《Always & Forever》chapter 9


chapter 9 The Ball

After our talk with Finn, I was sitting in Rebekah's car while humming my one of favorite Imagine Dragons song I know what it wasn't even created yet.

When I realized what I thought.

It wasn't even created.

I chuckled humorlessly and dropped my head on the steering wheel with a hard thud.

Deep breaths

My friends. My family. My university. I

laughed hysterically and felt tears in my throat. My hands started to shake but I still laughed until my laugh turned into dry sobs.

Please Lett, breath.

My all life. It's gone.

I felt my throat clenching, breathing was hard.

It was a freaking amazing time for my mental breakdown.

Just perfect.

"I need to calm down. I need to calm down. It's alright, you will survive this. It's alright, you just need to calm down and remember what sister Teresa taught you. Repeat after me: You are safe, you are alive. Find five things you can see. Tree. Grass. The old man with a green cap. The little girl and her mother. That's good Letty, you doing great. Now find three things you can touch. Steering wheel. Leather. Window glass. That's okay. You are doing great. Now tell me who you are. I'm Nicolette Jackie Green. I grew up in Saint Teresa's Orphanage. When I was seven-years-old, I was adopted into Green's family. I have an adoptive older brother named Anthony. My adoptive mother name is Helena. I love them to the moon and back. And I am safe now. I am calm." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes for a second. My grounding exercise was working even just a bit. I'm alright now.

For a couple of minutes I just breathed in and out

I didn't know how long it lasted but no matter that I was again able to breathe.

My panic attack/mental breakdown was defeated. On my own.

I proudly even little bit silly grinned and looked at the mirror on my left.

I silently examined the girl in front of me.

Her ash blonde hair was messy, free strands framed her slightly frightened oval face. She looked a little bit worn out. There was slightly darker than her skin color circles under her grey eyes.

The skin was a little bit paler than usual. She wasn't drop dead gorgeous but she wasn't hideous either.

As I was observing myself in the mirror, I felt my phone vibrate. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked at the were five missed calls and 6 texts. And all in between 8 minutes I was panicking.

The only one person in this world who knew my number was Kol.

I opened texts.

Here we go

Without reading the last ones I called him back. He picked up after one ring. Someone was waiting.

"Darling! For god's sake. Why didn't you answer me earlier?" Kol joyfully but full of worry voice greeted me and I inwardly smiled a little bit.


"Hi, Kol. My phone was in silent mode. And it was just 8 minutes." I rolled my eyes at him "Patience is a virtue."

He just scoffed.

"There is no such a thing like patience when your new found mate is alone in the new town where you can meet every kind of supernatural creatures at every corner," he stated with a less worried voice. I was touched by his concern. It was nice

Super nice

"When are you get home? Its 2 p.m.," he whined and I chuckled. I looked at my watch on my hand and sighed.

"I'm going now. I'll be in 20 minutes most." I answered his question while starting the vehicle. If I won't get lost. Hopefully

"And there is no need to slay all the town," I added and now it was his turn to chuckle. His laugh was nice.

I like it.

"No promises,"

I was standing in front of full height mirror and doing the last touches of my make up.

I didn't trust people with my face. Bad experience. I put away my lipstick and smiled.

I looked really nice. Very nice.

My burgundy dress was simple but elegant, my blonde hair was braided into the beautiful half up half down hairstyle and the matching set of jewellery from my vampires finished my look.

"Astin, you look radiant." I heard Elijah's voice and shyly turned to him when he was a few steps away from me and looked absolutely handsome in his black perfectly fitted suit.

I slightly smiled at him but quickly looked at my feet.

Now we are shy, ms. Boldy?

"Well, by your side I need to look nice." I nervously laughed and took a few steps forward. He watched me curiously how I started to fix it's his already almost perfect black bow tie.

After fixing up, he grabbed my hands in his much larger ones and softly kissed my knuckles.

I involuntarily grinned.

They all were so caring and attentive. They made me feel all fluffy and warm inside.

It was strange because I knew them only a couple of days but it felt like I knew them for years.

Strange things

"Shall we?" He interrupted my train of thoughts and I nodded while putting my arm in his.

He led me to the main hall, and I was astounded by the elegance and beauty of the place.

The soft classical music was played by the orchestra, ladies with glamorous dresses and gentlemen with perfectly fitted suits were around me.

It was nice.

It was more beautiful than it seemed on the show.

