《Always & Forever》chapter 23


chapter 23 New adventure

I absentmindedly stroked the brown leather while thinking about how to answer Bonnie's question without revealing the truth and not lying too much.

The said witch cleared her throat and brought me back from my thoughts.

"Well, I couldn't say I really knew her," I started, slowly thinking my next words. It was extremely important to not mess up "But I knew of her, not everything, of course. But some major facts. " I waved my hand in a dismissive manner and chuckled.

There wasn't a lot of information about older Bennett witch to be fair. So I wasn't particularly lying.

Maybe just altering the truth.

From even my place I could see the questions bubbling in Bonnie's head. I could feel her suspicious stare.

I sighed quite loudly. Time for part two.

"Listen, I completely understand your distrust. But I don't want any problems, " I raised my palms in defence while looking at her brown eyes and trying to show my sincerity. "I just wanted to see how is Sheila's granddaughter who she was proud of," I finished and slightly lifted my corners of lips in a shy smile while lowering my head down a little bit.

My usual lying face.

If my grandmama would see me now. She defiantly would have my ass for lying but still would give me a cookie for good acting.

Sometimes you need to do what you have to do and by any means.

And I needed Bonnie to be not on my enemy's list.

"Grams was proud of me?," the dark-skinned girl suddenly timidly inquired and I mentally smirked.

Always works.

"Of course, she couldn't have wanted for a better granddaughter, " I answered her honestly and she lifted her head and her face instantly brightened.

"And I, of course, don't know you personally, but I can see now why she is proud of you," I added, "From what can I see you are kind, honest, courageous and loyal."

And that was true. Bonnie Bennett was an of them and maybe sometimes too much. Like loyal. I respect this quality but not always and not at his at a point like now when she sacrifices herself and others for precious Elena

I was ready to add so more but the shrill sound of my phone interrupted us. I glared at the device. Stupid phons.

I would gleefully watch you burn.

And guess who is calling me. I give you three guesses.

Klaus Freaking Mikealson.

I swiped my finger to decline the call.

He may be a king but I bow to no one.

He can wait for a minute.

I apologetically glanced at the young witch and stood up. She followed me.


"Sorry for that, but I need to go for now," I excused myself while buttoning my jacket. She shrugged and nodded.

"It's fine, but it was nice to meet you " she gave me half smile, it may be small but it was sincere "It was nice to talk to someone new."

I felt my mouth curling into a cheerful smile.

"Likewise," I quickly grabbed a piece of paper from my bag and wrote my phone number and gave it to her.

For a few seconds, she strangely stared at it but still took it.

"If you ever need someone to talk, cry or drink - call me. Whenever you want. Because we girls should stick together " I winked at her and she giggled.

It was start.

"Yeah, that would be nice. We should grab some coffee sometimes." she offered and I couldn't keep my smile off the face.

The phone rang again. I rolled my eyes.

Impatient, much?

"Sure, hit me up whenever you want," I agreed and looked at my phone again. "But now I really must go. Someone is getting their knickers in a twist,"

She laughed and with the last wave from goodbye I was out of her house.

I was grinning from ear to ear.

It was victory, small but victory.

My happiness was interrupted by the phone. I felt my smile dropping.

I swiped to answer. Let's face the music.

"Hello?" I answered and made my way towards the car where the hybrids were impatiently waiting for me. I smiled at them to show that everything is fine. They opened the car door for me while I nodded my head in thanks.

"Nicolette! What an honour that you finally grant us this marvellous opportunity to hear your voice," the British voice spoke and I couldn't help but chuckle at his sarcastic answer.

"Nik, it's good to hear you too. Finally came back home?," I greeted him and put my seatbelt one. Safety first. There was some shuffle on the other side of the phone, something similar to wrestling and I frowned in confusion. After a few seconds and some half inaudible curses and threats to stake someone, I was greeted with a different voice.

"Where the hell are you, darling?" the youngest male Mikealson demanded and I rolled my eyes, even if he couldn't see me.

Do they dare to ask me that?

"Miss you too, Kol." I sickly sweetly told him and frowned at the phone. "And I am almost at home. Talk to you all then."

And without any other questions, I hanged the call. Stupidly brave and quite immature?

