《the human (r.h)》fifteen; rascal (superstar)


Isabella Swan would never forget the first time she saw Delilah and Maya George. It was the most intimated and starstruck she had ever been. Even before anyone had told her about the power the sisters held, she could feel it.

She never thought she'd experience that feeling again, mainly because she was so close to Delilah that her power had started over Bella had started to fade, only because Bella knew what she was really like and knew she wasn't as scary as everyone thought.

That was until she didn't feel so close to Delilah George anymore.

Bella should have felt like the most powerful girl in the school that day. She was sat at the Cullen table, next to the boy who everyone lusted after. In a way, she was feeling what she thought Delilah always did, however she knew she wasn't as pretty, confident or funny as her.

She felt that was for a good few minutes until the newly reconciled George sisters walked into the cafeteria together.

Unlike Bella's first day, the George sisters didn't separate, instead they stayed together, Delilah's black heeled boots moving in sync with Maya's black Doc Martins.

Bella focused on Maya first, feeling a little too intimidated to look at Delilah. The girl was wearing what looked like black cargo pants, the bottoms looking surprisingly good on the small girl. She had matched it perfectly well with a long black blazer jacket (anyone would have thought her favourite colour was black and not purple.) Underneath the jacket she wore a small black tank top. Now Bella was intimidated by anyone who wore all black, just because of the stereotype that came with it. But what was even more intimidating wasn't the gold jewellery she wore on her fingers and neck, but actually her face. Her stone cold eyes were focused solely on Bella, a smirk dancing on her lips as she stared at the girl.

Delilah had the same smirk on her lips, only hers was directed at Rosalie. She had matched the colour of her clothes with Maya, the complete opposite of the first time Bella saw her when she was dressed in pink.

Rosalie's golden eyes trailed up Delilah's body, the shiny black boots ended just below her knees, revealing her tan legs all the way up to the top of her thighs. A large black blazer jacket hit the side of Delilah's legs as her hips moved from wide the side. The jacket would have looked silly on anyone else, but because of the black bag that crossed over Delilah's body it looked perfect on her. Delilah had made sure that there would be at least one other colour on her body today, and that came from the silver chain that acted as a strap for the bag.


The vampire could hardly believe it when her eyes traveled up to Delilah's face and found that the girl wasn't even looking at her anymore. Instead her blue eyes were moving around the room, a smug expression on her face as she took note of the stares she was receiving.

Delilah had missed this when she was always with Bella. Of course people would stare at the two girls, but it wasn't like before when all everyone could look at was Delilah and Maya.

"Nice jacket Delilah, would look better off though!" In truth Delilah hated being catcalled, especially by men. However, the brunette wasn't silly- she knew Rosalie was paying attention to her every move and Delilah would do anything to annoy her.

If it was even possible the smirk on Delilah's lips grew as she looked at the footballer, "Guess we'll have to find out tonight Taylor."

All of the footballers whistled, the sound causing Delilah's stomach to turn. She hated this part, but she had to keep up the act.

The Cullen table couldn't help but glare as they watched Delilah and Maya walk past their table- not that either of the sisters noticed, they were too busy not paying them any attention.

"Fuck her Rose." Emmett leaned behind Olivia and patted his arm on his blonde sisters back. The two were quite close and it wasn't hard to notice Rosalie's rather sad expression. "She's not worth your time."

While Emmett was only trying to comfort Rosalie, it didn't do anything to help. It only made her angrier, because she knew Delilah was worth it.

"Yeah Rose, you know she's only doing to annoy you. If that's what she's like then she doesn't deserve any of your time."

The only human that was sat at the table took a dislike to Olivia and Emmett's words. Delilah and Bella may be in a bit of a rough patch, but that was still her best friend. And while Bella wasn't exactly the most confident person, she knew had to channel her inner Delilah.

"It's not like you don't have enough of it." The brunette muttered, it wasn't the loudest she'd ever spoke, but she knew from the way that Emmett and Olivia's eyes whipped to hers that they heard.

"What?" The vampire muttered, her face not hiding the shock she was feeling.

Bella's inner Delilah had started to fade away, but she had no choice but to repeat herself, "Time. You said Delilah's not worth Rosalie's time, even though Rosalie has infinity to waste."

