《the human (r.h)》twenty one;505


Delilah George was of the opinion that her life could not get any worse. After all she had lost the love of her life, her best friend and now she had lost herself. So she therefore came to the conclusion that nothing she did could make it any worse than it already was.

In fact, all she could do was make the inevitable come quicker, therefore making her life better as she didn't have to suffer through it anymore.

Which was a rather easy thing to do when your sister was Maya, who knew all of the fun people in and around town.

And while Maya no longer had any connect with Isaac, or with the drugs he used to supply her with. She still had the friends she'd made through him, and the weed she smoked with them.

Which in turn gave Delilah people to hang around with. People that weren't Bella, or the Cullens or people that made her feel shit. These were exactly the people she needed.

However to some, this would be the worst thing Delilah George could possibly do. Not that she cared what other people thought of her anymore, she was too far gone to give a fuck.

That was something Delilah George loved about herself. She had changed from being the caring best friend, who always had to do what was best for Isabella, or the loving would-be-girlfriend of Rosalie Hale. Now she wasn't either of those things. All she was, was angry. Angry at Rosalie, at Edward, at Bella, at the world.

And to Delilah, angry her was the best her. She knew how to have the most fun.

Which is exactly what she was doing now.

The two George sisters stood in the doorway of a dark house, lit up with different coloured lights, music pouring out its windows, smoke swimming through the halls and people rushing from each room. It looked the same as every other weekend they came here.

For the past three weeks, Maya and Delilah had been regulating the house, often staying for three nights and then showing up to school on a Monday morning in clothes from the night before. No one apart from the sisters knew what the girls got up to on a weekend, but they had their theories.

Maya George would spend most of her weekend sat on one of the dirty couches in the living room, she was usually surrounded by smoke and other stoners. Sometimes they would do other substances, but she never joined in. Maya just liked to chill, chat, smoke and listen to the music. She'd also found herself a lover - Taylor Darling, the son of the best firefighter in the town.

Meanwhile Delilah George got up to a different kind of fun. While Maya chose to decline harsh substances, Delilah chose to take as many as she could. The more she took, the less she could feel, and the more numb she felt, the better. That was how she met Reece Thomson, the boy with dirty blonde hair, a few tattoos and rings that dotted his fingers. Reece was the person that Delilah was pointed to when she asked where she could get a bag of powder, and of course once she asked Reece, like the gentleman he is, wasn't going to let her do it all by herself.


It was then that the two realised they were old friends. Back before Delilah had ever spoken to Rosalie, she had a bit of a thing with Reece. In fact, she was utterly obsessed with him, he was absolutely perfect to her. Everything she did, she did because of him. That was until she found out he was seeing quite a few other girls, and then all of a sudden, Delilah's fascination just vanished.

However, once Delilah's fascination vanished, it seemed to appear inside Reece, and inside of her being obsessed, it was him. All Reece had done for the past year and a bit was think of Delilah, even when he was with another woman, he would think of her.

Which is why Reece was more than perfect for Delilah right now. The man was completely and utterly in love with her, he would do anything for her. Therefore he was the perfect distraction. And she did have to admit, part of her still held a certain amount of affection for the blonde boy.

"I'm going to find Taylor."

"I'm going to find Reece."

And so the two George sisters went their separate ways; Maya straight to the living room, and Delilah straight to the kitchen. They knew their men and they knew them well.

Of course Delilah found Reece in the kitchen, the boy loved to be the centre of attention and was stood with a large group of people around him. The brunette couldn't help but notice how some girls were inching closer and closer to him, however she tried to stop any jealously bubbling in her stomach.

Instead of walking over to the group, Delilah crossed her arms and leaned against the door. She had always found it interesting to see how people acted when she wasn't around. She thought it could tell you a lot about a person.

Unfortunately though, Delilah only got to see Reece tell a few jokes before he noticed the girl stood at the door. And as soon as he did, he pushed his way through the crowd and towards the brunette.

"Why didn't you come over?" Reece asked, a large smile on his face as his eyes started to brighten at the sight of her, "I've been waiting for you all night."

"Really?" A plucked eyebrow was raised, "It didn't look like it."

Reece laughed slightly, and Delilah had to admit that he looked good while he did so. It was undeniable that Reece was very attractive, "Don't be like that. I can't help that people find me funny."

Delilah pushed the boy away from her, "I'm sure you can help who laughs at your jokes though." She wasn't actually mad, but Reece was like putty in her hand, she could make him do whatever she wanted if she played her cards right.

