《Always & Forever》chapter 21


chapter 21 Better without us

"Miss, do you think it's a good idea? " Daniel cautiously asked me while looking at the front mirror to meet my eyes while we were driving towards the one particular house.

I leaned forward and smiled reassuringly. Even If I felt my own anxiousness and worry creeping back but I quickly put my hands under my legs to stop fingers from fidgeting too much.

No need to give myself away.

"There are no good or bad, only ideas" I answered him vaguely and he snorted but quickly covered it with a cough. I rolled my eyes at them.

"What Daniel wanted to ask, is it dangerous for you?" Nate the dark-haired hybrid sitting in the passenger seat explained and I leaned back and huffed. Well.

"Life is dangerous no matter what." I started to say and saw how Nate sighed at my overly philosophical answer. I just raised my finger in the air to catch their attention. "But, until we pissed her off or try to attack her we are good."

I finished and leaned back, momentary closing my eyes to get a grip on my emotions.

"I hope" I murmured silently hoping they wouldn't hear the last part of the sentence because honestly. I didn't know what would happen, I didn't even know if she would be willing to see me.

If the show was right then she was quite judgemental and prejudicial. And I really hoped that she let me talk and not award me with her famous aneurysm.

I grimaced at the thought.

"We are here." Daniel announced as we stopped in front of two story,a quite ordinary house. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and opened the black Range Rover's door to get out.

Of course both of my guardsmen followed me making me quite nervous.

I turned to both hybrids last time and crossed arms over my chest.

"Can I hope that you didn't tell Klaus about this?" I raised the left eyebrow in question they both lowered their eyes.


Of course not.

Sire bond.

"Klaus orders," Nate answered sheepishly and I sighed.

Wonderful, now Niklaus knows where I am. If he still cares, of course.

Without any other words I made my way towards the front door, I raised my fist to knock but before it could touch wooden door I stopped.

Just knock, you big baby. The worst case scenario you get an aneurysm. The best?

Well… let's not get our hopes too high.

I assured myself and finally knocked three times.

There was a possibility that she wasn't even at home or she wasn't alone. That would complicate things.

After few seconds I was ready and almost hoping to walk away when doors opened.

The dark-skinned teenager lifted her head to look at me, her green eyes met my greys and I was horrified to see how exhausted and sick she looked. Her skin was paler than ever, dark circles under her eyes showed lack of sleep.

"Can I help you?" she tiredly asked but still managed to sound polite.

I smiled.

"Nicolette Green, a pleasure to finally meet you." I softly greeted her and saw how slight recognition and shroud of suspicion dawned on her face.

What, really?

I extended my arm and greeting and after few seconds of eyeing it warily, she finally shook it, but the second our skins touched she instantly let go my hand as if she was burned.

Bonnie clutched her hands to the chest and stared at me half scared half curious.

"Who the hell are you?"

Niklaus POV

"Maybe I made a mistake by staying."The fair-haired girl whispered almost inaudible but I still heard it.

These seven small words, 27 letters felt like a dagger to my heart.

The sharp pain who was spreading from my heart to the rest of the body.


I knew it, I bloody knew it. Who was I expecting?

Nobody cares about you, boy!

Some miracle, some fairytale?

That was a true mistake, expecting something good for the thing I am.

For the things we are.


A bastard coward who was hiding behind his playthings.

Nicolette just woke up us, brought us back to the reality from some fantasy land.

"I…didn't mean it.." the girl in front us stammered while covering her face. Her face, her beautiful angelic face was full of horror and fear, her eyes glistened with tears.

Maybe I made a mistake by staying.

My heart clenched at the sight, and all I wanted just to kiss her, to calm her, to protect her. But I knew better. I knew better than this.

"Well, suck to be you, love," I told her and smirked even if my mind screamed at me.

But before I could succumb to mate bond I flashed away.

I felt Kol following me.

The cold smirk on my face grew.

There is always time for fun.

I dropped the corpse of some waiter on the ground and wiped my bloodied lips with the back of the hand.

I looked around and saw Kol letting the wrist of another human.

I grinned at the sight before me. Over ten bodies of humans were drained, some with snapped necks, some with ripped off hearts.

"Are you quite finished?" The voice behind me lazily asked and I lifted my head from the bloody corpses to my loving older brother leaning against the wall.

"Elijah!" I mockingly cheerfully greeted him and extended my hands to the side.

"Please excuse us for not saving you some fresh human," I added and jokingly bowed to him.

"But we were quite famished, " Kol added wiping off the blood from his face.

Elijah just sighed.

Like always disappointed.

Like always judging.

"We need to talk about what happened at the house." he started and I dramatically groaned.

"We were arguing, she said some things from anger, we said. End of the story." I concluded, even if I knew the story didn't end here.

"For once I agree with Elijah," Kol replied and I mockingly put a hand on my chest.

"What shocker! Kol agrees with Elijah. Two against one. What a scandal! " I teased them and crossed my hand over the chest.

"Niklaus, for goodness sake! Stop acting like an idiot and accept the fact the this concerns you too!," Kol snapped and instantly I flashed pinned him to the nearest wall, I felt my fangs extending.

"Don't tell me what to do, Kol!" I growled and tightened my grip on his throat "My own mate wants to leave me!" I shouted at him and Kol quickly kicked me off him and growled back, veins showing out from under his eyes.

"She is my mate too." he snapped back.

"For god's sake! Are you two finished your pissing contests?," the blonde haired vampire flashed between us with both of her arms extended to keep us apart. "It doesn't surprise that she wants to leave you," I growled at her

"Rebekah," Elijah warned her. One more word and she will end up again in the coffin with a nice dagger in her heart.

"Honestly! You left her all alone and devastated!" she shouted running fingers through her blonde locks. "The girl who was brought here against her wishes to help you!"

"And that's why we need to find a way to send her back" Kol added and I turned to him shocked. I growled at the thought of sending her.

"I agree with Kol. She doesn't fit with us! She is human, she is kind and good and pure!" Elijah agreed and even if I didn't want it I knew that he was right.

Nicolette was too kind, too pure for us.

"I can't believe you all." Rebekah gasped astonished "She is your soulmate! Your Mate! She was sent to you all!"

She was silent for a few moments before she deeply sighed.

"And maybe you are right. You don't deserve her. She better without all of this. Before she was turned into one of us, and before this wretched family ruined her,"

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