《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 16
The patrol with Kirishima was uneventful, it actually made patrolling so boring. The guys stuck to routes that really would rarely see villain activities even on the worst of days. It really wasn't anything other than fan service for the people. But then again it wasn't exactly avoidable. Being top ranked hero's it was important for Bakugou and Kirishima to be seen in the public eye. But why was it every day? It was so boring. But Sakaki kept her complaints to herself, after all what good would it do?
But at least it gave her some time to think. If she was going to be stuck doing nothing more than boring patrols then maybe she should plan for some days off after Hatori returns home. She knew she couldn't keep forcing her heat off anything. It would be much better and safer if she planned it out and took the days off. The worst part was the fact that she needed to bring it up with the guys. And this matter was embarrassing enough as it was that she had no desire at all to have to talk about it with either man. Though surely if push came to shove then Kirishima would probably be the best person to try and ask for the time off in case she needed to tell him why.
Still she hadn't been able to bring herself to bring up the subject all patrol. All morning long and she couldn't force herself to ask him. Or even bring up the subject of wanting a few days off. Even as the duo strolled back into the agency she still didn't have a clue on how to approach the subject. So instead she followed Kirishima to his office. At least Bakugou wasn't around. Kirishima was going off about needing to get some paperwork done. And well to be honest she really wasn't paying much attention to what he was actually saying.
"Hey Kirishima. Could I get some days off next week?" Well at least she wasn't beating around the bush with the sudden question. It seemed to surprise Kirishima who was suddenly pausing mid sentence to turn and look at her with an eyebrow raised.
"Well I'm sure something can be worked out. How many days do you need?" He asked unsure if he wanted to push for an excuse or not.
"I'll probably need a week. But not till after Hatori goes home," she was pretty sure poor Kirishima was blushing as his face started to turn red. It didn't take a rocket scientist to know why she needed a week off and why it had to be after her little visitor went home.
"Hmm that should be doable. I'll ask Katsuki what his schedule is like and see if we can do some arranging for you," she nearly groaned when Kirishima said he would tell Bakugou, that was the lady person she wanted to be informed of her embarrassing time off needed.
"Thanks. Now let's get a start on that paperwork I'd like to be done before Hatori is out of school," she hummed softly as if she had not just asked for time off for her heat to an alpha she was currently stuck working with for the foreseeable future. Kirishima seemed just as happy to suddenly be allowed to change the subject.
"Ah yes it shouldn't take too long with both of us working on it while Bakugou continues his patrols," Kirishima said, strolling over to his desk and he started to sort through the papers that were stacked on the desk, sorting it into two different piles.
"Here you can work at Bakugou's desk while he's out," he said as he pushed a stack of papers into her hands before sitting himself down in his chair and getting ready to work on his own share of papers. Sakaki tried not to scowl at the idea but she really couldn't hide it as she slowly dragged her feet over towards Bakugou's spotless desk. The area was drenched in his scent from his desk to even his chair. It instantly reminded her of that drunken night she spent curled up naked in the man's bed while she waited for her own quirk to wear off herself.
That memory had her own cheeks light up as she sat down and took a deep breath taking in the heavy scent. Sakaki wondered how many times Bakugou had to wash his bedding to get her scent out? After all she had been naked and she knew she had scented his pillow that she had cuddled with and most likely the rest of his bedding. She had not meant to do it but by the time she had woken up and was sober it was too late to take back what she had done. The memory was still embarrassing, she had never done that to someone else's bedding before. Hell she was surprised that she didn't start making a nest with his clothes too while she was curled up in his bed. Thank goodness she didn't, that embarrassment would have killed her.
But even now she was struggling to pay attention to the work in front of her as Bakugou's scent filled her nose and thoughts of her naked in the man's bed refused to leave her alone. Which was a pain for a number of reasons. First off she was at work, this was no place to be thinking about a fellow coworker, second Kirishima was just a few feet away from her and if he noticed her scent leak through her scent blocker patch then she was going to be in trouble. She didn't need to be embarrassed even more than she already was. Barely a quarter of the way through her stack she finally jumped to her feet needing to get some fresh air.
"I'm gonna run and grab some coffee. Do you want one?" She asked as she looked over at Kirishima who was half way through his papers.
"Oh sure grab one for me too," he said, flashing her a toothy grin before she softly returned the smile and nearly took off out of the office.
