《the human (r.h)》fourteen; godspeed
i'm not sure if this chapter needs it, but i don't want to not put one and it trigger someone. so discussion of domestic violence.
Maya George had often been referred to as a lost cause by people around her. They thought that she couldn't do math, or Spanish, or chemistry, or biology, or business, or food tech. They were right of course, Maya wasn't the most the best at math and chemistry and biology and business and food tech. But she could write great stories in english, draw amazing pictures in art, take the best pictures in photography and design the prettiest magazine covers in media.
However, it never mattered what she could do, the only things people focused on was the stuff she couldn't do.
There were only two people in Maya's life that never judged her based on how she performed in school: Delilah and Isaac Lawton.
Isaac had been Maya's on/off boyfriend for the past two years. At first Maya was very reluctant to speak to him, she was really only comfortable around her sister, but everywhere she went Isaac kept appearing. Until one day she finally crumbled and started talking to him.
They bonded over their love for Metallica and Kiss, bands that Delilah refused to listen to. They learnt they both shared a passion for Mexican food (Delilah claimed she also shared that passion, but she was more of an Italian girl). They also both enjoyed black and white movies, something that Maya could never watch with Delilah as she found them boring.
At first Isaac and Maya were just friends. The girl was too scared of what her parents would say to take it any further with Isaac. She was afraid that Nia and Tommy would tell her to stop seeing Isaac because everyone knew he was trouble. But after a while, Maya couldn't stay away.
She couldn't resist the charm of Isaac Lawton and ended up falling under his spell. It was impossible for her to stay away.
Although looking back, Maya wished more than anything she did stay away.
It was the night of Delilah's breakdown in the school toilets when she got a phone call. It was around two in the morning and the girl was half asleep. Normally she would have ignored it and gone back to sleep. Which is what she did the first time, until her phone carried on ringing.
Once Delilah had picked her phone up off the side table, she was surprised to see three missed calls from Maya, each time she had left a voicemail. While the two were being civil, they weren't friendly enough to ring each other. Especially not at two in the morning.
Panic set into Delilah almost immediately, something had to be wrong with her sister. As soon as she pressed on the first voicemail all past traces of sleep vanished from her body, she was now wide awake.
"Hey Lilah," Maya's voice was slurred, Delilah wasn't sure if she had been crying or drunk, "It's Maya.....I know we aren't on good terms but......I miss you. A lot.....I'm at Isaac's right now.....I don't want you to worry but-"
Maya's voice cut off halfway through her sentence, Isaac's shouting replacing her soft tone. It was very clear now that Maya had been crying, Delilah could hear her doing it through the phone now as Isaac shouted. She was busy trying to figure out why he was so angry when the line cut dead and the second voicemail started to play.
"I'm scared Lilah, he's shouting at me....I don't know why but.....I'm really scared." As soon as Delilah heard Maya utter the words, she was out of bed and throwing on the first pair of clothes she could find. She needed to get to her sister. "Do you think you could pick me up?"
Of course legally Delilah couldn't drive, but as long as she didn't get caught by anyone. It wasn't exactly illegal.
Its only breaking the law if you get caught. Which she wasn't going to anyway.
The brunette was already in Maya's car by the time the third and final voicemail played, "I'm so sorry Lily, I-I didn't mean to say the stuff I did.....I love you and I don't care who you love, I just want you to be happy. Okay? I would never tell a soul about it. Because I know you'd do the same for me.....I love you so much Lily."
Delilah wasn't sure how she was managing to drive with the tears clouding her vision. It wasn't even because of the sobbing from the other end of the phone, it was because she knew that Maya must be really hurt. When the two were little, Maya would always call Delilah Lily, she was the only one that did. And Maya hated her childhood, because she felt vulnerable and weak growing up for some reason that Delilah had never understood. So Delilah knew that for her sister to be calling her by her old nickname, that something must be really wrong.
Previously Delilah had started that she wouldn't get caught breaking the law and driving without a license, but that was before she planned on speeding down the roads, just a couple of miles over the speed limit.
She just had to hope and pray that there were no police officers driving around the same roads as she was.
Isaac Lawton lived on the outskirts of Forks, just like Delilah and Maya. However, he was on the other side of the town, the end that wasn't as nice as the George's.
That was the main reason Maya had kept Isaac a secret from everyone. She knew the scandal it would cause if people found out one of the George daughters was dating someone like Isaac. A drug addict to be specific.
In truth, the Lawton's were a respectable family, they had good jobs and were always helping down at the soup kitchen. It was just Isaac that was the problem.
Ten minutes and probably three speeding tickets later, she arrived at Isaac's rundown flat.
Surprisingly it only took Delilah twenty seconds to run up a few flights of stairs and walk straight into the flat, the door already being wide open.
The brunette turned her head at the sound of a whisper from the other side of the room, the noise coming from her sister who was slumped on the floor against the wall. "Oh my god Maya."