That's me

But hell, who was the one who hightailed away after few words?


I huffed and crossed hands on my chest.

Immature vampires

I glared at the device in my hand like he was responsible for all my problems.

"She just hangs up. She just bloody hang up. " I couldn't believe it and just clenched my left palm until the phone was nothing but a pile of worthless trash.

Nik always can buy another

"That was my phone, idiot!" Klaus snapped at me and I just glared back and threw that worthless parts at his feet. Take it if you want

"She told that she is coming back soon, it's still better than nothing " Elijah like always interrupted and I sneered at him. Always the calm one. Always the diplomat.

Curse him.

"But why the hell she left the house in the first place? " I hissed at them walking back and forth. "And to the Bennet witch?"

"Maybe she was looking someone to help her to go home? " my half-brother mused and I snarled at him.

Even if I knew it was a possibility. But only the thought of her leaving me was driving me insane.

It wasn't right.

It wasn't right.

She can't leave. She can't leave me.

She is mine.

"She is not only yours, brother," Elijah growled at me and I realized that I said the last words out loud. I snarled back and crouched a little ready to pounce on my older brother "She is ours too,"

"Calm bloody down! For goodness sake, before I put you back to the box." the hybrid intervened before I could attack Elijah.

Only the mention of the box where I spent decades of my life almost made me snap and find a way to rip his head from his neck permanently.

But before I could bite back a remark I heard the car from outside the house. I instantly straighten up.

She is here

After a couple of seconds, the front door opened and she came in.

And I couldn't help but be amazed. She was magnificent. Even in casual clothes, she looked elegant. It wasn't her appearance, but the aura she carried around herself. Strong, confident and loving.

Like lioness.

My little lioness.

I couldn't help but smile at that thought, but quickly shake it off because it wasn't the right place and time.

Nicolette made her way to us and timidly smiled at us.

"Well, here I am." she chuckled and nervously nibbled sleeve of her blue jacket.

Oh, darling

"Well, here I am." I nervously chuckled and unconsciously started to nibble sleeve of my jacket. My previous confidence was gone like smoke.

I would be lying if say I wasn't the tiniest bit scared. Because who wouldn't.

I took a deep breath. It's now or never.

I lifted my eyes to meet theirs. I felt my anxiety creeping back. Hard.


Not now. Not now. Please not now.

"We had a little bit misunderstanding earlier," I started and Nik scoffed. I glared at him.

Someone is trying, Mr. Bad Wolf.

I felt my frustration growing up.

"Listen, I am trying to make things right. So you have no fucking right to scoff at me, Niklaus Mikealson," I fumed and crossed hands on my chest while still glaring at the blonde haired hybrid. The said hybrid took a small step back surprised by my response.

Hell, I was surprised by myself too. Not many could say that to him and be alive.

Before he or anyone else could say anything I opened my mouth again. The sooner I start the sooner I finish.

"As I said, we had huge misunderstanding earlier. We all said wrongs things and I wanted to apologize for mine." I took a deep breath. It wasn't that easy to apologize first.

Usually, I am too stubborn and prideful but now it seemed the better idea to be the bigger person. Elijah opened his mouth to say something but I just lifted my right palm to silence him

"Please, let me finish," I muttered and he nodded. "But you need to understand me also, I am new in this world. Everything is different to me. Less than a couple of days ago I was still with my family in my home. And now I am brought by some questionable witches to you. It not easy, and yes, I miss my family so fucking much," they stiffened at my words but I just needed to say that off my chest.

"And I will miss them every day but I believe that I was brought here with a reason. A big reason and I want to make things right. I want to stay, " I looked at them and caught each of them looks. They were somehow understating.

More or less.

"I want to make what we have between us working. But it's only going to work If you want it."

I finished and now was anxiously waiting for their response. I mentally crossed my fingers, because honestly.

Yes, I miss my family so much. I miss my friends and even my brother's cat.

But this is, not an everyday chance to be where I am.

Not everyone could say that they were transported to the TV show.

And if I died and this is a dream so let it be.

It's an adventure, and I was always looking for one. And I believe my family would accept my decision. And like the Gandalf said: Home is now behind me. The world is ahead.

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