《OurSecondLife with O2L》Chapter 13


Copyright © 2015 Annabelle Hays

Annaelle's POV

The girls night was probably one of the best nights of my life. After our prank calls, we ran around their apartment having a nerf gun war. After we were all tired, we sat down and by that time it was nearly 3 in the morning.

We started talking and it got serious towards 5 in the morning and it was really nice cause we all learned something new about the other. We became even better friends and we all agreeded the next morning that we have to do that again some time soon!

Before I drived Lily, Carson, Gus, and Scout back to the house, we stoped at starbucks for some coffee cause we were all so tired. Then I remembered that today was my day with Jc! I think its been needed after a whole night with all my girls.

We pulled up and almost immediatly all the guys ran out and helped us bring all our shopping and over night bags inside. They were so sweet. As soon as I sat down the last bag Jc had me immediatly in his arms.

"Looks like someone got lonely." I say laughing into his chest. I just felt him nod and it made me laugh harder. "How about that you and me day huh?" I ask leaning back to look at his face. He just smiles at me and nodds. "I can't wait any longer!" he says finally.

"Ok let me go change real quick and ill be right down!" I say and I run upstaires to my room to get out of my gross over night clothes. I change into a sute stripped long sleeved shirt with a cute little pocket and some ripped denim shorts. With it, I put on one of my favorite pairs of converse that is white and has black palm trees on it.


Since I'm way to lazy to wash my hair, I just do a quick french braid from the side of my head that leads to a messy side bun. I just reaply some eyeshadow and mascara and spray a sprits of perfume so I dont smell like your great aunt shirley on the 4th of July.

I run downstairs and I'm immediatly greeted by Jc. "So what do you have in mind for us today Mr. Caylen?" I ask raising my eyerow at him. "Well, I say we go have fun on the board walk? How's that sound to you Ms. Annabelle?" he asks me. "That sounds delightful!" I say kissing his cute little nose.

I go grab my favorite brown leather cross body bag, my heart shaped sunglasses and one of my many other skateboards. I run downstairs and see Jc with his penny board in hand. "Are you ready?" He asks me, not wanting to wait any longer for our day. "Yes!" I say laughing.

He takes my hand and we skateboard down to the board walk together. Once we arrive I can tell we are already going to have fun. There's so many booths and games you can do! We run around trying nearly every one.

We were walking together and eating our cotten candy and laughing when I stopped and screamed. "Are you ok? Are you hurt? Do I need to call the police?" Jc asks pannicking and rushing his words. I let out the breath I was holding in.

"No Jc I'm fine! But look!" I say frantically pointing to a booth just down the board walk. Even though it was a good 10 booths down, I could have spotted it from a mile away. "What? What are you pointing at?" Jc says squinting trying to see what I was pointing at.


"Isn't it obvious? Its a big pillow that says 1D!" I say fangirling the last part of my statement. "He just laughs at me and follows as I nearly sprint down to the booth.

"What does it take to win one of those?" Jc says breathless as he comes up behind me and points to the BEST pillow ever! "Just knock down those pins with at leat 3 throws and it's all yours." the guy behind the counter says.

Jc hands him the money and the worker hands him 3 balls. Not that he even needed that many. He knocked down all the pins with only 1 ball! I just gaped at him and he smirked at me. The worker handed him the glorious pillow and he handed it to me.

"For my princess." he says smiling at me. I was so happy and hyper, I gave him a kiss, and yes on the lips! I could tell he was surprised but he smiled like a crazy person after I pulled away. "Man, I should get more One Direction stuff more often." He says and that makes me double over with laughter.

I just give him a kiss on the cheek and we skate hand in hand with my 1D pillow in the other. This has benn the best Jc and me day, and we are deffinatly doing it again.

A/N Woop Woop! Jannabelle is cute. If a guy won me a One Direction related item, i would probaly kiss him too. Haha anyway I just want to thank you guys AGAIN for 300 hundred reads!

I never thought my story would make it THIS far! That's amazing! Thank you again agian and agian! I love you guys! Peace out my Girl Scouts!

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