《the human (r.h)》ten; just a boy


Delilah George was disappointed in herself.

She'd let herself get distracted and now here she was, angry because she'd let herself kiss Rosalie Hale.

It wasn't that she regretted the kiss, because she absolutely loved it. It was better than she'd ever imagined it would be, she knew it was a cliche but she did feel fireworks.

However, she shouldn't have allowed it.

Delilah was supposed to be mad at Rosalie, she was supposed to be freaked out over her breaking the wheel and Edward being a super freak. But instead she'd faltered and was now stuck in a self-hatred session.

"Hey Lilah." Bella had been in her own session of self-hatred from her spot beside Delilah, the two girls thoughts both fixated on specific Cullens. "Excited for the trip?"

Delilah didn't turn her head to look at the small brunette next to her, instead her eyes followed other students as they walked around the car park. "I'd rather you strangled me to be honest, Bells."

The Swan girl giggled slightly, "Bit specific."

"I mean it, I want you to," Delilah made fists with her hands and shook them backwards and forwards as fast as she could, if anyone was watching them they'd think she was crazy. "Exactly like that."

"I'm not gonna do that, Lilah."

"Why not?" The brunette had a very large pout on her lips. "I'd probably quite like it."

Bella chose to ignore Delilah's rather crude joke and instead started walking towards the two yellow buses. "Come on, we better go."

"Do I have to?" While she did complain, the girl followed after Bella, dragging her feet along the floor as she did so.

"You'll scuff your shoes."

Delilah snorted, "Sorry mom."

The two girls didn't talk again until they arrived at the green house, only because Delilah was moved to the front to sit with Mr Molina for threatening students to make them move from the back seats. And when they didn't she did pull one out of their seat.

So she was then placed at the front as punishment for 'bullying'.

However, now she was walking side by side with Bella, ranting to her about how unfair it was. "-and then he was like 'No Ms George, it isn't their fault they aren't and he did the little finger things when he said it 'cool'. But how is that my fault? I just...they don't deserve those seats, you-"

It seemed that Bella had enough of Delilah, and instead paused her slow walking to stand next to Edward who was looking at some boring plant. "Hello Edward."

The brunette stared at her friend in shock, she'd just been dumped for a boy that was so up and down with Bella that it was unreal. She could hardly believe it. "Yeah, that's fine Bella, you just stand with Edward. Don't worry about me, I'm fine by myself."

Delilah was talking to herself, not expecting anyone around her to hear.

"You can walk with us." Apparently she wasn't quiet enough. "Can't she Jasper?"

Delilah wasn't sure she wanted to walk with Jasper and Alice, she was quite alright with just walking around by herself. And normally she would say yes just so she could gain as much information to tell her parents, however she had fallen out of love with doing that silly job for them recently.


So instead- if it was okay with Jasper- she would walk with the couple, just to see if they mentioned anything about Rosalie to her.

Even though she really was quite alright walking by herself.

Jasper smiled, it was a charming one, one that set any worries she had to ease. And for some reason, instead of overthinking and worrying like she usually did, she was feeling rather relaxed. It was strange to her how all her feelings of uneasiness just melted away, it was as if someone had just sucked them out of her.

"Of course she can."

Delilah smiled, her regular one, although a little less fake than usual. "Thanks, I would have walked with Bella, but you're brothers put some spell on her that means she's obsessed with him."

Alice laughed, a very carefree and dazed laugh. Delilah had to admit that the girl was a little weird, but in all truth, she quite liked it. Everyone in this town was plain and boring, but Alice Cullen was different. All of the Cullens were, and Delilah George wasn't sure why. "You'll have more fun with us anyway."

Delilah giggled, "I'm sure I will."

"How are you enjoying the trip, Delilah?"

Jasper's question caused the girl to sigh, "It's horrible, what's the point? I only agreed to come for Bella, and now she's abandoned me."

The couple already knew that Delilah didn't want to go on the trip, the Cullens had been listening in on Bella and hers conversation before they set off that morning. They found Delilah George rather amusing, no matter what happened she always had a sarcastic comment to make, or an eye roll to give. She was just a very interesting person to them.

"So you aren't enjoying it then?" Alice smiled over at the girl, she had a very large soft spot for the human, and it seemed the feeling was shared.

Delilah scoffed, "Enjoying it? I would rather stand in dog shit with my Louboutins, and do you know how much they cost? Don't get me wrong, I love the planet, save the world, go green, all that shit. But this is so fucking boring."

The two vampires weren't very fond of swearing, but they found it rather amusing coming from Delilah George's mouth.

"So you can't wait to leave then?"

"Honestly, I would physically run to that bus if they said we could leave now. And I hate running."

The brunette would have liked to carry on her conversation with the two adopted 'siblings' however, Bella Swan had other ideas.

"I need to talk to you." Isabella grabbed the shoulders of her friend, and pulled her away from Alice and Jasper. Causing the girl to throw a wave to the people she was now leaving.

"Do you know how rude I look now, Bella? Thank a lot."

"Edward just spoke to me!" Bella ignored everything Delilah had just said and dove straight in.

Meanwhile, Delilah just blinked. "Okay? I literally saw you talking to him, you dumped me, for him remember?"

"I did not dump you for him." Bella rolled her eyes, it seemed Delilah's attitude was rubbing off on her.

Again Delilah blinked at her, "Wow, okay."