Esther the wicked witch did well.

"Goodness, my darling! You look stunning." Voice behind me marveled and I slightly jumped. "Don't you think, brother?"

"I absolutely agree with you Kol, as I said earlier we are extremely lucky to have you as ours." Elijah proudly responded while I felt my cheeks reddening.


These bastards.

"Look, Elijah, you made her blush." Kol cheekily joked and I glared at him. Elijah just silently chuckled while kissing my slightly red cheek.

"It seems so." he agreed and let go of my arm. I raised my eyebrow in question. "But please excuse me, elskan. Mother is asking me. I'm leaving you with Kol." He explained and leaned closer to me "But first dance is mine," he purred in my ear and with the last kiss on the cheek, extremely close to my mouth to be honest, he made his way through the crowd. I turned my head to the Kol who was grinning widely at me.

"Let's meet the Mayor of the town, my angel," he told me while extending his right arm. I gladly took it, and we made our way towards a couple of people who I recognized as Damon Salvatore and Carol Lockwood.

Uuuu it's tiiime!

"Mayor Lockwood! We haven't formally met. I'm Kol Mikealson and the stunning lady beside me is my angel Nicolette Green." he introduce us while looking at me with a devoted look on his face. I shyly smiled at him and extended a hand to the mayor, she put a smile on her face and took it. I smell fakeness.

"My pleasure. Your town is very nice and welcoming." I told her and felt Damon's look on me.

Kol probably saw that too and put possessive arm around my waist.

"Damon Salvatore, if we met?" He extended his arm and Kol took it with a fake smile.

"We've met a lot of people, and you don't particularly stand out." he roasted him, and I almost snorted, but just smiled him at him as we walked away.

Kol 1 Damon 0

After a couple of minutes the door opened and Elena Gilbert walked in.

And of course Damon and Stefan like always her loyal lap dogs were at her side. I really liked Damon and Stefan as characters but hated it how they were played by a doppelganger.

I just rolled my eyes while disdainfully checking her out but her dullness made me to look away.

While looking at other people I caught Finn's eye.

He raised his glass of champagne in greeting and I nodded back.

All is good.

Kol started to drag me near the staircase where Elijah, Rebekah, and Nik were already standing.

I started to protest but Kol hushed me .

"You are family. Mothers orders." He just told me and a after few moments I was between Kol and Nik.

Between two handsome men. Spirits, give me strength.

"Love, I think my brothers already told you that, but you look so ravishing." the hybrid whispered in my ear, and I felt my body shivering.

I silently touched his arm in thanks.

"If everyone could gather please," Elijah started and people hushed a little bit. I saw Finn coming to us from his place near the Elena.

"Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know whenever our mother brings our family together like this its tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Today's pick is centuries old waltz" He announced loudly and put his glass of champagne away "So if you could find yourself a partner. Please join us."

I felt Nik taking my arm.

"Love, may I have this dance?" He asked and I shocked my head grimacing at the way his smile dropped.

"I would love to, but you must dance with Caroline. She is your date after all," I told him and saw how for a second, there was the hurtful expression on his face. He slightly pouted and I smiled while leaning towards his ear. "But second dance is ours," I promised him in a whisper and with the last mischievous smile he went away to find Miss Forbes.

"Elskan, as I said first dance is mine," Elijah stated, and I smirked while taking his arm. I waved to Kol who was looking at us with rather a jealous look. "Kol, we spend a great part of the evening together. You must share." I just told him and with the last look, I was whisked in to dance floor.

With Elijah, we danced while looking into each other. His arm was possessively wrapped around my waist. He clearly didn'tt want to let go of me.

Unfortunately, it was time for spin and then I was spun straight into Damon's hands. He put up his flirty smile, and I rolled my eyes. I could already feel my mates glares.

He should be dead by now.

"So I was wondering what you are?" He asked in a sultry voice, and I raised an eyebrow in question.

"Pardon?" I decided to act dumbly. He leaned closer.

Personal space, buddy!

"So what are you to Mikealson's brothers?" He re-asked and I falsely laughed. I leaned a little bit closer to him.

"That's not your business." I broadly smiled at his dumbfounded look. Thankfully it was time to spin and I was in Kol's hands.

"I'm going rip his arms and beat him to death with them," he murmured and I bit my lip to stop my laugh from bursting.

"There is no need," I reassured him and continued to dance.

Let's enjoy while it last.

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