《OurSecondLife with O2L》Chapter 12


Copyright © 2015 Annabelle Hays

Annabelle's POV

"Hey guys what's up! Andrea here with a few special guests", Andrea says dragging out her last word, pointing at us. "Hi!" we all say to the camera set up a few feet in front of us. "So since we are having a girls night tonight, it's only fitting that we do what every teenage girl does at sleepovers!"

She pauses and we all smirk evily. "Prank calling" Jenn says in a dark voice. We all laugh. "So we have a cup full of names and a cup full things we have to say to that person!" Lauren says Excitedly.

"Ok we are going to go down the line. Carson you're first!" Arden says. Carson takes a paper slip out of each cup. She opens it up and her jaw drops. Ooooo this is going to be a good one. "I have to call Luke and accuse him of stealing favorite necklace." she says laughing.

We all laugh and carson dials Lukes number. She shushes us as the phone starts ringing and she puts it on speaker. "Hey Carson what's up?" We hear luke say. "Hey Luke, listen I can't find my favorite necklass that I was wearing at the party last night and I know you said you had liked it but I know you stole it." Carson says serioulsy.

We all have our hand over our mouths to keep from laughing. "What? Carson I would never steal your necklace." He says getting defenceive. "Luke just admit it already, It's ok, really, I just need it back." She says back to him and she has to cover her mouth to keep from laughing.

"Carson, you know me, I would never steal your necklace. Why would I even need a necklace?" he says. "Maybe because.....This is for a prank video!!!" She shouts and we finally all burst out laughing. "I'm so sorry!" Carson says laughing.


"Oh my gosh thank goodness! I was scared we weren't going to be friends!" He says laughing through the phone. Once we hang up with luke, we all do our own prank calls and it's so funny. Lauren had to tell her mom that she got pregnant and her mom flipped out but once she found out it was a prank call she just laughed with us.

Then I was last. I reached my hand into the cups and pulled out the last two peices of paper. Oh crap, this should be interesting. "I have to call anthony and tell him I got a tatoo that says wild thang in zera print after the party last night." I tell them.

They just stare at me for like two seconds and then burst out laughing. They all just roll around the floor laughing like a pack of hyena's. Once everyone has setlles down, I diall anthony's number and shoosh them.

"Hey girl! What's up?" he says when he answers. Oh god this is going to be funny. "Anthony, we have a problem." I say in a faked scared voice. "Oh god girl, what did you do?" he asks warily.

"Well I think some dirty rat from the street saw the party and snuck in and sliped something into my tea last night and I woke up on a couch in a tattoo parlor and I went to the bathroom and it turns out..."

I say pause dramatically,"I got a tattoo across my forehead that says Wild Thang in zebra print." I put my hand over my mouth to keep from laughing. "Oh my god Annabelle, I'll be at your house in 5 mins top!" he says almost hanging up before I stop him.

"Anthony, you don't have to do that because... this is for a prank video!!" I say laughing. "Oh my god you SCARED me!" he says and I can pratically see him now. "I love you anthony! Bye!" I say still laughing. "Love you too booboo!"


After I hang up, we end the video. "Until next week, I love you guys! Bye!" Andrea says turning off the camera. We all edit and by the time its done and edited, I might as well have abs from laughing so hard. We're are going to have the best time of our lives tonight.

A/N OH MY GOSH! I still can't belive that we hit 300 reads! You guys! I can't thank yall enough! I hope yall enjoyed this chapter. I certainly enjoyed writing it! Anyways, until next update, I love you guys and THANK you and Peace Out My Girly Scouts!

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