《Always & Forever》chapter 27


chapter 27

We were staying at the hotel for the night, because of my human needs, as Kol so kindly put it.

Yeah, right. The said vampire would die first without a comfortable bed.

And while the same vampire went hunting, I tried not to think about the fact that someone going be killed. It wasn't that easy. But like I said, vampires need to feed also.

Not letting those thoughts to pester me too much I put good use of the luxurious bath in the royal apartment's bathroom.

The comforting scent of lilac was in the air but it still couldn't take my mind off from the mysterious note I received earlier today.

It was safely tucked in my secret pocket of the purse of course, but the words still were on my mind.

Without any rest. The thoughts were pestering me and raising even more questions.

And no answers.

Who the hell was that Giovanna?

That was one of the main questions, even if some part of me already knew the answer.

But I still couldn't be sure that the mysterious writer was the same green-eyed witch who brought me here.

But the thing what unsettled me most was the sentence about me already changing the plot. I was freaking scared of changing too much.

I hope that I still knew what will happens next. But honestly, the chances were a bit thinner.

And without any of these question pestering me.

I was missing my vampires. Yes, if the uncomfortable tightness in my chest was a good proof of that.

I groaned and closed my eyes in order to relax but the ring of the phone didn't let me.

I reached with my wet hand and looked at the annoying piece of plastic and ready to cuss the person who dared to interrupt my 'me time'.

But caller name made me smile. Like my mothers says, speak of the wolf and wolf will appear. I pushed the green button in the screen and put on the speaker.

"Hello love," the British accent laced voice greeted me and I could feel lazy smile curling up on my lips.


"Nik! I have missed you," I purred and I could just feel his smile. Don't ask me how.

"Really?" he playfully asked and I smirked.

"Oh yeah, because I am alone in the hotel, soaking in the bubble bath and thinking of you, missing your kisses," I didn't know who tempted me to talk in that husky tone but it was satisfying to hear a slight growl from the other side of the phone.

"Oh you wicked tease, don't tempt me to come here and claim what's rightfully mine." he threatened me and I was almost tempted to call him here but I quickly shake that idea off. For now, he needs to be in Mystic Falls. Speaking of which.

"How's the Mystic Falls? Did you managed to do what you needed to do?" I inquired but the laugh from him instantly calmed me. A little bit.

For now.

"I am wounded, my love. Do you have so little trust in me?," Hit me if I am wrong but I think he just pouted. "And yes, all done. Rebekah and I burned down the bridge. Sister dearest played a little with Damon and was sure about whereabouts of the sign while Elijah compelled someone to retrieve it. Which was quite impressive for your information." he reported and I sighed in slight relief. Okay. Nice. Very nice. Bridge and sign is gone

"Good to know. And what about Finn? Did he found Sage?" I inquired while playing with bubbles around me. The water was getting bit colder so without thinking I get out from the tub and quickly wrapped the white towel around me. It was shorter than I expected but oh well. Beggars can't be choosers.

"Our dear brother finally was reunited with his lovely girl, who so faithfully waited for him, " the sarcasm and hostility was clear. I rolled my eyes even if he couldn't see it and started to rub some lotion on my legs "That's almost disgustingly sweet. All those little dates." he groaned and I laughed.


The big bad wolf was bitching about his older brother to me? It was just freaking hilarious. Nobody would believe me even if I told them.

"Nik, don't be so jealous and mean. Let them be happy. They were apart for so long, no thanks for someone, " the scoff was heard but I ignored it. " And besides, don't be jealous. When I will be back I will take you to date even better one than they are going," I reassured him and smiled at the phone. Niklaus just laughed.

His laugh was amazing and I really like it, it was so much different from the show.

"You will take me?" he asked and the teasing tone was clear as water in the spring. "My my, how the times changed."

"Why, yes. It's 21st century," I joked back and laughed at the tone of his voice. "We are strong independent women. We can ask guys on a date,"

"I can't even argue you about that, you sure are a marvelous woman. And you can ask me if I won't ask you first," he concluded the slight flirtation was in the air. And I just loved it if the tingling in my body wasn't a clear reaction.

But the doubt was still on the back of my mind and already growing.

Surprisingly the original hybrid felt the waves of anxiety rolling from me. And what surprised me even more that he knew what it was about.

"White Oak is destroyed, and we are relatively safe for now," he assured me and I know I should be happy about that, but something still wasn't right. It's way too easy. And what I learned from life, that it wasn't easy.

"Something is still wrong," I murmured and shook my head even if he couldn't see it. "It's too easy. Too simple. Something will happen." I started almost to panic at the thought of what something bad.

Real bad can happen. And the worst part I didn't know what kind of.

"Shhh… my love, calm down. The only daggers which can kill us are destroyed," The original hybrid started to comfort me while keeping his voice was soft and loving - unusual to hear from his mouth "But if you sure we will be on our guard," he assured. At least he took my warnings as real.

"Keep yourself safe. Tell the same to 'Lijah and Bekah. I need you to be safe,"

I just couldn't let anybody to harm them.

Not on my watch.


I could feel a headache coming. Of course, if vampires could get one. The dealing with so-called Scooby gang was pure torture, they put their noses where they shouldn't be putting in.

The dumb luck followed them like a shadow and their moral compass was too annoying to deal with. And let's not forget how they want to stab us to the death.

Especially me.

It wasn't my fault that I killed them a couple of time, or tortured, brainwashed, or killed Gilbert's aunt.

You can't blame me!

If mommy dearest wouldn't have suppressed my werewolf side I wouldn't have a need to break a curse in the first place. So as I said it wasn't my fault.

"Nik! Where the bloody hell you are!" the shouting brought me back from my minds and I turned to face my only sister. My little annoying sister who hands her heart to anyone who smiles at her.

"Bekah, I am sure that all Mystic Falls heard you." I rolled my eyes and took a sip of my whisky. She scoffed and put the arm on her hip. The aggravation was just rocketing from her.

"Hilarious," the fake smile momentarily was placed on her face "The daggered Finn," she nonchalantly deadpanned and I almost chocked on my drink.

"They did WHAT?!,"

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