It wasn't hard to notice the dried blood at the side of Maya's lips or the bruises that coated her bare arms, "You came."
Delilah rushed over to her sister, pulling her straight into her arms and inspecting the rest of her body and face, "Of course I came Mimi, I wasn't going to leave you here with him." Her blue eyes left her sisters body and looked around the room, "Where is he?"
Maya shrugged her shoulders, the movement looking like it took a lot of energy, "I don't know."
The brunette looked back to her sister, nodding her head, "Okay, shall we get you home then?"
Maya nodded, leaning against her sister as she stood up and walked out of the flat. The girl found it quite hard to walk down the stairs, so Delilah had to offer her a lot of extra support as they went down.
In a way, Delilah and Maya had acted like each other's parents at some point. Maya would always stop Delilah from getting into any trouble, and Delilah would always get Maya out of any trouble she'd already got in.
Delilah helped her sister get into the car, even clicking her seat belt in for her. Maya protested saying she could do it herself, but Delilah insisted.
The two then set off on their way home, Delilah illegally driving again. Although Maya didn't mind.
It wasn't until they'd been driving for a few minutes when Delilah broke the silence, "What happened Mimi?" Her voice was quiet, making sure not to come across as too harsh.
It took Maya a few seconds before she replied, "I don't know. We were just having fun, drinking and stuff...and then he just turned on me."
"Were you taking drugs?" Delilah was careful to make sure that Maya didn't think she was mad at her. Which is why she was going to make sure her voice stayed calm and soft.
"Yes." At least she was honest.
"Okay." Delilah nodded her head, her hands tensing around the wheel, "I love you Mimi, you know that right? You're my best friend, and god.... I'm so upset seeing you like this."
Maya nodded her head to, suddenly feeling guilty that her sister had to see her this way. "I don't like seeing myself like this either."
It went silent for a few more minutes before Delilah spoke up again, "I don't want you to see him again."
"I don't want to."
"Good.....if I ever see that boys face I'm gonna punch it so hard that the spelling won't ever go down."
Even though Delilah was trying to be serious, Maya couldn't help but laugh, "You know you're all bark Delilah."
The brunette also let out a little laugh, "He doesn't know that though!" The two sat laughing, for a few seconds everything seemed quite normal between the two, "I missed this."
"I missed this too."
Now there was something that Delilah George had only done three times in her life, and today she was determined to make it a fourth, "I'm sorry Maya. I'm sorry for not talking to you for weeks, for turning my back on my sister and for letting you be around a man that....that hits you."
Maya stared straight ahead, she appreciated her sisters words but there was one thing bugging her, "He's not a man Lilah, he's a boy. No man would ever put a hand on a women like that.....I don't even think he's worthy enough to be called a boy."
Without thinking Delilah spoke, "He's a species then."
Maya laughed again, her mood lifting slightly, "Yes, that he is." Maya turned the radio on, the two girls singing along to the words of some pop song they'd heard playing before, until Maya spoke again, "What's going on with you and Rosalie?"
Delilah hoped her sister didn't see her flinch at the blondes name, the events of the past two days were rather raw, "Nothing. She made it very clear that I mean nothing to her." An unamused laugh fell from the brunettes lips, "Edward made it clear I'm a piece of shit too."
"Edward as in Edweirdo Cullen?"
"Yes Edweirdo. He came over and brainwashed Bella into hating me and insulted me all at the same time." Delilah paused, preparing for her rant, "It's been so shit without you May, I was fine at first! I had Bella and she was great, we got on like a house on fire. But then something happened, I don't know what but he must have said something to make her change her mind on me and then I was left with no one! Rosalie couldn't give a fuck about me. Maybe it was my fault- actually no it wasn't. She lied to me! She was lying to me this whole time..... I hate them all Maya, Bella too.......I've never felt so alone in all of my life."
Maya could hardly believe her ears, she never in a million years thought that Rosalie Hale would turn her back on Delilah. It was clear that Rosalie was in love with her, just by the way she looked at her. But maybe Maya was wrong, maybe she was just seeing that in Rosalie's looks because she wanted to see it for Delilah.
"Well Lily, a wise man once said to me: 'Fuck those bitches.'"
Delilah burst out laughing when she realised that was the end of Maya's words, "Who said that to you?"
"Freddie Mercury visited me in a dream once, that's when he said it."
The two girls spent the rest of the car ride laughing and singing, and telling each other about weird dreams they'd had before. While Delilah was still feeling sad that she's lost Rosalie and Bella, she was feeling a lot better now that she had her sister back.
Maybe things would start to get better for Delilah George.
i feel like this chapters such a mess:( i wrote a version of it maybe 4 chapters ago but deleted it all for something else and that version was so much better:( but oh well, also i haven't proof read this so sorry for any mistakes!
but as usual, hope u all enjoy <3
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