"He was so rude!" It came as no surprise to Delilah that the Cullen boy hadn't been the most polite to Bella, he never had been. "He just insulted me, said I should watch where I walk or something."


Delilah went to tell Bella that she should have put Edward in her place, however the annoying voice of Jessica Stanley interrupted the pair.

"Bella! Guess who just asked me to prom-"

"-Mike, probably." Delilah couldn't help but interrupt the girl that had interrupted her.

The smile vanished from Jess' face as the girl ruined her surprise, which only caused a smirk to grow on Delilah's, if there was one thing she liked, it was pissing people off, and she loved to piss off Jessica Stanley.

"I thought he was gonna ask you, Bella." Jess's words caused Delilah to snigger, little did she know, he had asked Bella. "It's not gonna be weird is it?"

"No not at all, zero weirdness. You guys are great together."

Delilah raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow, "You are both so weird."

Bella knew that Delilah was calling her it in an affectionate way, however she also knew that wasn't how she was referring to Jess.

Soon after Jessica ran off to catch up with Angela, leaving Bella and Delilah to finally leave the building and head back towards the busses.

Almost as soon as they had left the green house, Edward approached the pair. "Bella." He then looked at Delilah, giving her a nod of his head. Meanwhile, the girl just narrowed her eyes at him, turning on her heel and leaving the pair to talk about something or other.

"Been dumped again?" Alice appeared next to Delilah, it seemed the pixie looking girl was stalking her, which seemed to be a popular trait in the Cullen family.

"Oh yeah, Bella's like this," She paused, lifting her thumb up and placing it back down on the side of her hand, mimicking an 'under the thumb action', "with Edward....although I can't say much, I'd probably be the same if it was Rosa-"

The girl quickly stopped her words, but that didn't stop Alice and Jasper pulling each other a knowing smile. "If it was who?"

"Hm?" She was caught red handed, and she didn't know what to do. "Oh, no one you know, just some girl."

"Delilah." Jasper raised his eyesbrows at Delilah, which she would have found attractive, if she swung his way. "We know you and Rose have this-"

"'Thing' going on." Alice made air quotations with her fingers, something Delilah never thought she'd see the short haired girl do.

"You do?" Now she raised both of her eyebrows.

"Of course we do! We're not idiots, we've all seen the way you look at each other."

"And we all heard about the ki-"

"Okay, okay, okay!" Delilah threw her arms around in front of her, she didn't need a reminder of the previous nights events. "I get it, you know everything."

"Of course we do, she tells us-"

Just like previously when Delilah was trying to talk to the two Cullens, she was pulled away, by none other than Isabella Swan.

"God, Bella. Do you really have to?"

"Yes I have to! You will never guess what he said to me."

Delilah rolled her eyes, Isabella was getting on her nerves today. "You're right, I will never guess, but I'm sure you'll tell me anyway."

She was really getting tired of hearing about Edward Cullen.

"He said he doesn't want me and him to be friends! And then he saw you talking to Alice and Jasper, and was like 'Oh, looks like Delilah is riding with us'-"

"-no I'm not-"

"So I said 'Oh, well I probably will be too then' and do you know what he said?"

Delilah sighed, "No I don't." She was so thankful she didn't have these boy problems.

"He said that I can't, because their bus is full!"

The two girls started walking towards their own yellow bus, Delilah's eyes watching as the three Cullens made their way onto their own bus.

"Listen Bells, maybe just forget about him, okay? When I was into guys, I would let them treat me like shit-"

"-wait." Bella stopped her walking, causing Delilah to do the same, "Since when weren't you into guys?"

The brunette shrugged, "I dunno, I still find them attractive and all, but I could never see myself being with one again. They're just so.......repulsive. Like the thought of them, it makes me." For added effect, Delilah gagged at the end of her sentence.

"Would you still sleep with one though?"

Delilah sighed, "Maybe if it was Johnny Depp, or Chris Evans, or Chandler Bing."

"Chandler Bing?"

"What? He's good looking! And he could totally laugh me into bed."

Bella raised her eyebrows, "Gross."

The two girls started their walking again. "So as I was saying, he knows what he did slash said, Bell, and guess what? He doesn't care, if he did, he wouldn't have done it in the first place. You don't wanna be his friend, he doesn't deserve that privilege, yeah? I know that you want him, but you don't need him, you're complete on your own, all he can do is add to your life. Nothings being taken away with out him in it."

Bella looked at her friend as they made it to the bus, "When did you become such a philosopher?"

Delilah rolled her eyes, "I'm actually a Phil-Osopher, it's Phil's-Osophy, and I learnt it from Phil Dunphy. He also taught me that if I love something, I have to set it free......unless it's a tiger."

"I don't know who he is, is he a new motivational speaker?"

The brunette just started at the Swan girl in shock, she couldn't believe she didn't know who Phil Dunphy was. "Isabella, Phil Dunphy is the only man I would lie my life on the line for. He is the only man I would ever marry."

"Oh." The girl wasn't sure what else to say.

As the two took their seats on the bus, Delilah looked at her best friends sad face. "Listen Bella, you don't need him." Delilah threw an arm around her shoulder. "If you ever need a distraction, I'm always around.....besides, my dicks bigger than his."

Isabella burst out laughing, which only intensified when Mr Molina made Delilah apologise for the crude joke he'd overheard.

sorry there's no delilah and rosalie in this, i'm kinda setting it up for more chapters with them, but i don't wanna neglect the other aspects of delilah's life:)

also, not me making bella likeable and life like 😨

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