The second fresh air from outside hit her face she gasped for the lunge full of fresh air and different scents. With every deep breath her brain seemed to become less and less fogged over as she slowly started walking down the street looking for the little coffee shop she remembered was in the area. She was in no rush to return to the agency and the scents of both men that would surely harass her poor hormonal brain. There was almost no line up at the little cafe much to her disdain. So to try and buy herself even a few more seconds she added some muffins to her order before heading back slowly, after all she had little desire to rush back. Sure paperwork wasn't exactly fun, but it made her feel guilty that it was the guys she didn't wish to run back to.
That thought that it was the guys and their scents that had her run from the office made her feel off. Was it bad? Yes she felt guilty but maybe not in the sense of feeling bad. No she felt guilty for the way her body reacted, the thoughts that filled her mind and it made her worried for what would happen if her suppressants suddenly stopped. Then there would be nothing stopping her from giving off her own pheromones and then begging one or both men to do unspeakable things to her. And that thought alone had her groaning to herself and wanting to hide under a damn rock. She never had this issue while working with Miruko unless an alpha went into rut at the agency. But even then she felt she had better control over her body than she did now. It was equal parts annoying and embarrassing.
God damn her second gender, how annoying this was. And damn these two annoying men and being stuck with them. And damn Miruko for sending her on this mission. Why her? Sakaki still wanted to know the answer to that question. She had a feeling the damn rabbit hero thought she was doing the antisocial woman a favour letting her work with old classmates. But oh how much Sakaki was cursing out that darn woman at that moment and even more so as the agency came into view. Slowly she made her way into the agency with a forced smile on her lips. A random muffin offered to the nice front desk lady bought her another minute before she was walking back into the guys office. At least Bakugou had not returned from patrol. With his coffee in one hand hers in the other she walked up to Kirishima's desk.
"Here you go. One highly sweet coffee for mister sunshine. And a muffin if you want one," she said, able to completely force a warm and friendly look and tone as she offered the redhead a muffin which he took happily.
"Are you trying to butter me up for your time off?" Kirishima's tone was completely joking but damn she nearly flinched at the comment. She really wanted to avoid that subject.
"Not at all. I felt snackish and figured you would enjoy something just as much as I would," she said, forcing that smile and friendly tone to remain. And this is why she could never work in retail; she could barely force a smile for more than five minutes. With that she took the remaining muffin and coffee back to Bakugou's desk. She happily started to snack on her muffin in between sips of coffee. At least between the smell of fresh coffee and muffin she was able to help keep Bakugou's scent from taking over her brain again. It made the paper work much easier to focus on. But of course what little peace she had didn't last long before the door to the office door slammed open. She had to bit back a growl as she felt Bakugou's red eyes fall on her as he stormed towards her.
"Why the hell are you sitting at my desk?" Of course the blonde couldn't ask nicely nor was he paying poor Kirishima any attention. Who was by that time already jumping to his feet and coming around his desk attempting to grab Bakugou's attention.
"Doing paperwork! what does it look like?" She answered back, not even attempting to contain the snarky tone as she looked up at Bakugou as they locked eyes both refusing to back down. Now neither one of them was listening to poor Kirishima who was attempting to try and prevent a desk from likely going flying.
"I can see that dumb ass. But that doesn't answer my question. Why the hell are you doing it at my desk?" Wow she was a little surprised Bakugou actually elaborated a little bit more about his question even though Sakaki knew that was what he meant.
"Cause I don't have a desk to work at. What's the matter scared I'm gonna leave cooties all over your desk?" She couldn't help but tease the angry blonde who was standing before her. And of course he didn't seem to appreciate her teasing as she listened to him growl as his top lip pulled back to flash off his perly white teeth. Damn the man had nice teeth even when he was attempting to be threatening.
Though watching Bakugou's face grow more and more red was rather entertaining. Hmm was that smoke coming out his ears too? Oh it was just far too much fun watching Bakugou's reactions to her teasing him. And of course the smirk that grew across her face completely gave away the fun she was having at his expense. Poor Kirishima on the other hand looked so worried as he watched Sakaki smirk as she took one last sip of her coffee before emptying the cup.
At least they could all appreciate that Bakugou had matured enough to not blow up the desk like he would have done had this happened when he was still a teenager. But still it looked like he oh so badly wanted to flip the desk over and grab her by the neck. But then again maybe the only thing stopping him was that it was his own desk and things he would risk damaging. Nonetheless it wouldn't have mattered to Sakaki which made the moment all the more entertaining to her.
