《the human (r.h)》eleven; 21st century liability


The brunette had only been sat at the table thirty seconds and she was sure she had already rolled her eyes fifteen times. Mainly because she only really liked two of the people sat at this table; Isabella and Angela, and one of them wasn't even here yet.

So she was stuck listening to the rather annoying words of Jessica Stanley, who over the past few days, she has started to hate more than ever before.

"-shut up." Delilah muttered, her bored eyes focused on Jessica, the chatter was that boring that she was nearly falling asleep. "Please shut up, silence is more entertaining than you." She knew she was being rude, but she could hardly help it.

Jessica just stared back at the girl, a deep frown on her face. She had decided what she was gonna do, however, it probably wasn't the best decision she'd ever had. "No."

Delilah lifted her head out of her hands, her eyebrows lifting up. "No?"

"No, I will not shut up."

Delilah could hardly believe her ears, there was no way that Jessica Stanley had just told her to shut up. No one told Delilah what to do.....unless it was her parents. The brunette narrowed her eyes, it seemed Jess needed putting in her place. "Did mommy and daddy not teach you to do what you're told?" Delilah paused, her lips forming an 'O' shape, "Oh wait." Of course Delilah knew all about Jessica's dad leaving her when she was four. "Daddy must have been teaching his other kids."

Delilah didn't know anything about Jessica's s dad, she could barely use the toilet by herself when he was around.

All of the Cullens were listening in to the conversation, as some of them usually did. Olivia and Emmy normally paid no mind to the humans conversation, however, they were willing to sit in silence to listen to drama.

Edward Cullen too loved listening to drama, which Delilah George always seemed to be involved in. He also loved listening to their heated thoughts.

Although he couldn't help but clench his eyes together as he heard Jessica's thoughts. He wished she wouldn't say what she was thinking.

"I bet he taught me more than yours did." It was too late, and he words had tumbled out of Jess's mouth and there was now nothing anyone could do.


Delilah could hardly believe it, there was no way she had just said that to her. It can't have been real.

"Are you serious?" Jessica couldn't reply, she could hardly believe she'd said it herself. "Are you fucking serious?" Delilah slammed her hands down on the table, her eyes burning with anger. There was no way.

It was fair to say that Jessica Stanley was now shitting herself. "D-delilah, I-"

"You gonna apologise, Jess?" Delilah stood up, leaning over the table so that she could be closer to the brunettes face. "You gonna cry like a little baby and say you're sorry because you're scared now? Don't fucking bother, if you're gonna say something say it with your chest."

If there was one thing Delilah hated, it was cowards.

"N-no, I wasn't going to-"

"Do you know what? I'm not surprised your dad left, I'd leave too if I had such a jealous little bitch as a daughter." The whole room was staring at the confrontation, and Rosalie couldn't help but smirk as she watched the exchange. "You are such an envious rat, you've always disliked me for being so much better than you, you've always tried to spread bullshit rumours about me, which I can deal with, because why would I care about what you have to say?" She didn't give her time to answer. "But do you know what I can't deal with? You talking about my dead parents..... you should thank you're lucky stars that we're in school right now, or-"

Unfortunately Delilah didn't get to finish her threat as some familiar hands grabbed her from behind and pushed her all the way out of the canteen doors.

"Get off me Maya! Did you hear what she said? She-she was talking about them! I-"

Even though Maya and Delilah hadn't been on the best terms for a few weeks, the girls would always have each other's backs no matter what. It often too events like this for them to put their differences aside.

"-I heard her, Lilah. You need to chill yourself out, I'll deal with her."

Maya left the brunette stood outside under the cloudy sky to ponder her thoughts.

Nature always calmed Delilah down, the sound of the birds made her at peace (although sometimes she just wished they'd shut up). However, she did wish that she was at her waterfall right now.


"What would you have done?" Rosalie's voice pierced the calming sounds around Delilah, not that she minded. She found her voice the most calming of all.

Delilah sniggered, "Probably nothing, I'm all bark and no bite." Rosalie also sniggered, moving to stand next to the girl so their arms were brushing against each other. "But she doesn't know that."

"It was rather entertaining to watch." The blonde looked at the newly lit cigarette that Delilah was placing in her mouth in distaste, but she knew it was for the stress. "She shouldn't have said that though."

The brunette shrugged, "She shouldn't have, but I did start it."

"And you finished it."

"That I did." She laughed, turning her head to look at Rosalie. She hadn't seen the girl all day, which she was rather disappointed about, she always felt like there was something missing when Rosalie wasn't around. "You look very beautiful today."

Maybe Delilah shouldn't have said it, but she was saying a lot of things she shouldn't have been today.

"Not as beautiful as you." Rosalie looked back at the girl, the smile faltering on her face. "Have you been avoiding me?"

The words caused her to look away, taking another drag of her cigarette before replying. "Not exactly....I just haven't been actively seeking you."

Rosalie hardly processed her words before she replied, "Why? Was it something I did?"

"No." Delilah shot back just as fast, although quickly rethought her words, "Well, I guess kinda."

This was exactly what Rosalie didn't want to hear, she knew something was wrong but she wasn't sure what. "Tell me what I did, please, so I can fix it."

Delilah turned her head back to look at the now panicking blonde, "Did you fix your steering wheel?"

Ah, that was it. The events in the car had slipped Rosalie's mind, all she could remember from that day was that kiss. Nothing existed apart from Delilah George in Rosalie's mind that whole week.

A sheepish smile made its way onto her face, "Yes, I did."

Blue eyes met golden ones dead on as Delilah tilted her head at the girl in front of her, "I will find out what happened, Rose. You do know that right? There's something you aren't telling me, some secret, but I always find out people's secrets. And that's a promise."

Even though her words weren't the most comforting, Rosalie didn't really care. In her mind she's worked out that if Delilah knew then she could be as close to her as she wanted, no more secrets or lies. Just the two of them.

"I know you will." Surprisingly, Rosalie had a soft smile on her lips. "Are you feeling better now?"

The brunette threw her cigarette on the floor, stamping it out before smiling up at Rosalie. "I always feel better when I'm with you. So thank you."

"I haven't done anything."

"You've come out here to talk to me, haven't you? Normally the only people you talk to are your family, but for some reason you speak to me. And care enough to make sure I'm okay."

"Because you're different to the others."

Delilah raised an eyebrow, sometimes she couldn't help but try to investigate. "Why? Since you started here you've only ever spoken to your family; you always sat on that table, you never talked to anyone unless it was a teacher, you've left school on every sunny day, not caring that you wouldn't be seeing someone. So what made you finally decide that I was different?"

Rosalie also raised a perfectly plucked eyebrow, "What about you, Lilah? You've been here longer than me. Yet you've never made an effort to be friends with anyone like you have me."

It seemed that Delilah had soon lost her interest in the interrogating, with a quick itch of her head she asked, "Is that what we are, Rose? Friends?"

kinda a super short chapter, but there's not really much more i could include. i was planning on having delilah talk about her parents but i feel like it's too soon for her to open up to rose rn. after all, she is a pretty much a closed book when it comes to deep stuff

anyway i've really made this book a jessica stanley hate page:( i'm sorry gur

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