《the human (r.h)》sixteen; just the two of us
Delilah George was on cloud nine, the world seemed so much brighter than before. It was as if she was looking at everything through rose coloured glasses.
Which was why she made her way to Isabella Swans that weekend with a skip in her step. Angela had convinced her that everything would be okay if Delilah went round to try and talk to Bella.
The brunette had decided that if she did go round, everything in her life would be perfect once more.
Or at least as perfect as it could be.
However, once Delilah George started walking up the drive to Isabella's house, she quickly realised that something was wrong.
Mainly because of Bella storming down the driveway with tears streaming down her face.
"Bella?" At first the brunette didn't notice Delilah, "Belly, what's wrong?" Until her hand was grabbed.
"Delilah?" Bella's blood ran cold at the sight of her friend, she couldn't be here right now. This was bad. Very bad, "What are you doing here?"
The brunette held up a bottle of wine and two pairs of face masks, "I thought we could have a whole bonding night, since you know, our little lovers tiff."
On any regular day Bella's heart would explode at the surprisingly nice gesture from Delilah, however today wasn't a regular day. "Now isn't a good time Delilah."
As soon as Delilah heard Bella sniffle she pulled her into her arms, "Aw no, tell Auntie Delilah what's wrong."
"Bella!" Charlie Swan pulled open the front door, making the situation ten times worse, "Come back inside Bella."
Delilah was torn, she loved Charlie Swan and found him very sweet, but Bella was her best friend and she wasn't going to force her back inside if she didn't want to be there, "Do you wanna go in?"
Delilah nodded her head, "Okay." She then looked towards Charlie, a sad smile on her face, "Sorry Chief Swan, we're just gonna go on a bit of a walk, calm everything down. I promise I'll let you know she's okay."
Charlie seemed to appreciate Delilah's words, he knew that she really would take care of Bella. Although he wished that they'd both stay here with him instead.
The brunette removed one arm from Bella and started pulling her back up the driveway, "Coke on then Bell, let's get you some fresh air."
Once the two had rounded the corner and Bella saw Edward's car, she knew that she was in a pickle. Delilah had absolutely no idea about who the Cullens truly were, and Rosalie would go absolutely crazy if Delilah were to find out from anyone but her. However, Edward and Bella knew that James was watching their every move.
So really they were left with no choice.
"Lilah, I'm really really sorry."
Delilah turned to look at Bella with a smile on her face, "It's already forgotten Bell. If you're so in love with Edward, no matter how much he upset me, then I guess I can try and be nice to him. Anything for my little munchkin."
Isabella nearly cried again at Delilah's words. While she was the least innocent girl she had ever met, her words made her seem so sweet. Delilah was really trying, and it broke her heart that she'd soon learn how everyone had been lying to her. And that she was now in danger because of her.
"No Delilah, I'm not sorry for that- I mean I am but that's not why I'm apologising. You coming here has put you in danger and it's all my fault-"
"-it's more my fault."
"Ah, Edward Cullen." Delilah smiled at the boy, there was still some hatred that simmered in her chest but she had just said that she'd try and he nice, so that's what she's going to do. "No hard feelings honey?"
Edward smiled, a charming one. Only because he'd had a look through Delilah's thoughts and could tell how nice she was trying to be for Bella. Which he appreciated. "No hard feelings....would you mind getting in the car?"
"You know what? You two are being especially weird today....I'll get in the car but don't tell anyone, I don't wanna be associated with your weirdness."
Even though Edward was stressed to the high heavens he couldn't help but laugh at Delilah, maybe she wasn't as bad as he thought. "Just get in the car."
Once all three of them were in the car, the mood dramatically changed. It was no longer light like Delilah had tried to make it. Instead Edward and Bella were talking hushed tones and worry was starting to set in Delilah's stomach.
The brunette leaned forward, her head poking through the two front seats, "Hi guys, just wondering, should I be worried right now?"
In perfect unison Bella and Edward replied, "Yes."
"Cool. Should I start crying now or later?"
"If you start now you won't finish Lilah."
