《the human (r.h)》seventeen; air balloon
Delilah George had been having a hard time the past few weeks.
Ever since she'd gotten home after the incident she'd felt...wrong. That was once she'd woken up anyway, the girl had spent a few weeks in a small coma, meaning she'd missed the school dance. While Delilah wanted to cry seen as she didn't get the chance to wear her dress, she also knew it could be a lot worse.
She could be dead...or rather un-dead.
But once Delilah had gotten over the disappointment of missing prom, she realised that something wasn't right. Instead of being her usual cold hearted self, she was being kind. And instead of arguing, she let anyone say what they wanted. Which wasn't very normal of Delilah George.
Instead of constant Lily Allen running around in her head, it was now some god awful tune that would have made the old Delilah pull her hair out.
It was fair to say that no one had picked up on the change in Delilah- or rather they had, but they had other priorities and put it to the back of her mind. Most of their problems came from Isabella Swan and Edward Cullen.
Now the old Delilah would have had an issue with that, she preferred to be the one causing mayhem for everyone else, but the new Delilah couldn't care less. She never got into any trouble anymore, mainly because her brain couldn't focus on it for too long.
And the old Delilah would have hated for no one to have noticed that something was wrong with her. But the new one didn't care, she was far too bothered about her best friends birthday.
"Happy Birthday Izzybelly!" Delilah George sprinted out of her sisters car and towards where Isabella stood in front of her red rusty truck. The brunette being rather annoyed that her best friend had just shouted out about her birthday in front of everyone.
"Delilah! Shush!" Bella hissed as Delilah's arms wrapped around her neck, "But thanks."
"Here here, I have a present." Just as Delilah pulled away and went to hand Bella the wrapped gift, it was taken out of her hands from behind. "Or maybe I don't."
The brunette whipped around to see Alice Cullen stood with the present in her hand, "I'm borrowing this."
Delilah's blue eyes focused on Alice, her brain processing her words rather slowly before shrugging, "Okay."
Jasper Hale, who was stood next to Alice, was expecting to feel Delilah's happy mood change to one of anger because of Alice. However the change never came, which worried Jasper slightly. Rosalie had told him that she thought Delilah was acting funny, and he'd brushed it off as her being paranoid. But maybe he was wrong to do so.
"Okay?" Alice was slight shocked that Delilah was just letting her take it, but didn't want to push her luck. "We're holding a little party at ours after school, give it to her then.
Before Delilah had a chance to reply that that would be fine, Edward Cullen had joined the conversation, "A party Alice?"
"Yes, it'll be fun!"
"Of course it will be." Delilah George is present in the conversation, but Jasper notes how there's a far away look in her eyes. The hint of mischief that was previously there now gone. "Anyway, I'm gonna go."
Delilah almost skipped over to her sister who had been waiting for her by their black car, linking her arm and getting ready to go to lesson with her, "Ready?" She questioned when her sister made no effort to move.
Maya nodded, "Yeah one second." Then she took a deep breath and turned around, "Hey Bella? Happy birthday." Once Maya had received a thank you from Bella, she turned back around and started walking with her sister.
"That was very nice of you." Delilah look at her sister with a proud smile, maybe her pleasant mood had been rubbing off.
The brunette rolled her eyes, which you could surprisingly see because of her lack of sunglasses, "Whatever, I only said it for you."
"For me?"
"Yes, I know she makes sure you're okay and stuff.....she's always been there for you and everything."
Delilah's blood ran cold, even though Maya wasn't saying the words, she knew what her sister was referring to.
Of course the Cullens couldn't tell anyone that Delilah was involved in some freak vampire attack, so they had to come up with something else. Bella got the nice story; she was being her usual clumsy self and fell down some stairs, etc etc.
But Delilah was left with the short straw. Seen as she wasn't clumsy, and her parents thought she was in Forks the whole time, and now with Bella. They couldn't use the same story. So, without Delilah's consent seen as she was in a small coma, they came up with one of their own. One that she hated with her whole being.
It was something of a cliché that the IT girl, the girl that everyone wanted to be, was only putting on a front and wasn't like she pretended to be. Instead she was super depressed, which everyone at school seemed to love the idea of. And of course the story that Delilah didn't exactly want to be alive anymore, fitted well with the fact that she now had to wear a scarf or turtle neck all the time because of the vampire bite, although everyone else thought it was because Delilah had tried to take her own life.
The old Delilah would have hated the Cullens for the story they created, it caused everyone to look at her with sympathy rather than the envy or lust they used to. Everyone treated her different now, it was like she was a fragile piece of glass that could break at any time. Her parents had even taken to sitting outside the bathroom when she was in the bath so they knew she'd always be alright, there was even a time limit to how long she could spend in there.
