《the human (r.h)》nineteen;sunday kinda love
While Delilah might have been in her own little world, she wasn't oblivious. She knew the second Bella sliced her finger open that something was wrong. Of course that was obvious, it didn't take a scientist to figure out that the Cullens reactions were anything but positive.
However Delilah didn't realise how bad it was until it was too late. She thought Jasper might have bought Bella some flowers and chocolates to make up for trying to suck her blood, she didn't think he along with all of his family, would leave the town completely.
When they left Delilah wasn't sure what to do, her whole life had started to revolve around Rosalie Hale and her family. But now they were gone, it was as if Delilah had lost her purpose, she came alive when she was with Rose and now that she was gone, she felt like she was rotting away.
But that was two months ago, things had changed since then. Delilah's world had started to revolve around Isabella Swan instead, not because she was in love with her, but because Bella needed her.
It was fair to say that Isabella was taking her time to recover from Edward's departure. While it only took Delilah a matter of days to pick herself up and put on the same facade that she'd always worn, the same couldn't be said for Bella. The girl had fallen into a deep depression, and Delilah was doing her best to support Bella and make sure she'd be okay. She'd even started to be civil to Jess, which took a lot for Delilah. However, she was getting to the point where she was starting to wonder if there was any point in being there for Bella anymore. Delilah would sit and try to talk to her all day, however Bella never spoke a word, she'd invite her out for tea and a movie and Bella would just shake her head. Delilah had even gone as far as to bake her brownies, but still Bella didn't even touch one.
Of course Delilah understood that it wasn't easy for Bella, because inside Delilah was hurting too. She could feel the physical pain of being away from Rosalie, and she was stuck knowing she couldn't get rid of it. So she knew how Bella felt, but she was starting to become annoyed at how the girl would rather wish her life away than live it.
However, at present, Delilah had more pressing matters.
The human had attended a doctors appointment just a few days prior, Delilah wasn't worried about it at the time. She was never poorly, she was sure her biological parents had given her some kind of gene that made her immune to every illness ever.
Although that was before Delilah got all her test results back. It was obvious from the moment her doctor sat down that something was wrong, Delilah was good at reading people and the expression on her doctors face made her stomach drop.
"How are you feeling right now, Delilah?" The doctors voice was soft, and her eyes were gentle. Nothing out of the ordinary she guessed.
"Fine, why?" Out of habit Delilah asked the question, she was too used to questioning everything. But she was sure she had nothing to worry about, all of Delilah's pain was caused by Rosalie, Delilah was sure of it.
The small smile that the doctor had on her face dropped within a second, her gaze now held sympathy and love. It made Delilah want to vomit. "We got your test results back, and we got some interesting results."
"Do you smoke, Delilah?"
A sheepish smile appeared on the girls lips, "Occasionally."
The doctor nodded, her eyebrows pulling together, "I have never seen smoking have such an effect on someone."
Now it was Delilah's eyebrows that pulled together, "What do you mean?"
The doctor cleared her throat before looking Delilah straight in the eyes, "We aren't sure what has caused it, whether it be smoking or something genetically. We have never seen something quite like it in a person before."
Delilah was getting annoyed, she just wanted whatever the doctor had to say to be spat out, "What? You've never seen what quite like it?"
The doctor could tell that Delilah was becoming agitated, which one would in this kind of situation, "It seems like something is causing your insides to....to rot slightly."
The brunette blinked at the doctor a few times before bursting out laughing, "What? Is this an episode of punk'd or something? Am I on impractical jokers?"
The doctor just looked back at the girl, her face serious before speaking again, "I'm not familiar with any of those things."
The normally outspoken girl, was currently left speechless, "You have to be joking though, there's no way. There's just no reason I would be....."
Delilah's worlds trailed off as a thought popped into her head. Smoking didn't cause this kind of damage did it?
The doctor continued as Delilah trailed off, "Again, we aren't sure why, but even your blood. It seems to be turning black."
"And that's not an effect of smoking?" Delilah questioned, her heart rate rapidly increasing.
The doctor shook her head, "If it is, we aren't familiar with it."
The brunette knew right then and there what the cause was, Delilah wasn't the best at maths but she knew how to put two and two together and make four. And here the equation was;
It all seemed to make sense to Delilah, however the small problem was that she didn't think the same has been happening with Isabella. But maybe Delilah was allergic or something.
There wasn't much else for Delilah to discuss with the doctor. The woman had already told her that there was no treatment she could give the brunette because she had no idea what was causing.