Now Delilah wasn't a worrier, she normally just breezed through life. But ever since normally Isabella Swan, her life seemed to be a bit more stressful. "Would you mind filling me in please?"
"Try not to panic-"
"-Rosalie's gonna throw a fit-"
"-buy something bad happened-"
"-she's gonna hit the roof-"
"-stop interrupting me Edward!"
Delilah sniggered slightly, "Sorry Bella."
"It's fine. Will you fill her in please? I'm not sure what to say."
Edward nodded his head, finally starting the car up as he did so. The three had been driving for two minutes before he finally spoke, "Me and my family are vampires."
The car was silent for a few minutes, until Delilah burst into a fit of giggles, holding her stomach as she laughed. "Ha! Yeah okay."
"No Lilah, like seriously." Bella turned around in her chair, looking straight into Delilah's eyes.
Delilah flicked her blue eyes from Bella to Edward and back again, before lowing her tone a bit. "Bella are you okay? Like you just heard him say that and you didn't laugh, this isn't a hostage situation is it?"
If it wasn't for the serious situation Bella would have laughed, "Delilah, he's being-"
It was then that Bella's words were interrupted by a loud bang on the roof of the car. Now Delilah swears she has never screamed in her life, until now.
"It's alright, it's just Emmett. Alice is in the car behind."
Delilah George wasn't often rendered speechless, but now that Emmett had somehow flew through the sky and landed on the car that was easily going 70 mph. She wasn't sure what to say, maybe Edward was telling the truth after all.
The brunette, like Bella, sat staring out her window. Although she wished she wasn't when she caught sight of Angela, Mike, Jessica and Eric, "Did our invite get lost in the mail or?" It seemed that she couldn't stay speechless for too long.
"I was invited, I was just busy."
Delilah raised an eyebrow, "Charming." And then she was back to being silent, her mind swimming with the possibility that Edward might actually be telling the truth.
As soon as the car pulls up outside the Cullen house, Delilah climbs out, and for once in her life, she's rather hesitant to do so.
"Is that Delilah George?" Emmett questions once he's jumped down.
Now Delilah wasn't on the best terms with Emmett either, but if she could move Edward into her good books, she could possibly do the same with Emmett and Olivia.
"No, it's Queen Elizabeth. Of course it's me!"
"What are you doing here?" Emmett could tell that Delilah was being pleasant with him, and threw an arm around her shoulder as she spoke so that she knew he was doing the same.
"Unfortunate case of wrong place, wrong time." Delilah leaned in close to Emmett, "Are you really vampires or was Edward bullshitting?"
Alice walked up behind Delilah and Emmett, throwing an arm around the girl as well, "We really are."
Delilah nodded, "Okay...I'm going to need three to five days to process this."
Almost as soon as Delilah had finished speaking, the three Cullens hoped into a defensive position as a man with dreadlocks walked out of the Cullen doors.
"He came to warn us." Carlisle Cullen walked out of the door, his eyes falling straight on Delilah, "About James."
It seemed like Carlisle wanted to say something to Delilah, until the man turned to him again, "I've grown tired of his games. But he's got unparalleled senses. Absolutely lethal. I've never seen anything like him in three hundred years...and the woman, Victoria, don't underestimate her." After the man was done talking to Carlisle, he looked towards Edward, "I'm truly sorry for what's been unleashed here." Then the man disappears, which causes all hell to break loose.
"Delilah what are you doing here?"
"Hello Dr. Cullen, it seems I've been dragged into some supernatural mess....all Edward's fault I believe."
Carlisle nodded his head, his eyes moving between the vampires and humans in front of him, "Well, it can't make Rosalie's mood any worse."
Unfortunately, it could actually make her mood worse.
As soon as the garage door opened everyone sprung into action, apart from the blonde vampire.
The brunette was getting fed up with people saying her name today, "Hey Rose."
It seemed Rosalie wasn't sure if she was just imagining the human at first, but once she heard her speak, it confirmed that she wasn't an hallucination. Which caused Rosalie to explode, "Are you serious? What is she doing here? First I have to look at this-this stupid girl and now she's here, I can't believe you all."
"Nice to see you too Rosie."
