《the human (r.h)》twenty three;turning page
Occasionally things got a little too much for
Delilah, mainly on a morning when she woke up with a letter and notebook next to her bed. The letter would always have important details that she needed to remember, such as who her friends and family were, it also included pictures of their faces, just for the inevitable day when she completely forgot who they were. Most of the time Delilah didn't have to look at the letter, she only really focused on the notebook. There were two of those; one that Maya and Bella had both helped with, it was full to the brim of stuff that Delilah had done that week, and over the past few years. Meanwhile the other notebook- that she kept under a few clothes in her drawers- was made solely by Bella, with a bit of help from Delilah when she could remember little pieces of things. That was the notebook that contained all things Cullens.
Sometimes when Delilah had nothing to do on a night, she would sit and read through the second notebook. At times she would laugh, and cry, sometimes she couldn't put it down because she needed to know what happened next. Because that was the thing with the second notebook, it didn't feel as though Delilah was reading through her life story. It felt as though she was reading something completely fictional, and she just happened to share the same name as the protagonist.
She was always disappointed when she reached the end of the book to find that the two love interests didn't end up together. However, she never shed a tear over it, because it was just a story to her.
The things that Delilah would read didn't help her in imaging that it was once real life. As she could no longer relate to the character. She found her mean, cruel and manipulative. All things that Delilah no longer was. Delilah was now kind, quiet and shy, she could even stand to sit at the same table as Jessica Stanley and not roll her eyes anymore- but that was mainly because she now found it hard to focus on a conversation.
Isabella Swan had started to wonder how it was possible for one person to go through so many personalities. It was almost unbelievable. At one point she was bitchy, then she was polite, then she was mean and now she was timid.
No one really knew who Delilah George was anymore, and that included herself.
Amazingly Reece Thomson understood that Delilah was going through some things, and had backed off from her a little. Which meant she no longer attended the drug fuelled parties on a weekend, instead Reece would text her everyday to check up on her. However she had very little contact with him other than that.
Not that Delilah minded, maybe Reece had been a bit of a rash decision, however that didn't mean she wouldn't continue to be friends with him.
Isabella Swan often found herself in the presence of Delilah George, and if she wasn't then she'd be with Jacob Black. Both of which were a rather good distraction to her heartbreak, "Yes?"
"Do you think I was in love?" Bella blinked back at her best friend, the question shocking her a bit, "With that Rosalie woman?" However, Delilah thought it was because she didn't understand the question.
It took Bella a few seconds to reply, "I think so, Lilah." Of course Bella knew that Delilah was madly in love, but she wasn't sure if that was the right thing to say.
"Does she know I'm...you know?" Delilah picked up a finger and ran it across her neck as it was the only symbol of death that she could think of.
Again, after a few seconds, Isabella shook her head, "No, I don't think she does."
"Oh, okay." Delilah just shrugged her shoulders and went back to reading through the notebooks. It was as if the information hadn't effected her in the slightest.
For a few minutes Isabella Swan just looked at Delilah George. She didn't really have many thoughts running through her head as she did so. She was just looking, maybe it was because she wanted to take a mental picture of the girl right now. She looked so at peace and relaxed, Isabella wanted to remember Delilah like this forever.
"Hey, Lilah."
The brunette looked up from the notepad in her hands, with a smile on her face, "Hey, Bellatrix."
"You look beautiful."
The girl placed the notepad in her lap as her smile grew and her eyes glimmered, "I love you, Ms Lestrange."
A few giggles fell from Bella's lips, "Was that another Harry Potter reference?"
"Of course."
It was then that a thought occurred to Bella. Delilah hadn't seen anyone but herself and Maya recently, only because she'd not been attending school. Which is why Bella thought it would be a great idea to introduce Delilah to her other friends.
"Do you know my friend Jacob?"
"Do I know him? No." Or at least she thought she didn't, she couldn't recall seeing his name in any of her notepads.
"No, but like you know who he is?"
"Bella, I don't know if you know, but I don't really know anything." The Swan girl had probably mentioned the boys name to her before, but it wasn't something that Delilah would remember.
An apologetic frown fell on Bella's face once her friend replied, "Right...well I was thinking, would you like to come out with me and him? I think a few of his friends would be there too."
