《OurSecondLife with O2L》Chapter 14


(From now on, instead of describing her outfit I'll just have a picture of it so it's less hassle and less annoyingly detailed descriptions ;) )

Copyright © 2015 Annabelle Hays

Annabelle's POV

Today is the day the girls and me including the guys and a few other youtubers too are going to our last year of college. As much as I liked online school, it got boring and I felt that I wasn't learning anything that way. I think every one felt that way too. And honestly, I was actually nervous.

One of the many flaws of not doing online school, you have drag your tired butt up and get ready. And that's exactly what I did. I mentally sent death threats to my phone alarm and resistantly got up. I showered the night before, knowing I was going to way to tired to shower this morning.

I take my hair out of its two braids and it falls perfeclty wavy. Thank you braids! I put on my outfit I had planned last night and did some simple makeup. I put on a simple black beanie to cover up a small pimple that made its way to the very top of my forehead. Stupid puberty.

I double check the school suply list and go through my black leather sequen studded backpack that I absolutley adored to make sure that I didn't forget anything. Once I checked everything off, I slipped on my glasses that I had recently gotten since my eyesight had worsen since high school.

I put my phone and earbuds and charger in my purse and a protien bar, knowing I'll get hungry between classes. I look in the mirror and make sure I look decent. I nod at my self and skip downstiars to see Carson, Scout, Ricky and Connor sitting at the table eating breakfast and drinking coffee, probably scrolling through twitter.

We agreeded to carpool to our classes and since Ricky and Connor have morning classes like Carson ,Scout and I, it will be easier to carpool.

"Hey." Carson says, obiously not wanting to be up this early. But we both agreeded that It'll be nice to have the evening to chill and study instead of frantically studying in the morning. I quickly eat the eggs and bacon Ricky had made and cleaned off my plate.

"Everyone ready?" Ricky asks clapping his hands once. "Yup! Let's kick colleges butt!" Scout says suddenly energized.


We get into the car and jam out to some One Direction to get us even more pumped. We pull up to the biology building. Ironicaly, we all have the same schedule and thank god for that.

We get out and walk into the big auditorium that has a big table on a mini stage in the front and a projector screen behind it. We all get seats next to eachother since we are actually 10 minutes early. The order goes Scout Carson, me, Connor and then Ricky. We all chat for a while and make sure we all get out our suplies for this class.

Slowly, people start coming in here and there. Finally the teacher walks in. The room slowley gets quiet and she silently stands at the long, large desk at the front of the room, just staring at us. As soon as it's quiet she smiles at us.

"Thank you!" she says surprisingly happy. I thought she was going to be one of those mean, annoyingly strict teachers, but shes seems super cool. "Welcome to Senior biology. This year is going to be really fun and exciting!" She starts her whole speech and we set up our binders and notebooks as she says. I think this will probably be my favorite class.

"Well class, thats all you need for today. You are dismissed." She says smiling at us. I put all my stuff in my backpack and start walking down the aisle that leads down to the exit. "Bye Mrs. McKorwin!" We all say as we all walk out the door.

Right then, I'm shoved to the side.

"Why dont you quit sucking up, and get out of my way." I hear as a blond head with a stick boddy bounces in front of me as she walks away. "Well then." I say, still in a bit of shock. "Wait.. she looked really familiar, was that.." Carson says thinking.

"Lia." Ricky and Connor say at the same time, obiously not happy with her. "Wait. As in Lia Marie Johnson?" Scout says bewildered. "Exactly. When she shot the movie 'Expelled' and had the kissing scene with Cameron Dallas, Jc and Lia both agreeded it was just for the sake of the movie." Ricky says as we continue to walk back to the car.

"That was, until Andrea cought her sucking face with Cameron after takes. We had to tell Jc, and he was heartbroken. She tried to tell him it was nothing, even tried to win him back, but Jc saw right through her dirty lies." Connor says angrily.


"She gets easily jealous, and since you and Jc have gotten serious, you're not really one of her most favorite people." Ricky says frowning. "But you're so much better than her, so don't let her get to you. She's just jealous!" Connor says and I laugh at him. "Thanks Ricky and Conn. That helps alot." I say hugging both of them as we all got into the car.

Carson pulls out the slip of paper that says all of our classes. She scans the paper for our next class. "ELAR basically." she says simply. "Ok! To ELAR we go!" Ricky says as he sets the car to drive and we travel to the ELAR building.

We arrive on time and we take our seats next together. That class in fine, and so are the rest that follow that. Over all it's not that bad. The only bad thing is that I have one more class that I have to deal with Lia in. And It's my favorite.

Visual arts class. I obiuosly love making videos and we are all taking this class to help us make better content for our YouTube channels. But I know my friends got my back at all times. They'll defend me no matter what. That's why they made sure I was always sandwitched in between them like I was in Biology.

As we are walking through the student union building to get to the mini Chipotle on the other side of it, I see Lia, obiously flirting with some guys as she bites her lips and twirls a peice of hair between her fingers.

As soon as she see's us walking in her direction, she out of no where grabs the guy and starts making out with him right in front of us. The guy was obiously shocked that she did that so fast but not that he was complaining.

When she pulls away, just as we past her, she sends and evil smirk our way and waves her fingers at us. I feel my blood boil. Then I see Jc just finishing his luch and throwing away his trash at Chipotle just outside in the main hall that connects to a bunch of other mini restraunts. As soon as he see's me,he smiles.

I can feel a pair of Lia eyes burning their way through my scalp. All of a sudden I get an idea. You wanna play that way Lia, well two can play at that game. I run up to Jc as quick as I could and immediatly crash my lips into his.

I can tell he's a bit taken aback, cause only yesterday we had our first real kiss. But he gladly kisses me back. I pull back and smile at him. "Well someones happy to see me." he says laughing, and looking down at me, still in his arms. "Yeah actually." I say laughing too.

"Well, my class starts in ten minutes so I gotta go but I'll see you later." He says smiling and giving me a quick kiss and walking in the opposit direction of Lia, thank god. I turn around to look at Lia. She's glaring at me with a look that would make college guys wimper in fear but I keep smiling at her and return her little wave she gave us earlier.

She gasps and stomps off, dragging her new little "Boyfriend" by the collar with her. I turn to my friends, smirking from my victory.

"Yeeaahhh that's my girl!" Scout says high fiving me. "You should have seen her face when you kissed Jc. If looks could kill..." Carson says smiling and she high fives me and so do the guys. "That'll show her." Connor says. "You don't mess with Annabelle." Ricky says. My smirk returns to my face. Annabelle: 1 Lia: 0.

A/N I hope you guys liked this chapter! I certianly enjoyed writing it! I want everyone to know that, in no way am I trying to offend anyone that loves Lia. I just think it gives the story good flare and twist. So in no way am I trying to offend you!

Also, we are almost at 450 reads! That's crazy to me. I want to thank you all. Im so happy at how fast the progression is going. Only a week or so ago we only had 300 reads. Thank ya'll so much!

Anyways, I love you guys! Keep reading and voting. Peace out GIRLY SCOUTIES!

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