"Yes nice to see you too Ly, but seriously this is so dangerous-"
"-because you'll suck my blood." Rosalie paused her ranting, her golden eyes just staring at the brunette, "Kidding....I think."
"Who told you?" Delilah lifted a finger and pointed it at Edward, having no problem with grassing him up, "I hate you, so much Edward. First you get us into this mess, and now you risk Delilah's life. All you do is think about yourself, there's other people in the family-"
"-Rosalie!" A women that Delilah had never seen before but presumed was Esme Cullen spoke. "Stop it."
Rosalie moved to stand next to Delilah, the brunette placing an arm around her back and her head on the blondes shoulder. She wasn't sure if she did it to support Rosalie or herself. Everything was just a little bit too much for Delilah, she didn't really feel like herself in this moment. It was all a lot to take in.
In fact, she could really do with a cigarette.
"This is insane, you can't put yourself in danger like this for me." Bella spoke up, Delilah had almost forgotten the girl was there.
"Too late." Rosalie was more concerned that Delilah was now involved, rather than about Bella's safety.
"I'll run Bella and Delilah South while you lead the tracker away."
"Yay, road trip with my favourite couple." Delilah muttered to Rosalie, unaware that everyone in the room could hear her.
"No Edward." Carlisle shakes his head, ignoring Delilah's comment, "The tracker thinks you won't leave Bella. He'll follow you."
Alice steps forward, her hand intertwined with Jaspers, "I'll go with them both. Jasper and I will take them South....We'll keep them safe."
"I want to come too." Rosalie speaks up, unhappy at the thought of leaving Delilah who was now dragged into this.
"No Rose, we need you to stay here".
It looked like Rosalie was going to protest until Edward threw her one of Bella's jackets, "Esme, Rosalie put these on so the tracker will pick up Bella's scent."
Delilah feels Rosalie tense underneath her head, clearly a bad sign, "Why should I? What is she do me? Just a danger she's inflicted on us."
While Delilah didn't agree with the blondes words, she could understand her point. Bella could be a pain.
"Rosalie, Bella is with Edward. She's a part of our family now and we protect our family....If not for Edward, do it for Delilah."
Delilah wouldn't normally ask Rosalie to do something she didn't want to, but she couldn't exactly voice that to everyone here. The Cullen family then all take time to jump into their own conversations, which lead Delilah to do the same with Rosalie.
"I missed you today."
Even though Rose was in the worst mood possible, it lifted a bit at the sound of Delilah's voice, "Really? I missed you too."
Delilah smiled, something she probably shouldn't be doing in the circumstances, "Do you still love me?"
Rosalie smiled too, "What kind of question is that? Of course I do."
"Good. Because I still love you too....even if you are some weird supernatural bloodsucker....I'm gonna need a few days after this to process that by the way."
Rosalie nodded her head, her eyes focused on the Delilah's body, "Understandable...I'm sorry for not telling you."
"No worries, I can see why."
Unfortunately those were the only words the pair got to exchange as two seconds later, Delilah was sat in a SUV with Alice, Jasper and Bella, waving out of the window to Rosalie.
After the car had left the driveway, Delilah started speaking, "Listen I have no idea what's going on, all I know is there's some kind of tracker and you guys are vampires. Which is already too much for my brain to grasp right now. So please excuse me while I sleep and hope it sinks in during that time."
And so Delilah turned her body to face the window, placed her head in her hand and went to sleep. Managing to sleep until they arrived at a hotel somewhere.
Hopefully they wouldn't be here too long or her parents would probably be reporting her missing.
While Bella's talkings to Jasper and Alice in the living room of the hotel, Delilah stands in front of the bathroom mirror. Pulling her face in every direction, trying to figure out what type of surgery she needs to get, or if there's any spots she needs to squeeze. That's until Bella abruptly opens the door, hitting Delilah in the process.
"Ow Bella, I bruise easy."
The brunette rolls her eyes, "Nows not the time for your peach skin." Rude, Delilah thought, "I need your help."
"On a mission?"
"I guess so."
"Sweet, I used to tell Maya my real parents were spies and died on a mission. Now I'll be like them."