Delilah had taken to comparing herself to Offred from the Handmaids tale, as she too had to be watched every second of the day.
"Yeah I get you." But obviously Delilah had to go along with the story, she had to protect the. Cullens no matter how much it hurt her.
"I love you, you know?" Maya couldn't look at her sister as she spoke, the two were never very open about their feelings.
Delilah smiled, again turning to look at her sister, "I know, I love you too."
The sisters squeezed each other's hand, before Delilah pulled away and went into her lesson.
The two didn't see each other for the rest of the day, they would normally drive home with each other, but Rosalie was going to take Delilah straight back to her house to get ready for Bella's 'party'- Rosalie used air quotations around it as she said it was hardly a party when it was just them.
"What have you got Bella for her birthday?" Delilah questioned as Rosalie drove, the brunette had only just remembered that she had never asked.
The blonde smirked, "My presence."
The words didn't sit very well with Delilah, as she knew that Rosalie would hate it if Edward didn't get Delilah a birthday present, "Har har Rose. Looks like we both got her my present then."
"What's that?"
Delilah smiled, very proud of the thing she'd bought for Bella, "An original copy of Wuthering Heights, you have no idea how hard it was to find one, and then when I did it was so expensive."
Rosalie hated the thought of Delilah spending a lot of money on Bella, mainly because Rosalie believed it was mostly Bella's fault that Delilah spent a few precious weeks of her life in a coma. After all, it was Bella's fault that Delilah went to the ballet studio. And if it wasn't for Bella choosing Edward over Delilah, then Delilah would never have gone to Bella's house to fix things and would therefore never have found out about vampires or gone to Phoenix.
"You went to all that trouble for Isabella?"
Delilah rolled her eyes, but still kept the same happy smile, "Yes Rose, she's my best friend. I'd do the same for you."
Rosalie too smiled, "I'd hope I'm more than your best friend."
Delilah laughed, instead of replying though, she took to singing whatever song Rosalie was playing through her bluetooth. Somehow knowing all the words but never remembering hearing it.
It didn't take long for the pair to get to the Cullen house, mainly because Rosalie has never stuck to a speed limit in her whole life.
Once the car pulled up, Delilah was rushing out and straight into the house, just because she wanted to say hi to Esme and Carlisle. The heads of the house had visited Delilah a lot while she was in the hospital, and even though she wasn't awake she could hear when people would come in and talk to her, and other than Rosalie, Esme visited her the most, often coming and telling her stories from her past life. And of course Carlisle visited her quite a lot seen as he was her doctor, he often told her stories about his past life too.
"Esme, hi!" Delilah rushed in, her arms flinging straight around the women's head, "How are you? I haven't seen you in ages."
Delilah pulled away, briefly hugging Carlisle as she waited for Esme's reply, "I've been fine Delilah, thank you for asking. How have you been?"
"Any headaches? Dizziness?" Carlisle questioned as he watched Rosalie place an arm around Delilah.
The brunette smiled, "No no, everything's completely fine." A lie. Everything wasn't fine.
Before Esme or Carlisle could reply, Rosalie spoke, "We need to go and get changed, if that's okay."
"Of course it's fine."
Rosalie and Delilah made their way upstairs, the latter making her way to Alice's room seen as the girl was waiting in there to show her some dresses she wanted to wear.
"Alice, I'm not much a dress person to be completely honest with you-"
"-nonsense Delilah, you look beautiful in everything."
The brunette didn't bother arguing, she instead went along with everything Alice said. Nodding when asked if she wanted her hair curled, even though she hated having it curled. Saying yes to lip gloss even though she hated when it got stuck in said curls.
It was like the fire in Delilah had died out, and she was now only the shell of the person she used to be.
In the end, Delilah chose to wear a white dress, as Alice said that Rosalie was wearing black, therefore they would contrast well. However, just as Delilah was finished looking over herself in the mirror, her blue eyes couldn't help big focus on the horrid white scar on her neck, one that stood out so sharply from her usual tan skin.
While it was only small, the sight made Delilah want to cry. One of Delilah's great loves were clothes, she would shop for hours, and she would spend days sorting out the perfect outfits. But now most of those clothes she could never wear again, as she had to keep the scar hidden.
Even still, Delilah didn't voice her sadness to anyone, she just pushed it to the back of her mind. Not wanting to ruin anyone's night, it was Bella's birthday after all, and she didn't want to spoil the fun by making a fuss about her.
So Delilah skipped down the stairs with a smile on her face and went and leaned into Rosalie, the vampire wrapping an arm around her waist.
"Okay now everyone's here, I'll go get them."
Delilah moved her eyes from Alice's moving figure and towards Olivia and Emmett, giving the couple a wave and a smile. The three might have gotten off on the wrong foot, but before they had properly spoken Olivia, Emmett and Delilah all quite liked each other, and thankfully they were back to that way.
