《Always & Forever》chapter 10


Chapter 10 The Ball part 2

After our dance, I excused myself to the bathroom and left Kol with Rebekah where they started to plan their course of action.

I kind of like Matt in the show, so I didn't want any part of their plan, but who I am to spoil their fun.

Fun was until Damon snapped Kol's neck in the show.

And damn me if I would allow the oldest Salvatore put his dirty pawns on what is mine.

Yeah, not gonna happen.

While I was walking to the nearest restroom I was looking for Finn.

He already should be here.

I thought to myself and nervously rubbed my hands.

If he decided to..

"Nicolette? Are you well?" Speak of the devil. Finn asked me and I turned to him. I bit flushed because he caught me off guard.

Without words, I nodded my head and unintentionally nibbled my bottom lip.

"I was thinking about what you said to me yesterday." He started and I felt my face going blank.

"And tell me, dear Finn, what you decided?" I tilted my head in question while looking straight into his eyes.

He devilishly smirked and I felt my own lips curling into the similar smile.


I smugly smiled in my minds and saw how his stiff posture relaxed.

"What are you planning to do?" he curiously asked and I smirked.

"As I know, Esther is going to link you and your siblings while using your blood and making you all drink champagne with Doppelganger blood in it," I whispered to him and saw how his face darkened.

"Then she is going to wait for the full moon and with help of Bennett bloodline, she will turn you back into a human and then kill you, and with you all vampires going to say bye-bye. Am I right?" I finished and asked him to confirm or deny my knowledge of witchy bitchy plans.


He nodded and opened his mouth to say something.

"But you are part of her plans too. She told me that you are a danger to people and you should join my siblings," he told me and I felt color draining out my face.

Oh duck.

"Well...crap." I just said and saw how Finn's eyes flickered for a second with sympathy .

"That is changing our plans a little. But today the most important thing is to stay inconspicuous as much as we can."

I whispered firmly to nodded.

It's not about me today.

"Esther is going to watch us carefully. She is going to watch me super carefully. But she trusts you. I hope." I stated quietly. "So you mustn't drink champagne with others. Act like you do, but don't drink." I commanded and saw how his jaw tightened and after a few moments he nodded.

Atta boy.

"What's next? They will be linked and I won't," he asked me while suspiciously squinting his eyes.

"And the blood while you didn't consume champagne will not be effective."I slyly smiled at him his eyes widened in surprise.

"We won't be linked," he stated the obvious and I plastered a smug smile on my face and nodded.

"Esther will be watching us like a hawk. And it's our job to act like we are clueless," I agreed.


After our with Finn conversation. I went outside to take a breath of fresh and to somehow calm my nerves because right at this moment Esther is talking to Elena.

One problem is almost solved. Finn is on my side.

I hope

It's good.

I thought to myself and looked while realizing I was near the horses. It was the same place where Klaus and Caroline talked.

I was a couple of feet away from the majestic creature and with fondly look I was watching him.

I remembered how I and my brother went to the farm and tried to mount the horse bigger than us.


Guess how that ended.

I was only six and Anthony was 11. And what can I say, it was quite unsuccessful.

I fell off and sprained my wrist.

It wasn't a very pleasant memory. I grimaced.

"You like horses," Nik simply stated from behind me and I turned my head to him. I involuntarily grinned at him, and he gave a genuine half-smile. He quickly threw his tux jacket on my bare back even if I wasn't cold. Much.

"Thanks,Nik," I thanked him while nestling further in the jacket. It smelt like him. "And yes, I love horses. They are marvelous creatures. It's amazing how they can sense people intentions." I softly told him, and he looked at me.

I felt my heart sped up. Without thinking, I took a few steps forward and wrapped my arms around his midsection.

He stiffened. His whole body became rigid. I cursed myself in the head and was ready to retract my arms until he wrapped his own around my waist. It was as tight as I can have without my ribs bruised.

I like it.

I put my head on his chest and listened to his calm heartbeat.

He kissed my top of the head and lay his chin on it.

"As you said, horses are a marvelous creature. Unlike people, they are loyal" he started.

"My father hunted me for a thousand years and closest he ever came was the day he killed my favorite horse." He told me while stroking my back." He severed his head with the sword as a warning."

"That's horrible." I gasped and lifted my head from his chest to look at his eyes.

He sadly smiled.

"Well, he didn't get Best Father award." He smirked and I softly swatted his chest.

"I'm glad he is dead" I murmured while putting my head back on his white button up the covered chest. He in response just hugged me tighter.

After a few moments he let go of me, I furrowed my eyebrows, he just smiled and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Its time to come back. It's toast time."He explained and led me back to the great hall, on the way I gave him back his jacket.

After a few moments we were back and I looked around. Elijah was with a doppelgänger.

I felt my eyes narrowing.

Backstabbing cow.

"Calm down love," Nik put his palm on small of my back and I visibly relaxed my body.

It's funny how little touch can calm me.

"Still don't like it," I mumbled while still glaring at her. She lied to him in his face. Little cow.

I forcefully turned my eyes from her and looked at Kol and Finn who were standing together near the stairs. The youngest Mikealson boy caught my eyes and awarded me with a smile while making his way to us.

"Nicolette!" He greeted me delightfully and I smiled back. He stroked my cheek with his fingers I automatically leaned into his hand.

"Good evening ladies and gentleman" Voice above us announced and I looked at Esther. She was looking at us with a glass of champagne on her hand.

"Waiters are coming around with champagne. I invite you a to join me in raising a glass" the young waitress came to us with three glasses of pink champagne. I swallowed the bile back at knowing what was in the glass but still took it. Kol and Nik followed me.

"It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one" she exclaimed with a smile on her face. Disgusting bitch.

"I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!" She cheered and we all lifted our glasses.

You just wait for Esther Mikealson, your end is coming

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