"Oh darling, don't be like that." Reece walked after Delilah as she started shoving through people and towards the stairs, "You should be honoured I only want you."


As Delilah was walking up the stairs she turned around, she knew there was no way she'd fall over, "Nu uh. You're the one that's honoured."

A smile broke out on Reece's face as she caught up the the girl once they'd both reached the top of the landing, the boy snaked his arms around the girls waist, pulling her roughly into his body, "And don't I know it."

Without another word Reece picked the girl up, Delilah made a noise of surprise but didn't protest. Instead she wrapped her legs around his waist and waited for him to take her to their usual room.

Whenever Delilah came over, he'd and Reece occupied this part of the room for a section of the night. Delilah wasn't sure who this room really belonged to, she wasn't even sure who owned the house. But it wasn't something she paid much mind to, it wasn't like they were causing any harm by using it.

It didn't take long for the familiar purple lights to hit Delilah's eyes, and it also didn't take very long for Reece to smash his lips against hers.

While Delilah enjoyed their kiss, it wasn't what she wanted to do right now. She had a little something else in mind, so instead of letting Reece get what he wanted, she pulled away, a smirk on her plump pink lips.

"Not yet."

Instead of complaining, Reece smirked back, "This why I've been waiting for you."

The girl couldn't help but roll her eyes as she moved to be placed back on the floor, "You act like you haven't already done some."

"Hey!" Reece pointed a finger at Delilah, "I only did two or three."

A giggle fell from Delilah's lips, "Lines or keys?"

"Lines." The boy shrugged.

"Then you've had enough, so give me the bag."

The brunette moved to grab the clear bag from Reece's hands, however the boy lifted his arm high into the air, and unfortunately Delilah wasn't tall enough to reach it. "Ah ah ah, I decide when I've had enough. Not you."

This was another thing that Delilah liked about Reece, not only was he great in bed, good looking and a drug dealer, he was also rather dominating. He often put Delilah in her place, which is exactly what she needed.

So instead of speaking, Delilah lifted up a hand and placed it under Reece's chin, pressing her lips against his in a passionate kiss before pulling away, "I'm sorry."

Reece sighed as Delilah pulled away, he really was putty in her hands. She completely enchanted him. "Key or line?"

Delilah shrugged, "What do you wanna do?"

"Line off your tits." He then grabbed the girl, pulling her body against his and quickly placing harmless bites all over her neck and chest.

The girl laughed, shoving Reece off her and pulling a key out of her back pocket, "Will you hold it for me, Cece?"

It was impossible for the boy to say no, he would have said yes to anyone, but with anyone else he would have kicked off at the nickname. But he would never do that with Delilah. "It would be my pleasure, Lily."

And so Reece grabbed hold of the key, shoving it into the bag of white powder and holding it under Delilah's nose as she held her other nostril. Then in a few short seconds, the small hill that was once there, had now disappeared.

Some boys would be disgusted to watch a girl do that in front of him, but not Reece. In fact, it quite turned him on.

Within the space of a second or so, Reece had grabbed Delilah's neck, flipped them around and was now holding her against the wall. When Reece first did this three weeks ago, it gave Delilah horrible flashbacks to James. But now, it set her heart racing in a good way, it made her stomach explode and her blood heat up.

Delilah smiled as she started up into the blue eyes of Reece, there were a few emotions swimming through his eyes. And one of them she was terribly familiar with, however she didn't dare acknowledge it.

Reece soon harshly pressed his lips against Delilah's, he enjoyed it for a few seconds before pulling away, "My turn." He whispered into her ear.

And that was how Delilah George spent the first few hours of her night. Her and Reece doing lines, sometimes even off various body parts, then they'd both go downstairs and dance in the middle of the crows. Then after a good couple of hours they retreated to that same old bedroom.

Delilah George could only imagine what Rosalie Hale would say if she could see her now. The vampire would be heartbroken. But the new Delilah couldn't bring herself to care, in fact, the thought made her happy.

The old Delilah George had been stabbed in the back one too many times to give a fuck about the people she used to love.

The old Delilah George was dead, and it was all their doing.

okay bit of a diff chapter, i'm sorry u all came for rosalie and left with reece:( but it's important to show how much of an effect everything is having on delilah, and if we think about it, almost everything that's gone wrong in her life has been because of the cullens:(

i've also started writing the next few chapters, and i'll be honest one of them was REALLY PAINFUL!! but i'm obsessed with 505 by arctic monkeys atm and i thought that it went rlly well

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