The couple waved back, Olivia going to speak until she was interrupted by heels hitting the stairs. All of the vampire plus Delilah, watched as the couple walked down the stairs with Alice, Bella looking in at them with awe. She couldn't help but notice how amazing Delilah fitted in with them all, she looked just as beautiful as they all did, even without enhanced beauty.
"Sorry about all of this." Carlisle spoke as he hugged Bella, "We tried to rein Alice in."
Once Carlisle had pulled away, Esme pulled the girl into a hug, "Like that was even possible." She laughed slightly as she spoke.
Delilah watches with a small smile on her lips as Alice takes out Bella's camera, and snaps a few pictures. Even snapping one of Bella and Edward all 'loved up.'
"Now open all your presents."
Delilah rushes forward, grabbing the white wrapped book off of a table and moving towards Bella from Rosalie's embrace. "This is from me and Rose. It's not much but..."
Once Delilah handed the present over to Bella, she moves back to Rosalie, who places her arm back around Delilah. The pair watch as Bella rips open the wrapping paper, to reveal the old looking book.
"Oh my god," Bella looks up from the book in her hands in disbelief, "Is this an original?"
"Of course it is."
"This is more than enough." Bella smiles, it possibly being her favourite present ever, "Thank you both."
Rosalie doesn't once smile as she speaks, "I had nothing to do with it."
Delilah nudges the girl and raises her eyebrow, warning her to at least try to be nice for one day.
Emmett goes next, handing a wrapped box to Bella from him and Olivia, that seems to be empty. "Um..thanks?"
Delilah giggles slightly, as Emmett looks rather proud of himself, "Already installed it in your truck. Finally a decent sound system in that piece of-"
"-hey," Bella interrupts, "don't hate the truck."
Rosalie sighs from her place next to Delilah, causing the brunette to look at her with a frown, "What's wrong?"
Rosalie moved her gold eyes to Delilah's blue, a faint smile on her lips, "I just want to go upstairs with you. Not have to stand around for all this."
The words of the blonde cause a small smile to reappear on the humans pink lips, "Not long. Just a few more presents. And then I'm all yours."
The two giggle, turning their heads back around to see Bella opening Carlisle's present. Once both of their eyes landed back on Bella, it was as if the world around them disappeared and all they could focus on was Bella.
Rosalie was drawn straight to her because of the scent falling from the small droplet of blood.
But Delilah was focused on her because of the sight of the blood. Ever since the incident, Delilah had done everything she could to steer clear of blood. Just the sight of it made her feel ill, because it brought her back to that night and all she could imagine was herself laid in her own red liquid. Delilah had even stopped taking breaks from the pill, just so she would never have to see her own blood.
The last time she cut her arm, she fainted just at the sight of it.
But before she could focus too much on Bella's finger, the birthday girl was flung back by Edward, in a rather dramatic and unnecessary turn of events. If it wasn't for the seriousness of the situation, Delilah would have laughed at the way Bella's body flung against the wall- or at least old Delilah would have laughed.
Instead, new Delilah ignored everything that was going on around her and rushed straight to her best friend. She wasn't sure what to do, now there was even more blood and Delilah was even closer to it.
But she couldn't let herself faint, it would be too embarrassing. She'd never be able to show her face to the Cullens ever again.
So instead she moved her eyes from all of the blood covered glass around Bella, and instead to the girls face. She did try a comforting smile, but she was sure it came out as more of a grimace.
"Fuck Bella, what have you done?"
surprise surprise. i know u a thought that delilah was a vampire now but i just had something a little different in mind:) and obviously this is a little bit of a time skip but it all goes to building delilah's character up later on in the book:)
okay so this is new moon!!! and we've had a real 180 on delilah's character. she's completely different i know! but all will be explained soon <3
also i chose air balloon by lily allen as the song just because i feel like it's what would constantly be playing in delilah's brain atm
The World of Argos
Description: Zachary Alan Lee was a computer programmer who died in his sleep. Having been a fan of LitRPG and a writer on his favorite website. Little did he know that a God of a different universe was one of his fans. Upon his death, Zach was reborn on the World of Argos. Having a second chance at life and the ability to live in a world with Magic and system that would allow him to upgrade his body and soul, Zach sets off to forge a new destiny. One of his own making. Author’s Note: Hey, if you like Town building please come in and read my story. My main focus will be writing a fun story about a struggling MC trying to gain power and a little bit of safety in his new life. Since I am starting a business and have a family I will be posting infrequently. Additionally, there will be errors in spelling and grammar, but I am being up front about it, please leave specific feedback and I will gladly correct it. Cover art is not my own and I will be returning from Hiatus soon 4/27/18
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