At first Delilah was a bit skeptical. She hadn't hung out with more than two people in a while, and even then it was her best friends. However after a few minutes of pondering that Delilah decided it could do her some good. Even if something bad did happen, it wasn't like she'd remember it.
"I don't see why not."
It was now Bella's turn to be a bit skeptical, maybe it wasn't the best idea to ask Delilah to hang out with a bunch of wolves at their monthly bonfire. But it wasn't like there was much she could do now, she'd already asked and Delilah had already agreed.
"Cool. I'll just get you a coat and we can go."
Amazingly enough, Delilah sang along to the songs on the radio for most of the ride there. She wasn't sure how she could remember the words, but she just guessed it was because not all of her memory had disappeared yet.
She sang along all the way until they were five minutes away from the reservation.
"Bellatrix?" Delilah reached forward and turned the radio down, quickly stopping her seat bobbing.
"Lilah?" The brunette replied, confused as to why her friends dancing and singing had stopped.
"In an ideal world, what would you future look like?" Delilah turned her head to look at Bella, studying for any changes in her facial expressions. "Like, if Edward hadn't left and you were still with him." Delilah only remembered Edward's name as she had read it maybe ten minutes before they set off.
After a few minutes of thinking, Bella replied, "I think I would marry him."
"And where would you live?"
Bella shrugged her shoulders, it was a rather sensitive subject, "With his family."
"I guess you'd be a vampire then?"
Again, Bella shrugged her shoulders, keen to change the subject from herself, "Yeah. What about you?"
Delilah turned her head away from Bella and closed her eyes as if she could see the picture in front of her, "I'd move to the countryside, like the Scottish countryside or some small village in England with only like forty other houses." Bella turned her head for a few seconds and took notice of the smile on Delilah's face. "My family and I used to go to places like that when I was younger, I always loved it."
"What else do you want?" A smile fell onto Bella's face too, seeing Delilah happy made her happy.
"I'd have a wife. She'd be great.... we'd go exploring in the hills in flowy dresses and find some strawberry bushes and pick them for our supper. We'd have some dogs too, I'd like a boxer dog but I guess it could be what the want too....it wouldn't really matter to me."
"Why not?" Bella would ask as many questions as she could if it meant Delilah stayed in her happy little trance.
"I don't know, I don't think anything really matters if you're in love, and I would be."
The smile grew on Bella's face, "What else?"
"Me and her would go home to our little cottage that has like, two bedrooms. We'd sit on the porch and read separate books, sometimes I'd look up from the book and just stare at her, maybe she'd smile because she could feel me doing it. Then I'd make her a coffee, and maybe she'd make me some food....then we'd settle down in front of the fire after we'd watched the sun set."
"Would you have any children?"
A small giggle fell from Delilah's lips, "Maybe we'd adopt a few after ten years, but I don't think children really like me."
In some part of Bella's mind, she couldn't help but imagine that Delilah was planning all of this with Rosalie in mind. But that was a silly thought that she tried to cast away, Delilah couldn't even remember Rosalie.
"I hate to stop this conversation." Bella pulled her truck up and turned the engine off, "But we're here."
Delilah opened her eyes as a large smile broke out on her face, "How amazing!" And before Bella even had a chance to warn her about the fact that these people are wolves, Delilah had rushed out and towards the pack.
Bella wasn't used to Delilah acting like a relatively normal person. It was weird.
"Delilah! Wait!" Bella rushed towards her best friend, and grabbed her arm. Noticing how all of the people she could see turned to look at Bella and the mystery woman.
"What, why? I want to meet your friends."
To Delilah's surprise, Bella pulled the brunette tighter into her side and started whispering into her ear, "Don't mention any things vampire related."
A confused look fell upon Delilah's face as she lifted an eyebrow, "Why?"
"Because they're wolves?"
Almost immediately after Bella had spoken, Delilah pulled herself away from Bella and nearly shouted, "Wolves!"
okay kinda small chapter and i was gonna have her meeting the wolves in this but i had a bit planned and i didn't want it to be too long:( so here we go:)
anyway i'm planning on her having a friendship with leah, because i love leah and she's so underrated<3
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