《Always & Forever》chapter 28


Always and Forever

chapter 28

"Would be so kind to repeat what you just said?," I demanded while gripping the glass tighter, soon enough the glass broke but I was too pissed to even care about glass cutting my skin.

"Old age is catching up with you dearest brother?" his only, and soon- to-be-late-sister snarked while gracefully flopping down on the couch.

The growl came through my throat.

"Watch your tongue, Rebekah." I spat out. It wasn't bloody time to joke. "So how did you came by this information,?"

She crossed her arms.

"It was her boy toy Troy or whatever it is his name. He came to me and started to complain to me that some friends of Salvatore put vervain in their drink and then attacked them," she spoke and pursed her lips and I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.


They were utter idiots. How they were still alive it was a mystery

"Then according to him, they daggered Finn and snapped the neck of both of them," she concluded and I cursed.

And again.

And again.

"You know which one of them did it?" I asked and Rebekah turned to face me.

"Of course , because I was there, you know. So yes, I know," the sarcasm in her words was just falling. But today I wasn't in the mood to deal with her bitchiness.

I felt my eyes flashing golden. She just rolled her eyes.

"He said something about blonde male, that teacher slash hunter and younger Salvatore, " she finally spoke and I without any words flashed out of the house.

It was faster than a car and after a few seconds I was in front of the door of the boarding house

Damon opened the door before I could kick them myself.

Quite a pity,

The annoying smirk was on his face when he stood in from of me.


"I'm sorry but we didn't order a pizza," Damon smirked and I took a step forward until I was blocked by an invisible barrier.

Lucky bastard.

The smirk on his face broadened even more than ever.

"I will rip your throat," I growled and looked behind him. The human's doppelganger's face was staring at me with fear and panic swirling in her eyes. The youngest Salvatore was standing protectively in front of her.

Surprise surprise.

"Where is my brother?" I demanded through clenched teeth.

Stefan and Elena exchanged worried glances.

"Which one? You have so many." Damon asked and put his fingers on the chin in mock thinking.

The urge to rip his trachea out was increasing.

"Damon," Elena warned with her annoying judging tone and the said vampire rolled his eyes and turned towards the brunette.

"Oh c'mon it's true." he turned to me again "Be a little bit more specific, buddy."

"I will be a little more specific when you will step out of the house, buddy. " I snarled at him and he just laughed

"Nah. I will pass,"

"You know what I mean. If I will not get Finn back then it won't be pretty," I threatened and looked straight at Elena who was almost cowering. "I am a simple man. Eye for an eye. A Brother for a brother,"

I stood for a couple of seconds silent letting the threat to sink in.

Soon the fear and terror in Elena's eyes doubled.

I smirked.

"Jeremy," she choked back a sob.

My smirk widened.

We were walking hand in hand towards baseball cages where I could already see Elena and Damon talking with Jeremy.

I turned towards Kol who was carrying baseball bat made from aluminium on his shoulder and an excited grin on his face.

All thanks to me, of course.

We were getting closer towards where the trio was, and when we were close enough I waved at the youngest Gilbert who kissed Elena's cheek in goodbye.


Jeremy catching sight of us smiled and waved back.

Then Elena turned around whatever she wanted to say stuck in her mouth.

It was hilarious to watch how doppelgangers face changed when she saw us. One second it was joyful and exciting and the other second it was like she saw devil himself.

"Hey man, Lett, " Jeremy greeted us and Kol just smirked at him eager to try his new bat.

At Damon, preferably, of course

But I'm being the more polite of two of us greeted him back.

He's nice kid.

"Damon, it's Kol," The brunette warned Damon taking a few steps back but oldest Salvatore reacted too slow and was hit in the face.


Like really harshly.

He instantly went down and I actually winced at the sound of his bones breaking.


I wouldn't like to be in your place buddy.

"The hell are you doing? Lett?" Jeremy shouted and turned to me. I raised my hands in defence but took a step so I was between my mate and youngest hunter.

I'm not taking any chances.

"Jeremy, get back, he is an original," Elena again shrieked with her irritating voice and I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Woman, please.

"Lena, I am wounded. You didn't mentioned me," I gasped in mock hurt and even put my hand on my chest for extra drama. Doppelganger turned to me and her eyes narrowed.

"You!" she shouted and I smirked.

"Me!" I mimicked her tone and saw the smile Kol was wearing but still watching the Damon who was still lying down with few extra hits on him.

Suddenly Damon jumped from the ground and pushed Kol brutally into the wall.

For a couple of seconds they wrestled and Kol even got few hits but the younger vampire was no match for Original and soon enough oldest Salvatore was immobilized against the wall.

Serves him right.

I quickly grabbed the wooden bat from the box and threw it towards Kol who caught it easily without even looking..

Show off.

"Thanks, darling," he thanked me sincerely while quickly snapping it in half and without any other thought stabbing Damon with the sharp end not at the heart but near.

Vampire just grunted and was instantly dead. Not dead dead, but more dead than before.

Elena screamed when she watched how vampires body limply dropped to the ground.

"Did you just killed him?," Jeremy asked while watching Damon's body. I turned to him and shrugged my shoulders.

"Well, he was dead already. But he is not deadly dead like really dead. So don't worry, little Gilbert," I answered and he looked at me.

In the last of a couple of days of spending together, we hit it off pretty well. He was a cool kid when he wasn't around doppelcow. And to be honest, even Kol had fun with him, especially when we showed the vampire a marvellous world of video games.

"What have you done! You will pay for this," the shouting of the said dull as dishwasher doppelganger made me almost want to be deaf.


And did she just threatened me? That little skank.

"Did she just threatened you?," Kol disbelievingly asked me and I nodded.

"Indeed she did," I answered and smiled darkly at her. "Tsk tsk tsk. Oh dear, I will pretend I didn't hear that. Thanks for your brother, "

"Shall we?," Kol extended me his hand and I gladly took it, with the last look at Jeremy who was already near his sister and the unconscious body of Damon we made our way towards the exit.

What a day

"Nicolette, you were just marvellous, absolutely marvellous,"

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