《Always & Forever》Chapter 5


chapter 5 Truly content

I woke up because of cold. Not physical coldness but something deeper, similar to loneliness cold.

You know that one when you feel deep inside your chest, that cold emptiness when something is kind of missing.

Yeah, that kind of cold.

But it wasn't very warm in the room either, so I get up from extremely soft and comfy bed with a blanket draped around my shoulders.

I covered my mouth with the back side of my palm as I yawned. I knew that my ash blonde hair looks like rat nest but it doesn't simply concern me now.

To be honest

With still sleep in my eyes I looked at my phone who was at the dark mahogany nightstand and cursed at the blindness.

After few painful seconds my eyes caught the time in the phone.

It was freaking 2:38 a.m.

Goodness gracious

I groaned and made my way to the door. I was thinking about the living room and huge fireplace with a hot drink when I heard the deep manly voice.

"Astin, why are you not sleeping?" I almost screamed and jumped a good foot in the air when I saw Elijah-The-Noble-Brother-Mikealson standing in the dimly lighted corridor.

Who in their twisted minds thought it's okay to scare girl in the dark?


He was wearing perfectly fitted black pants and white button up.

Hm I wonder if there are some other clothes in his wardrobe than suits.

But like almost always he looked flawless with his dark hair, brown eyes, sharp features and the air of confidence and power around him.

Even if his face was stoic, his eyes were looking warmly and affectionate at me.

Breath Lette, just breath girl.

It was still a strange thing to see someone looking at me with that look on their face. We just met today.


What in seven hells

It was the look I already have seen on Kol's face. It was kind of nice but little bit scary feeling.

"Astin?" The said vampire called me and stepped few steps closer to me and I realized that he was waiting for my answer to the previous question.

I believe I just looked like deer in the highlights. I scratched back of my head and lowered my eyes from his face to his black shiny shoes.

I could just feel embarrassment filling me up.

Thank God, I'm not blushy type because I would be brighter than tomato right now.

"Sorry, I'm just still kind of sleepy, " I mumbled shifting my weight from one leg to another. Smooth. "And to answer your question, I was cold. Still, I am,"

I saw how his corner of lips lifted in half-amused smirk making him even more handsome. It was marvelous.

Control your hormones woman

He didn't say anything else and just extended his left arm to me. I took it.

"Elijah, I want to apologize for yesterday." I started but he shushed me as he lifted my face with his fingers and looked deep into my eyes, fingers stroking softly my cheek.

If he will continue doing it I'll catch my death sooner than you can say mamma mia.

"No need to apologize. You didn't do anything wrong." The noble original remarked but I shocked my head.

"Still, I made quite a first impression, so sorry for shouting at you it was a little bit uncalled. " I laughed a little and smiled at him.

"And I am Nicolette Jackie Green, but you can call me anything you want." I properly introduced myself and grinned at how his eyes lit up.

He brought our intervened fingers to his lips. He softly kissed my knuckles and smiled contently.


"It's my pleasure to finally meet you elskan," he purred and I felt a shiver going down my body. We were close each other and I can feel the heat radiating from him.

I was so warm so without thinking I sighed in content from that warmness.

"Well, well brother, don't be greedy. We agreed we will share." other person said behind me.

And I instantly recognize that British accent. I turned my head little bit sideways and smiled at the original hybrid who surprisingly answered my smile with is one.

"Hello, Nik, " I happily chirped and with a little kiss on Elijah's cheek, which made he purr, I freed my hand from him and fully turned my attention to the blonde haired man.

"No need to be jealous Niklaus. You are special to me equally as Kol or Elijah." I smiled from ear to ear and high pitched squeaked when hybrid pulled me into a tight hug.

I felt his strong arms wrapping around my midsection and spinning me around few times. Instinctively I threw my arms around his neck and happily laughed.

"It's Nik to you, my love," he said softly in my ear still nuzzling my neck.

"Where is Kol?," I wondered with my eyes looking for my youngest mate.

My mate.

It was still strange to say these words.

So strange.

"Did you miss me already darling? I'm flattered" the teasing voice was heard from my left and I saw him leaning towards the wall with arms crossed.

I just rolled my eyes.

And smiled warmly at him of course.

What can I say? Now I am truly content.

I was sitting on the loveseat near the fire with my legs on the Niklaus lap, his fingers unconsciously stroking my legs and making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Kol and Elijah were sitting near me and we've been talking for a quite long time.

I told them what I told Kol about how I came in Mystic Falls, but when I tried to tell them about future, about how their mother - the original bitch oh sorry, Original Witch is gonna try to kill them my mouth opened and no words came out and that's confirmed black skinned witch words said earlier.

Only you can have that knowledge, and only you can save them.


"What a wonderful surprise!" a joyful feminine voice exclaimed and I looked at the woman who can't just stay dead and will cause us a lot of troubles.

Speak of the slagging demon and he will appear.

"My three sons found their mate, what a marvelous gift,"


I growled in my mind and it took me a lot of self-control to not show any emotions.

You will burn.

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