《Always & Forever》chapter 3


chapter 3. Oh shit, why me?

I started violently shook my head to the left and right and put my hand on his to calm him.

My fingers softly stroked his palm and I could see how anger in his eyes decreased.

I close my eyes for few seconds to pull all my confidence to tell him how I came here.

The moment of truth.

"I was walking to home from my university." I silently started, looking into his eyes but still softly touching his hand.

"Then I think I heard some whispers, but I told myself that I am just tired and this is the wind." I humorlessly chuckled

"But then I heard again, when I turn my back I saw three women"

When I told him, he clenched his jaw and mutter something under his breath.

"Yeah, when I turn back and saw these women with linked arms and chanting some things, something Latin, but I wasn't sure. I understood just some of the words like nature, vampire and kill and save. Then one of them, the black-skinned one pulled the knife"

I told him and saw how his eyes glistened with fury again, saw how his eyes scanned me to detect any injuries.

"She just sliced her own wrist and started making her way to me, of course, I tried to run but I simply couldn't, like my body wasn't mine." I retold him and looked him in eyes.

The shiver went thought my body.


"Who are you? What you want from me?!" I yelled at them and tried to run, key word tried.

I don't know what they have done to me but my body was unresponsive to my command and what I could do was just stand there watching how these crazy psychotic witches. Yes witches. Started slice their own palms and started to make pentagram in the dirt.


I felt my kneetrembling and felt fear starting to gripe my entire body. When they were done with their blood pentagram, the black-skinned one grabbed my hand and started to drag me into the middle of the said pentagram.

In fear, I couldn't even scream.

"My dear child, its necessary to you to do this" another with told me with a sad smile when I was in the middle of the five-pointed star drawing.

I looked at her green eyes with my grey ones and saw a great amount of pity and sympathy.

I guess she saw the questioning look in my eyes and started to explain.

"Only you, their chosen one, can save us all. With your knowledge and your soul you can end our suffering." she softly spoke to me.

But I just started to shake head.

What in the hell they are talking about?

"No, no, no. I don't want to. Please let me go, please." I begged and saw how the green-eyed one just sadly looked at me one more time, before all I heard was chanting.

Suddenly I started to feel dizziness and light headiness. And the last thing I heard was one of the witches words in my head.

I believe they were in my head.

"We are so sorry, dear one. But you will find happiness and salvation not only for yourself but for us all,"

Flashback ended

When I finished my story excluding witch words about my so-called destiny and purpose I saw Kol with a concerned look on his handsome face.

I quietly lay my hand on his cool cheek with slight hesitation, but when he nuzzled my hand corners of my lips slightly lifted.

"Are you alright?" I inquired and he snapped his eyes to mine and silently chuckled.



"My Nicolette, you just have been violated by witches, dragged in the other world and you ask me, one of the oldest vampires if I am alright?" he disbelievingly asked me with slight teasing in his words.

I just rolled my eyes.

That cheeky bastard.

He suddenly stood up and stretched his hand, I raised my eyebrow in question but still took it.

"Let's go home, you will be staying with me in Mikealson mansion." he stated and I nodded.

What choice did I have.

The ride to the infamous Mikealson Mansion wasn't long, but it didn't really matter because while Kol drove with one hand, his other was holding mine in my lap.

Fingers playing with fingers and softly caresses made me sigh in peace.

So when we were near the huge and more beautiful mansion than it looked in the show I was beyond terrified. Kol just lifted my hand and kissed it.

"Kol, what of your siblings? Niklaus? Elijah? Rebekah?" I asked biting my bottom lip.

"Don't worry, dear. I will tear apart and send straight to the hell everyone who will threaten you. My siblings included."

He reassured me and I nodded and reached to open the passenger door but he beat me with his vampire speed.

I rolled my eyes and he just smirked and we hand in hand started making our way to the mansion.


Halfway to the second floor where Kol's bedroom was we heard voice laced with a British accent.

"Well, well you sneaky little brother. What do we have here?," the hybrid asked and I stopped on track.

"Well it seems that our brother tries to bring a girl into his room without properly introducing us. " Elijah's voice was a little bit deeper than Klaus or Kol and made me shiver.

I slowly turned and felt my body freezing up. There was the same feeling when I meet Kol.

Calmness and peacefulness.

"" Niklaus and Elijah both gasped and everything stopped.

Oh shit, I'm fragged up.

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