《Always & Forever》Chapter 4


chapter 4 Always and Forever

"Mate" Niklaus and Elijah both gasped and everything stopped.

Oh shit, I'm fragged up.

What happened next was hard to see with my human vision. Kol stepped protectively in front of me, slightly crouching if ready to pounce. His handsome face was void of any emotion and only his now deep red eyes with veins under them and bared fangs was seen.

What the shit is happening.

"Kol, step away from my mate before I put a dagger in your heart myself," Elijah hissed with a voice laced with deadly calmness.

Klaus just growled at both Kol and Elijah.

What did he just said?

"Your mate? Elijah please,." Niklaus just scoffed. "She is mine,"

I had enough.

I sidestepped Kol, while ignoring his worried look and when his mouth opened to say something to me I just raised my palm to silence him.


I ordered and gripped stairs handrails because of pulsing in the head. Not now. Not now.

"Elijah, nobody's is gonna dagger anyone. Not on my fragging watch." I snapped and saw how surprised look crossed all brothers faces.

I ignored and turned to the original hybrid.

"And you Niklaus, I am my own person, not some piece of meat." I fumed angrily. I know it was quite risky and dangerous move to snap at three most powerful and dangerous vampires but at this moment I didn't really care.

My headache just got worse and I gripped my head. I felt Kol arm wrapping around my waist to steady me.

Oh God. Don't let it end in bloodshed. I'm so not in the mood for this.

"Please, can we continue this discussion later? I had a terrible day, I was assaulted by witches. I was sent to the other dimension. I am utterly exhausted and I have a headache big as a house." I begged silently and saw how their faces became clear of anger and jealousy and filled with worry and fear.


Well its better.

At that moment I felt my knees buckling but before I dropped to the floor and split my head open Kol caught me and after he picked me up bridal style he flashed upstairs in the on of many bedrooms.

I could feel Elijah and Niklaus on his heels. I was softly laid on the bed.

I reached to take off my black high ankle boots but Niklaus beat me. I raised my eyes to smile at him and was rewarded with a joyful grin of his own and with Elijah help I was out of my navy pea coat and under the satin blanket.

It so soft.

I tried to smile at them in thanks but my headache came back and I grimaced.

Stupid, headache.

"Vampire blood can.." Kol started to explain to me what I knew already.

Just give me that.

"I know, and that would be so appreciated " I interrupted him, so he without questions bit his wrist and lifted to my mouth.

Blood wasn't as disgusting as I thought.

Strange but not that disgusting.

It was kind of salty. And metallic But with every drop I can feel my pain going away. I sighed with content.

God bless vampire blood.

"Thank you, Kol" I silently thanked and closed my eyes, because even my headache has gone away, tiredness still was here.

Well that's what happens when you travel through dimensions. You are feeling so freaking tired.

I felt my hand being caressed by someone's else

"Sleep elskan." Elijah's voice was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

I watched my sleeping mate. Her ash blonde hair was curled around her oval face, pink slightly pouted lips looked so kissable.

She looked so peaceful, so calm.

My mate

I smiled and kept stroking her soft silky curls. The most treasured person in all world. My Nicolette.


"I think we have things to discuss concerning our mate." Elijah always diplomat stated and let go her right hand.

Our mate?

I silently scoffed but still stood up.

"Sleep well, my darling mate" I murmured and took a deep breath of her scent.

It was intoxicating.

After filling the second glass of bourbon I turned to my brothers and raised my eyebrows.

"So Nicolette is our mate. Three brothers share one mate. What a great thing." I stated sarcastically and sat down in the armchair near the fire.

"Nicolette" repeated to himself Nik and smiled. It was rare thing to see that.

"Quite beautiful and fiery little thing, don't you think? But what are we going to do with her?"

"I don't know about you, but I'm going to be the best mate she deserves," I said gulping my drink.

Like that's not an obvious thing.

You have a mate, you cherish and protect her.

It simple.

"Because I've been with her for a couple of hours and what I can say she is my other half."

"We are going share. Like family." Elijah announced and put one hand on my and other on Nik shoulders, I just patted it, and smiled at my older brother.

"Always and forever"

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