So Delilah had taken to comparing herself to an apple. She would just keep rotting and rotting, until she was just a core that dissolved into the ground.
The whole situation was rather shit.
So now a few days later, here Delilah sat next to Isabella Swan, trying to think of anything but the moment in the doctors office that kept replaying in her head.
There were only three moments that Delilah could remember clearly; the doctors meeting, the time she confessed her love to Rosalie, and then the night before the blonde vampire left her.
The night before Rosalie left was very clear in her mind:
The car ride had been silent, Delilah wasn't sure what she could possibly say to make things better, and Rosalie wasn't sure what she could say that wouldn't cause an argument. Not that she was mad at Delilah, because she wasn't, but because she was mad at Bella and if she said anything bad about Delilah's best friend it was sure to cause an argument.
Then Delilah wasn't sure what to do when the car pulled up outside her house. Did she press a kiss against Rosalie's cheek? Did she just say goodnight? Should she tell her she loved her? Or should she just get out?
Thankfully it was a dilemma that was solved for Delilah.
"Would you dance with me?"
Delilah turned her blue eyes that were focused on the road in front of her and to Rosalie, "What?"
"Would you dance with me?" The blonde repeated, "I haven't danced with someone I loved since I was human. And even then it wasn't someone I really loved."
Rosalie knew what was going to happen tomorrow, it didn't take a genius to figure out. She knew what her family was like. Which is why she had to make the most of today.
And of course it didn't take much for Delilah to agree, "I'd love to dance with you, Rosie."
So Delilah climbed out of the car and into the pouring ran, not caring how it ran down her body and made her shiver. It took Rosalie a few extra seconds, only because she was finding a good radio station and making sure her headlights stayed on.
Then once Rosalie had settled on a station, she too climbed out of the car, not bothering to close her door, she wanted to make sure they could both hear the music.
"When you said dance I thought you meant to slow love songs. Not to Arctic Monkeys."
Rosalie smiled as she watched Delilah start to bounce her head, "But I thought you liked this song?"
"I do!" Delilah shouted back as the rain and song started to get louder.
Rosalie had managed to find a radio station that was playing around four Arctic Monkeys songs back to back. Both girls jumping around in the rain rather aggressively to Knee Socks, but not half as aggressive as when 505 really kicked in.
The brunette was just trying to catch her breath when a slow song started to play, the girl didn't even notice the song had changed until she felt arms sneak around her waist from behind.
"Hi." Delilah whispered, knowing Rose could hear her.
Rosalie pressed a kiss against Delilah's cheek, savouring the feeling, "Hi." She whispered back.
"Would you like to slow dance with me?"
"I would love to slow dance with you, Ly."
And so Delilah grabbed onto Rosalie's hand, pulling her gently around to the front, before placing her arms around the slightly taller girls neck and resting her head on Rosalie's unmoving chest.
While Rosalie wrapped her arms around Delilah's waist, resting her head on top of Delilah's.
As the two swayed backwards and forwards to the song in front of the headlights, Rosalie took in the feeling.
She knew that she would never get to feel this again, she wouldn't get to feel Delilah's chest rise up and down as she took deep breaths, she wouldn't get to smell the vanilla shampoo in her hair, or the coconut perfume she wore. Rosalie would never get to feel the sensation of love again.
Rosalie knew that Delilah would soon have to live without her. She knew that the brunette would be sad at first, but hoped that she would get over it at some point. Maybe she'd get old and met a lovely woman who'd be just perfect for Delilah, and they'd get matching tattoos and go to Queen tribute acts together. They'd do all the things that Delilah wanted to do in life, like go to a casino in Las Vegas, and visit the Eiffel Tower, and even learn how to ski.
Deep down Rosalie knew that Delilah would be okay. Because she was Delilah George and she had to be okay.
Meanwhile Delilah had no idea about the thoughts that were swimming around Rosalie's head. All Delilah could think about in this moment was how happy she was.
"I love you, Rosalie Hale."
If the vampire were alive she was sure she would have started to sob once the girl spoke those words. Instead, all she could do was clench her eyes together and continue swaying.
"I love you too, Delilah George."
merry christmas/happy christmas eve to everyone wherever you are in the world. it's currently 10:20pm on christmas eve here, and i've done a 6 hour shift and am now watching the best christmas film ever!! love actually<3
i love alan rickman but i can't help but hate him in this because of emma thompson:(
anyway, this is my christmas present to you:) sorry it isn't the most happy chapter <333 love to u all xx
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