《Fifty Shames of Earl Grey》Excerpt Part VI


Earl Grey grins and heads toward the register as I sit down at an empty table. Now safely seated, I no longer have to worry about walking into any doors as I ogle at him. I watch him order, and he orders wickedly. He is tall, muscular, and has the kind of shoulders you want to jump on and take a piggyback ride on. I watch as he pulls his credit card out of his wallet using his long fingers, which I swear have to be longer than his forearms.

A few minutes later, he brings my Earl Grey tea and his coffee to our table. Our table! I can’t believe I’m already thinking about us as a couple. What would our babies look like? Would they have long fingers too?

“Your tea, Anna,” he says. “If I may be so bold to ask: Why Earl Grey?”

I shake my head. “I like my tea like I like my men,” I say. With the same name as my tea. But I realize that might be too forward, so instead I say, “Black.”

He raises an eyebrow.

“I mean, not that I exclusively like black men,” I say. “I like other kinds of tea. And men.”

“Have you ever tasted . . . white tea, Anna?”

Oh my. “I’ve never heard of it,” I say.

“White tea is a lightly oxidized tea grown and harvested almost exclusively in China, primarily in the Fujian province,” he says. “White tea comes from the delicate buds and younger leaves of the Chinese Camellia sinesis plant. These buds and leaves are allowed to wither in natural sunlight before they are lightly processed to prevent oxidation.”

Wow. “Where does the name ‘white tea’ come from?”

“It derives from the fine silvery-white hairs on the unopened buds of the tea plant, which gives the plant a whitish appearance,” he says, sipping his coffee.


“How do you know all of this?”

He pulls his BlackBerry out, opens an app, and pushes the device across the table to me. A web page is open to the “White tea” entry at Wikipedia. I read a few lines, and realize he just quoted the article word for word to me. “You just copied Wikipedia! Even I know not to do that,” I say. “My professors are always warning us about what an unreliable source that is.”

“Your professors are idiots, Anna.”

“So you weren’t just reciting this article word for word?”

“Who do you think wrote the article, Anna?”

Whoa. This guy writes for the Internet!

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