《Always & Forever》chapter 22


chapter 22 The Bennett Witch

After of few awkward seconds of staring at each other, I brushed the strand of my blonde locks from my face and shivered at the chilly weather.

It was freaking cold outside. Maybe it wasn't my brightest idea to come here.

But oh well, it's too late to ditch my mission.

"Who are you? You are not a witch as far as I know. Vampire? Werewolf? Hybrid?" she inquired me again and I sighed after lowering my eyes from her piercing stare. It was kind of unnerving and taken the fact that she could make your brain burn just by looking at you it was really scary.

"Human," I answered shrugging my shoulders and if to prove my point I lifted my right leg and stepped on the other side of the door.

With her brown narrowed eyes, she followed my leg and after my appendage wasn't blocked by invisible force she visibly relaxed.

Well, not completely, but she seemed less guarded. I hope so.

Baby steps, Lett, baby steps.

"What did you want from me then?" The dark-skinned witch crossed her arms over her chest and looked me down. I felt my corners of lips curling up into the small but genuine smile

"Just talk to you," I answered and that wasn't even a complete lie. Well, the major part of that.

Bonnie lowered her arms and lifted her right arched eyebrow in question.

She was suspicious little thing.

As I could see the youngest Bennett witch didn't want to trust anybody, especially some strange girl. She was deceived by whom she thought are to help her.

I could feel her pain.

Nobody should experience that. Not in this young age.

She was bullied and pushed around by vampires and everyone else. Especially Elena. She was used only as a tool, by whom she trusted and was loyal to.


If only she would see that.

And I sincerely wanted to help her. To show her that she is her own person and not some slave to be used and pushed around.

And besides, it wouldn't be a bad idea to have a witch who wasn't against me, especially from Bennett family, but in order to achieve that I needed to forge a bond of trust and comprehension between us.

It won't be easy, and it will take time and patience, but Rome wasn't built in a day. Right?

"Please, just hear me," I added and sought to grab her hand and the teenager cautiously narrowed her eyes but didn't pull away.

I smiled and gently squeezed her hand between my own in silent pleading.

"I will leave if you want."

After few moments of silence, I was ready to admit my defeat and was almost started to let go her hand when she tugged me forward. I staggered a little bit but quickly straightened. I curiously glanced at her, I felt specks of hope in my heart.

Maybe. Just maybe.

"One chance. Just one chance, if you try anything it won't end well," she warned and her eyes flashed with promise. Her eyes, once warm and kind were hard and full of pain.

She already started to break.

I felt a shiver going through my body and just nodded. She stepped aside to let me enter her house, after few milliseconds of hesitation I completely crossed her door threshold. I could feel her eyes at the back of my bad.

"Your half-breeds will stay outside," she told me in a nonchalant manner while we were walking towards the room she wanted to talk and I shrugged and looked around her house.

It was an ordinary house, you couldn't tell that one of strongest witch lives here.

"I am fine with that," I replied her statement and plopped down on the dark brown leather sofa in the middle of living room. I crossed my legs looked around the room one more time, my eyes caught the photos hanging on the wall.


I peered closer and felt my lips curling up into a small smile.

In a lot of them there was little Bonnie with blinding smile in different ages. There was some of them where she was with other kids. Caroline and Elena if I am correct.

Cute kids.

But I stopped at the biggest photo hanging on the wall. There was teenager Bonnie, maybe couple years younger than now with her arms on elderly woman neck. Both of them looked so peaceful so full of happiness.

I didn't realise when I started to grin at the picture. It was a rare sight to see so much happiness. It made me remember my own family.

The said witch caught where I was staring and her shoulders stumped and sadness clouded her face.

"Sheila Bennet was an admirable person," I started to say still observing the photo of two women. But in corner of my eyes, I still saw how the dark-skinned tensed and stared at me with wide eyes and questions burning in them.

"You knew Grams?" the girl silently inquired, in her voice, I could sense speckles of hope, the desperation of something familiar.

All the harsh demeanour was gone and in front of me stood a young girl who lost a someone she needed.

At that moment she wasn't a powerful witch, she was just Bonnie.

And maybe I didn't have a right to speak about Sheila like I knew her when she was just a minor TV show character, but if that could help the girl in front of me to feel better I will try my best to give her some comfort.

"Hell, that woman was witch with sharpest tongue I ever knew. " I snorted at the memory of her and Damon. Bonnie half chuckled half sobbed and blinked a couple of time to clear her vision.

The young witch hugged herself and wiped the tears from her cheeks. I smiled sadly at her in sympathy and put my arm around her shoulders.

Just a little comfort

We were strangers, I didn't want to overstep my boundaries, but I couldn't just leave her alone.

And sometimes the presence of someone unknown is the best thing you can have.

"She loves you, more than anything," I murmured and stroked her back in a calming manner, she laid her hand on my shoulder. I could hear her ragged breaths.

I don't know how long we were standing in the middle of the living room but when Bonnie calmed enough to realise that she was clutching me, a total stranger, she pushed her body away from mine while furiously rubbing her face to hide tear marks.

I awkwardly rubbed my arms and looked around. From her body posture I could, she was embarrassed even more than me if blushing and avoiding my eyes was enough to prove that.

"It's alright. We can both forget that if you want. It's fine." I sympathised and lifted my hands in surrender as she glanced at me but she still nodded.

Bonnie took a deep breath and for a moment she squeezed her eyes shut to get a grip on her emotions.

I gave her encouraging smile. After few moments she opened her eyes and bored her eyes at me. Once again it was curious and suspicious but with some confidence, but there was also something else. Something new.

"Tell me how do you know grams?"

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