Olivia raised an eyebrow at Bella, while Edward only smirked slightly. He still didn't like Delilah and would never defend her against his family. But he was proud of Bella for making a stand against someone. However, Olivia didn't like the words of Bella, "I said nothing but the truth. Delilah is clearly a very childish human being, who isn't worth-"


"-she's not childish and she is worth my time." The two George sisters has disappeared outside, which had left Rosalie swimming in thoughts of regret and guilt, until she was broken out of them by her family's conversation. "You don't know her Olivia, so don't pretend you do."

"I don't need to know her Rose! I liked her before, but now I can see how much of a bitch she's been to you-"

"-Delilah hasn't been a bitch to Rosalie, you have no idea how hard she's tried."

"Edward, shut your girlfriend up."

It looked like the topic of Delilah George was going to cause a family fight. One that Bella wasn't going to stick around for after Olivia telling Edward to shut her up.

So Bella stood up from the table, storming out of the cafeteria and heading straight to her classroom, even though class didn't start for another fifteen minutes.

"I'm leaving too." Rosalie followed Bella's lead and stood up from the table, however she didn't walk out of the same doors she did, instead she headed straight outdoors, exactly where Delilah George and her sister were.

As soon as Rosalie opened the door she could hear the hypnotising laugh of Delilah, it was amazing to finally hear again.

"I know! Then when he looked at me-" A gagging noise sounded through the air, before Delilah continued on, "It literally turned my stomach. Can you believe it when he spoke? And then when I replied, ew." A few seconds passed before Delilah spoke again, "Do you think Rosalie looked at me?"

Maya had been silent through most of what Delilah's words, until now, "Does it really matter if she looked at you? Lily, you were so upset when-"

"I did look at you." Rosalie decided it would be better to interrupt Maya instead of listen to her remind Delilah of how much upset Rose had caused the other day.

The cigarette that Delilah had just placed between her lips almost fell to the ground when she heard Rosalie's voice, god it was so embarrassing. She'd literally just been caught talking about her.

Maya took the entrance of Rose as her queue to leave, meanwhile Delilah adjusted the cigarettes position, tilting her head as she looked at Rosalie.

It took a few minutes for Delilah to answer Rosalie's confession, "Very nice." And to annoy Rose further, the brunette gave Rosalie two thumbs up.

However it didn't annoy Rose, nothing could annoy her about Delilah anymore- well apart from her attitude five minutes ago. "Was that Borat?"

Delilah shrugged, "Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't."

Rosalie watched as Delilah took out her lighter and light her cigarette, even though Delilah seemed quite confident, Rosalie could see how her hand shook as she moved the lighter and smoked the cigarette. "I've never heard anyone call you Lily before."

"Its mine and Maya's thing."

"Oh, well I like it." Rosalie was really trying with Delilah, but she knew that she'd hurt her the other day, and Edward had only gone and made her hurt worse, "You know, Alice has this name-"

"-can I help you Rosalie?" Delilah couldn't keep her cool anymore, she could hardly believe that the blonde was stood trying to be normal with her. "Seriously is there something you need from me?

After a few seconds pause, Rosalie replied, "No?"

"Then why the fuck are you here? Because last I knew I was a horrible little bitch, who hung on to Isabella Swan with dear life. All you and your family has ever done is use me....an-and then you left me."

Rosalie shot towards Delilah as she heard her voice start to crack, not caring about the cigarette in her hands, "I didn't leave you Lilah, I would never leave you. You mean too much to me."

"But you did Rose! Yo-you left me crying in those toilets over you, then you le-left me crying in those toilets over Bella and Edward.....you left me so lonely Rose."

It was fair to say that Rosalie's unbeating heart was breaking, "I.....I didn't know what you wanted me to do Lilah. I thought you hated me."

"God Rose, I could never hate someone I love."

As soon as the words left Delilah's lips it was like the whole world froze. The birds fell from the sky and the waterfalls all stopped. At least thats what it felt like to Delilah George, she could hardly believe she'd just admitted that.

However, Rosalie Hale's word had just gotten better, the sun shone brighter (although imaginary, because if it did it wouldn't be good for her) and the birds chirped louder. It was quite possibly the best news ever, "You love me?"


Rosalie had pulled away from Delilah when she first heard the words, however she grabbed Delilah's face, pulling it towards hers, "I love you too." And then crashed her lips onto Delilah's, where they should have been far too long ago.

ugh my favourite couple are back on track also yay to delilah and maya :)

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