"Why you," it seemed Bakugou was a little lost for words. Whether it was because of his anger getting in the way or the fact that he didn't actually know how to answer she didn't know. But it seemed Kirishima was ready to intervene as he placed a large, heavy hand on Bakugou's shoulder which seemed to pull the blonde back to his senses. Well at least it calmed him a little and forced him to take a deep breath before a geeky shoving his hands into his pants pocket.
"Whatever, just get your damn work done," that was all the blond said before turning and completely storming out of the office to who knows where. Well Kirishima had an assumption that Bakugou was heading to the locker room to change and then most likely headed to one of the training rooms to take that anger of his out there.
"You know you really shouldn't poke the bear," Kirishima said softly with a light sigh after having watched his friend storm out.
"But where's the fun in that?" She asked completely teasing but the light glare she got in response had her sigh softly. "Okay I'll try harder. But damn it he just irritates me at work."
"You both get so worked up at work," Okay worked up was not the word he wanted to really use. The two idiots were just both so aggressive with each other at work it wasn't even funny. There was just some sort of tension sitting between the two and it seemed that at work that tension was pulled to a near breaking point. Kirishima almost wanted to tell the two of them to just fuck either and get over those odd tension and seeing who had the bigger balls. But that was not a professional thing to say so he had to bite his tongue and hoped the two of them didn't actually kill each other.
Though now it was Sakaki's turn to sigh and struggle with how to reply to Kirishima. He wasn't exactly wrong; she did get worked up. But it probably wasn't the way he was thinking, or at least she hoped it wasn't. A part of her wanted to blame that she got too comfortable working with Miruko and the alpha's at her agency. It also didn't help that she had found the ability to stand up to alphas like Bakugou since her school years. And her new found pride refused to just let her flinch and submit to them now.
"I can't help it, that angry pomeranian just knows how to push my buttons. Seems only fair if someone pushes his back," She said simply with a light shrug of her shoulders as she tried to turn her attention back to her work that she still needed to get done before she could run off and go get Hatori from school. It was clear she didn't want to continue this line of thought as she turned her attention from Kirishima to her work. With a sigh Kirishima allowed her to drop the subject as he turned and headed back to his own desk to try and get his own work finished before the end of the day. After all, he knew Sakiki was going to want to be done and getting out of work by the time school ended. Typically there wouldn't be such a need to rush paperwork, it also didn't help that usually both men were on call for all sorts of hero work. Before Sakaki the two men seemed to live at the agency. It was almost a little weird for them to be eating dinner together so much, hell Kirishama almost couldn't remember the last time the two had the same day off since starting their own agency. But since Sakaki had come to join them for the mission both men had been spending a lot more time together it seemed along with Sakaki. Though Kirishima would be lying if he didn't admit to himself that he had noticed the way the two reacted when round each other both inside and outside of work.
A person would have to be blind to not see how the two reacted to one another. Especially outside of work. The small things the blonde did to help her that completely gave it away. They were things Kirishima had long ago noticed what the blonde would do to show off his feelings. Similar to how he would show off how he appreciated his friends, though he was always so rough and loud it didn't stop him from the small almost unnoticeable acts that was his way of showing off what little softer feelings he had. Though Bakugou would probably never admit it if he was ever called out for the little things he does. Like paying for a meal, or even more importantly cooking one for those around him as he had done when they went for their hike that last weekend. Or the fact that he had taken her to his home while she was drunk off her own quirk and even gave her his bed even though Kirishima knew she scented up the blonde's room. It still faintly smelled of her even earlier that morning when Kirishima walked past the room on the way to shower. How Bakugou was able to sleep in his room that night the red head didn't know. Hell he didn't even know if Bakugou stripped his bedding after that, but he had to have maybe they just hadn't made it to the washing machine yet. But still it was odd to think Bakugou had not tried to remove her scent from every inch of his room. It was all the more evidence that Bakugou didn't want to remove her scent. Nonetheless Kirishima was sure that Bakugou liked the woman but the question now was would the blonde realize he liked her and would he actually do anything about said feelings? Maybe another question was did Sakaki have the same feelings and realize hers as well? Because if they were both oblivious then poor Kirishima was in for a long hall.
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