《Always & Forever》chapter 26


chapter 26 The New Vampire

It was frustrating. To not know where you going. I already tried to remember anything about Kol's trip to Denver from the show. But I found nothing.

Just blank space between episodes.

And that's sucked so hard.

"When you mean friend," I slowly starting while playing with his fingers "You mean in the good or bad way?" I didn't know what answer I preferred honestly.

Kol turned to me and smirked his charming smirk while we were waiting for the car in front us to move.

"It depends on what you mean bad," he teased and I rolled my eyes. A stupid vampire with his charming ways of teasing me.

"I mean your friend is like real a friend or someone who is going to hit a bucket before his time?" I deadpanned and shifted in my seat.

The thought of killing somebody you don't need to didn't sit super well to me.

But don't judge me, I am just a human.

Kol gasped and put his wounded puppy look on his handsome face.

Talk about dramatic flair.

"Darling, you wound me! Stabbed in the heart with words sharper than any dagger, " he stated and I winked at him. "For your information, Lette, otherwise than Nik I have friends," the original vampire almost pouted and I almost giggled at the view.

He was so endearing but mean.

So I hit him in the arm, he slightly hissed in pain. Did I hit that hard?

Doubt that.

"Don't be mean to your brother. It's not his fault that he isn't a most likeable person," I reprimanded him and Kol laughed out loud after a few moments I joined him.

"You're so precious my love, so precious," he murmured fondly staring at me. I couldn't help but lean to kiss him.

Forget the traffic.

Everybody else can wait.

"So she is a witch?" I asked as we climbed out of the car. Kol wrapped his arm around my waist and shook his head while still staring at the house.

In front of us was a white mansion, similar to Salvatore Estate with tall columns and many windows.

"She was. In 1852 she was changed and became the self proclaimed protector of her bloodline," The vampire murmured in my ear and I involuntarily shivered.


"Kol, mio caro! It's such pleasure too finally see you again. How long was it, 90 years? 100?" the slight Italian accented voice distracted us and I turned towards the source of the voice.

In one word woman in front of us was beautiful. With red curled shoulder length hair and her slightly tanned skin and almost perfect facial features, she looked like the model. It almost made me feel self-conscious about myself.

The black, long-sleeved dress fitted her like a glove and I couldn't help but rake my eyes across her body. She was glamorous.


That was the thought what came to me as he slowly made her way towards us with her red heels clicked against the pavement and her hips sensually swinging. She looked so much like Malena.

"Valentina, with years, passing you are becoming more and more beautiful," Kol freed his both arms and hugged a woman. She kissed both of his cheeks and I couldn't even feel myself getting jealous. Maybe just a little.

"Oh! Smetilla! You shameless flirt," Italian woman laughed and swatted his chest. "Not while there is another gorgeous woman beside you," Valentina turned to me and winked. I couldn't help but feel my face heating up a little.

Kol turned to me and gave me one of his blinding smiles that for a second I couldn't do anything else just stare back at him. The warmth and affection in his eyes was everything I ever wanted in my life.

"Val, meet Nicolette, my darling mate. Lette, meet Valentina Romano friend from the past," he introduced us and the second later female's vampires hands were around me. She gave me a bone-crushing hug and I tried to return the favour as much as I could.

"So finally you showed up. Took a long time." she murmured into my ear. I stiffened in surprise


I lifted my eyebrows and she winked at me, her dark eyes sparkling with a secret only she knew, then turned towards Kol who was already again possessively holding me.

"The bastardo son of the bitch you calling brother finally freed you from your casket?, " she raised her finely sculpted eyebrow and I forcefully needed to bit my tongue so I wouldn't say anything else for calling Nik like that.


Even if it was true. Like literally every word was true.

Kol laughed out loud and shrugged.

"Something like that, and its one of reasons why I am here," he suddenly becomes more solemn and I couldn't help but be curious of why we exactly were here right now.

Valentina clapped her hands quite loudly and my attention turned to her.

"Well, let's go the house without wasting the daylight," she kind of happily chirped but before she led us I saw how she nodded at Kol with the same seriousness in her face.


Books, books and what surprise!

More books were around me.

It doesn't surprise me really because I was left in the library. I think it was one, while Kol and Valentina flashed away to do something somewhere.

Something concerning their serious look from earlier.

I bet my ass on that.

And I didn't know anything about it. And that was killing me, some part of me whispered to spy on them and learn but the bigger part almost slapped my inner curious self about the stupidness of this plan.

Spy on the vampires in the unknown house?

Thanks but no.

But it doesn't mean that I wasn't itching to know. I was.

Like a lot.

I grabbed the first book who seemed not in the Latin and opened.

My eyebrows furrowed in annoyance when I started to read something about plants who help to do witchy stuff.

No offence but not my cup of tea.

I sighed and put the book back while letting my eyes roam across the room. I was ready to sigh even more dramatically when my eyes caught a photo frame on the shelf.

I took a few steps forwards and felt my eyes widening.

In the photo were two women. One of them was the short red-haired one who I didn't know, but the next one was the same green-eyed witch who brought me here. Even if her hair was quite different I still remembered her eyes and face.

I hope for her own safety she wasn't nearby. Because the witch hunt would be on.

While I was too preoccupied with glaring at the witch in the photo while she was joyfully beaming at me I didn't even heard when both of the vampires came back.

So I slightly jumped when Kol wrapped his arms around my middle. The brown haired vampire kissed my neck in slight apology and I turned my neck to give him more space, Kol softly nipped my skin and I slightly shuddered.

"You're done?" I asked and the vampire just nuzzled my neck deeper.

I take that as yes.

"We need to leave, my darlin.." he murmured and I just felt that there was something more serious. Even if his face was like always joyful but behind this mischievousness there was something else.

I looked at the red haired woman and she smiled at me happily but like Kol she was something hiding.

I didn't like that.

Not one a bit.

"It was such joy to meet you," Valentina again hugged me and leaned closer to my ear. "Trust yourself and you will be successful," the Italian vampire breathed almost inaudibly and quickly let go of me, but before that she quickly and swiftly put something in my pants back pocket. I was to shocked to react and she winked at me while turning to saying goodbye to my Kol.

While they were busy I excused myself to the toilet and after Valentina eagerly showed me where it is I made my way towards one. And after I was safe a distance from them I put my hand in the pocket and pull out the piece of paper who was folded a couple of time into square.

While I was unfolding it I could feel nervousness swirling in me.

I was kind of anxious.

When I finally could read the note who was written in elegant cursive I could feel my eyes widen.


Things already changed. Do not expect what you want to expect.

Be smart and always trust yourself.

You know better than anyone else.

Protect them.

Save them and you will save yourself, child.


What an actual fuck.

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