"We aren't going to die Delilah."
Delilah snorted, "Okay, whatever you say Bella."
Bella rolls her eyes again, "This is serious Delilah. He's got my mom and I need to save her. He said to come alone-"
"-but I'm not a vampire, so I don't count."
"So you'll come?"
"Anything for you Izzy....don't tell anyone else though, I can't have anyone thinking I'm soft."
"Whatever...we need to get past Alice and Jasper first."
And they did manage to sneak past them, it was surprisingly easy. It only took the girls a few seconds to get out the door and in a taxi.
"Tell the woman where we're going then." Delilah spoke, rather impatient.
"8th and Palo Verde."
When the woman had set off, Delilah turned to Bella. " I can't believe you've dragged me into this. I hope you know if it comes down to it I will sacrifice you for me, my life is so much more valuable than yours."
Bella ignored Delilah, not exactly wanting to hear the words right now, knowing they're most likely true.
It doesn't take long for the two girls to get to the ballet studio, which was a relief for Delilah, she couldn't listen to another word of Justin Bieber's songs on repeat in that taxi.
"Home sweet home." She chimed, however it was again ignored by Bella who just dragged her into the building where the two could hear Bella's mothers voice.
"Bella, where are you?"
Almost as soon as Delilah walked into the room she knew something was wrong, there was no other person in sight and there was no way the voice actually belonged to someone.
It was a trap, and Bella had fell for it and dragged Delilah in with her.
Sure enough, Delilah's suspicions were confirmed when Bella pulled open the closet doors to reveal a television screen with a seven year old Bella dancing around.
"What the fuck?" Delilah whispered, only to be met by the voice of a man she'd never seen before.
"Ah Bella, just in time for my favourite part! And you brought a friend with you, Delilah George is it?"
Delilah narrowed her blue eyes at the man, rage already burning behind them, "Ah, psychotic hobo is it?"
James's eyes fill with as much rage as Delilah's, however he doesn't act on it yet. Instead he gets a camera out and points it at Bella, "To make things more entertaining I'm going to make a little film of our time togetherness just for Edward...and Rosalie can see it too." Another burst of anger fills Delilah, this man didn't deserve to utter Rosalie's name. "And...action."
Bella flings her purse at the long haired man and makes a run for the door, meanwhile Delilah stands frozen in her place. It was true when she said she was all bark and no bite.
In these situations she was more the freeze type, than the fight or flight.
"Excellent an escape attempt!" As fast as light James is behind Bella, causing the girl to freeze, "It'll break Edward's little heart."
Delilah closes her eyes as James starts to touch Bella, she's torn inside. She wants to do something, anything to help her best friends. She wants to be the confident and strong girl she pretends to be. But in reality, Delilah is too scared to even watch.
"Edward has nothing to do with this." Delilah hears Bella utter.
"He will. His rage will make for more interesting sport than his feeble attempt to save you...the same with Rosalie."
Delilah could hear the words being spoken, but for some reason they aren't registering with her.
The brunette doesn't see Bella grab her pepper spray and spray it in James' face. And she also doesn't see Bella's body flying towards hers, until both of them are lying in a pool of blood and smashed mirrors.
"Beautiful, very visually dynamic. I chose my stage well."
Delilah turns her head to look at her best friend, noticing how her brown eyes keep fading in and out. It's then that a realisation hits Delilah.
All her life she has pretended to be this strong, invincible and independent girl. And now here she is, not even putting up a fight in the face of death, letting her best friend get beaten up without even a word. Instead of being the girl she makes out to be, she's being pathetic.
And it's then that Delilah makes the decision that if she'd going to die, she'd rather die a fighter than a wimp.
At least if she were to die, she'd have told Rosalie she loved her. And if she stands up now, Edward might make it in time to save Bella, even if it would probably be too late for Rosalie.
No matter what Delilah would become the girl she's always wanted to be- but maybe not the girl that everyone saw her as. Isabella and Cullens would never have expected the brunette to sacrifice herself for someone else, no one would. To everyone else Delilah George was a self centred bitch.
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