with her.

"Ugh, we're gonna be besties." Delilah squealed as she wrapped her arms around Leah and squeezed her tightly against her, "Which Friend is your favourite?"

The brunette didn't like physical touch, however she knew of Delilah's condition and just the thought of her forcing the girl off her, hurt her heart a little bit. "I don't know, maybe Phoebe?"

The human pulled away, a new glow in her eyes that hadn't been there before, "Oh I love her! But my favourites Chandler....I even have a top with him on."

"You paid for a top with him on?"

"Duh, he's one of my true loves."

It was a rare sight for the rest of the group to see, for the rest of the night Leah and Delilah sat together on the same dark log laughing. It was fair to say they'd never seen the wolf as happy before, she looked like she had a whole new glow to her. Maybe this would be good for Leah, it was a break away for the usual boys that surrounded her.

And it was good for Bella to see as well. She hadn't seen Delilah laugh as much as she was now in ages, in fact she'd never seen her life as much in the whole time that she knew her. Bella wanted to just sit and enjoy the sight, however she couldn't help the nagging thought in the back of her mind that in the morning Delilah wouldn't remember any of this, and she'd just be back to square one all over again.

sorry it's just a short chapter:( it was just an introduction to the wolves and there wasn't too much i could write:)

anyway i just want to say a massive thank you to all of you that read this, i never expected so many of you to read it, even through all of the typos and stuff:) it honestly means the world, so thank you so much:))

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