《Fifty Shames of Earl Grey》Excerpt Part VII


Earl takes the BlackBerry from me and stashes it back into his velour sweatpants pocket. He sips his coffee.

“Why did you ask me out, Mr. Grey? I don’t think I’m your type of girl.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “And how would you know my ‘type,’ Anna?”

I shrug. “I saw the kind of girls you hire: tall, blond, well-dressed.”

“So, based on a couple of receptionists who happen to be blond, out of the billion employees who work for me, you think you know my type?”

“I may have made a generalization there,” I admit.

“You shouldn’t be so quick to jump to conclusions,” he says. “For instance, if I had assumed Jin was your boyfriend, I may not have asked you out today.”

“How do you know about Jin?”

“I had your duplex outfitted with a surveillance system,” Earl says.


“He’s just a friend,” I say. “We’ve never dated or anything.”

“That’s good to know,” Earl says.

I sip my tea. Earl pulls a banana out of his pocket and peels it with his long fingers. “Want some?”

“No thank you,” I say. So we’re down to just one banana in his pants.

“Do I intimidate you, Anna?” he says.

“Why do you ask?”

“Because you seem nervous around me. You sound much more relaxed on the surveillance tapes I’ve watched.”

I sigh heavily. “Yes, I’m a little nervous. I’ve never had a boyfriend, let alone a billionaire CEO stalker flying me around in his private helicopter and holding my hand and buying me tea.”

“You’re a mystery to me, baby,” he says, biting the tip off the banana.

I blush. “Oh, stop.”

“No, it’s true,” he says. “I have no idea what’s going on inside that pretty little head of yours . . . ”


“To be honest, I have no idea either,” I say, looking down at the table to avoid his powerful gaze. “Most times, my mind is just an ongoing, present-tense, first-person monologue. It’s like I’m writing a novel, constantly, but only in my brain. A really bad novel. A trilogy, maybe.”

“Do you have any siblings?”

“No,” I say.

“I knew that,” he says. “We’re both only children. Are your parents still together?”

“No, they’re—”

“Divorced?” he says, finishing my sentence. “I knew that as well.”

I eye him suspiciously. “You’re a strange man, Mr. Grey.”

“You have no idea,” he says, finishing his banana off.

“Then why play twenty questions?”

“You interviewed me. I don’t think I finished . . . probing you,” Earl says, sipping his coffee.

“Probe away,” I say, deliberately trying to shock the mighty Earl Grey. I succeed, because he accidentally spits his coffee out all over my face.

Oh my.

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