《the human (r.h)》nine; do i wanna know?


"Thank you for giving me a lift, you didn't have to."

Rosalie Hale couldn't quite believe how her luck had turned. A few minutes ago she was in the worst mood, scolding Edward for his stupidity with Isabella Swan, but now here she was with Delilah George in her car.

"I know, but I wanted to."

Delilah turned her body to face the blonde, a small smile playing on her face as she did so. "Wasn't it Dr Cullen that wanted you to?"

Rosalie smiled at the words, it was the best cover story she could think of when she saw Delilah stood next to the vending machine. She was so angry in that moment that she knew the brunette would be the only thing to calm her down.

"Can I tell you a secret?"

"Tell me as many secrets as you like."

Rosalie turned her head from the road and moved it to look at the girl in her passenger seat. "Carlisle didn't ask me to pick you up. I was already at the hospital with Edward when I ran into you. So I asked if you wanted a ride."

At first Delilah wanted to question why Rosalie had asked to give her a ride, however the thought of Edward Cullen caused her to question something else. "Why was Edward at the hospital?"

"What?" Rosalie had hoped that Delilah would question why she wanted to give her a ride, she hadn't wanted her to move the conversation to her brother.

"Why was Edward at the hospital? Was it because of Bella? Was it because of what she told me?" Now this wasn't Delilah's usual method when she wanted to know something, but right now she wasn't being tactical, she was just doing what was in her nature.

"What's with all the questions?" Rosalie's good mood seemed to slip, her tone turning bitter. Delilah didn't reply, she just turned her body away from Rosalie and looked out of the window next to her. "What did Isabella say about Edward?"

Delilah hardened her glare, even though Rosalie couldn't see it. "None of you business."

"It is my business when it's my brother."

"Aw no way, really?" Delilah's tone was so bitter, it was the same one from when she used to talk to Rosalie. "You should ask him then."


"I'm asking you." Rosalie's tone wasn't as harsh as Delilah's.

The brunette disliked being cruel to Rosalie, however it was something she just couldn't help. "If your brother wasn't a freak then you wouldn't need to ask anyone." Delilah knew she had crossed a line the moment she said it, but she was too stubborn to take it back.

"You sound just like your sister." Delilah scoffed at these words. "Edward isn't a freak." Even though Rosalie wasn't on the best terms with him, she wasn't going to let Delilah bad mouth him.

"Ha, okay."

"How is he?"

"How isn't he?" Delilah shot back, unable to hold her words in. "Congrats to him for saving Bella's life, but imagine if he could do it without using some weird fucking abilities."

Rosalie almost stopped the car when she heard the words. "God, can she not keep her stupid mouth shut?"

"Don't talk about her like that." One thing about Delilah George was that she was ridiculously loyal, and she had the softest spot for the awkward brunette. While she really liked Rose, she wouldn't tolerate her saying anything bad about Isabella. "What's your stupid fucking problem with her? She's never done anything to you."

"It's none of you business, Delilah." Rosalie's hands were tensing incredibly hard around the steering wheel, however Delilah was paying no notice.

"Then keep it to yourself."

Rosalie laughed, although there was no humour behind it. "Because you keep so much to yourself."

"I do?" Delilah furrowed her eyebrows at the sarcasm. "How much do you know about me Rosalie? Fuck all."

"I know you have a terrible potty mouth."

"Oh yeah? Then do something about it."

As soon as the words had left Delilah's mouth, something happened with Rosalie. Her hands tensed so hard against the steering wheel that the top of it just crumbled beneath the pressure. "What the fuck?" Delilah whispered, her eyes wide in horror.

Rosalie wasn't sure what to say as the car came to a holt, Delilah was staring at her in terrified shock, also unable to string a sentence together.

After a silence that was way too long, Rosalie finally thought of an almost believable lie. "Emmett was messing around in my car the other day......he must have broken my wheel before."


"Yeah......" Delilah's eyes stayed wide as she stared at the place where the steering wheel had once been. "he must have."

It was clear that she didn't believe the lie that Rosalie had just told, but she was too shocked to question it.

There was something really strange going on.

And Delilah wasn't sure if she should be scared or not.

"We're near my house." Rosalie's sweet voice pierced the silence. "We should just walk there and get a different car."

"No!" Delilah didn't mean to shout, truthfully she hadn't even meant to protest, but she was glad she had. She didn't want to be anywhere near Rosalie until she figured out what was going on. "I'm just gonna walk to mine."

"By yourself?" Delilah nodded her head. "It's dark out, you shouldn't walk by yourself."

The brunette knew that Rosalie had a point, but she couldn't bring herself to care about what she was saying. She needed to get away from her.

So Delilah opened Rosalie's car door, and started speed-walking down the road. She wasn't a speed-walker, she never had been, so she felt truly stupid doing it now.

Rosalie would have laughed at the sound Delilah's puffer jacket was making when it rubbed together, if it wasn't for the fact that the girl was literally running away from her.

"Delilah, stop!" The human ignored the vampire's calls, in fact, she sped her walking up. "Stop, please!" Rosalie started running after the girl, although it wasn't a very fast run.

"Go away, Rose." She could hear the girls footsteps getting closer to her, this was one of her worst nightmares. "Just leave me alone."

"I can't, Delilah, I need to know why you're running away from me."

Delilah rolled her eyes, she was hardly running, she was attempting speed-walking. "I don't know, Rose, why am I 'running'?"

Rosalie was only a few steps away from her when she spoke. "Is it because of the wheel? Because I already told you, that was Emme-"

"-God, stop lying, Rose!" Delilah span around, flinging her arms around with her. "We both know that's not true, so stop lying!"

"I'm not lyin-" Rosalie tried to protest to the accusations, but it was no good.

Delilah's loud laugh pierced Rosalie's ear. "You're so fucked up!" The laughing didn't stop. "So fucked up!" She practically screamed it to the trees. "All of your stupid family are! You- you broke the car, Edward has some-some super speed, and he can stop cars with his bare hands." Delilah paused to think. "That's why you was at the hospital."

"W-what?" In all honesty, Rosalie was starting to get worried for Delilah, she wasn't acting very normal.

"I know why you were at the hospital, because your family is like mine," For a second Rosalie thought she meant that they too were vampires. "I used to go to the hospital and threaten people all the time for Maya, like police officers that were in there for reasons I never bothered to ask....and that's what you were doing, or at least Edward was."

"Why were you threatening police officers for her?" Rose had tried to make Delilah smile, but it hadn't worked at all. "My family is nothing like yours." A eye roll was also received by the blonde.

"You're right, it's nothing like mine." Delilah walked forward, her blue eyes burning straight into Rose's golden ones. "Your family are outcasts, their envied by everyone, but viewed as so weird, because you are all so weird..... I don't know what's going on with you and your family, Rosalie, but I swear to you right now, I will find out. Even if it kills me."

Rosalie moved closer to Delilah, until their chests were touching. "Even if it kills you? Lilah, don't say that."

"Why not?" Delilah also moved closer, her forehead now touching Rosalie's.

"Because I don't want to lose you." The blonde whispered back. "I just want to keep you safe."

"From what?"


Delilah's voice lowered, if that was even possible. "Maybe I don't want you to keep me safe."

"But I need to."

Both of the girls closed this eyes, the lower half of their faces unconsciously moving closer together. "All you need to do is kiss me, Rose."

this was kinda a short chapter but i feel like it's super cute and is just fully packed with rosalie stuff. i didn't plan to end it this way, but, surprise

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