《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 9
That evening was much like the last, Bakugou and Kirishima had walked her and Hatori home. It was oddly nice enjoying the company as she walked home compared to the usual quiet and lonely walks she typically made when she didn't have the young child in her care. Though she worried the two large idiots were going to make a habit of walking her home as they had been doing so far more than they had to.
"You know the two of you are gonna look like you're stalking me if you keep following me home," She said playfully as Kirishima and Hatori were walking ahead of her. Forcing her to walk beside Bakugou since the small dark haired kid was pretty much glued to Kirishima's side after he had picked the kid up from his school while out on patrol. She could hear Kirishima laugh at what she assumed was her comment and not something the little kid bouncing around him was talking about. Bakugou of course didn't seem to find her teasing nearly as entertaining as he simply clicked his tongue off the back of his teeth.
"Ch. Who the hell would stalk your ass," Was of course the rude remark back which just made her laugh which only seemed to irritate the blonde more as he growled at her. Once her laughter died down the two fell into a silence as they walked side by side as they watched Kirishima and Hatori walking ahead of them.
After that the walk home remained silent between her and Bakugou. Honestly she didn't mind as she just walked beside the man. It was just three pro hero's walking the streets with a kid in tow. Which was a bit odd as both men remained in their hero costumes. She wondered if it was for Hatori? Or to help make sure the walk home would be extremely uneventful? After all, what villain would attack three pro hero's in the early evening on a busy street? Only a real moron would. But criminals were getting smarter. So she wasn't surprised when they reached her apartment without an issue. At some point Kirishima had hoisted the kid up onto his shoulders as they walked, allowing the kid to see over top of everyone they walked past since few civilians were taller than the red mountain of a man.
The sight made Sakaki smile softly as Hatori was smiling widely as those little blue eyes of his were wide as he took in the view of the world from an angle he never knew. And the pure joy it brought the kid just melted her own heart. And of course Kirishima oddly looked to be enjoying himself as he chatted with the kid about what she didn't know she hadn't actually been listening to them as she was too caught up in her own head walking beside Bakugou. She was also so busy watching the two ahead of them that she had not noticed Bakugou's lingering gaze watching her.
Once they reached the apartment she tried to reach up for Hatori but god dang it Kirishima was tall she couldn't even reach Hatori properly unless she was going to tug him off by an ankle. In the end Kirishima had to lift the little boy off his shoulders and pass him over to Sakaki. Even though the boy pouted as he was pulled off Kirishima's shoulders he didn't resist as Sakaki placed him on her hip as she held him. He was still light enough she could do that though he was quickly growing to large another year and she doubted she would be able to carry him around on her hip.
She ignored the kids protest and pout at well being handled like a kid as she wished the two idiots a good night and headed into her shabby little apartment so she could make some dinner, her Hatori and herself cleaned up and then relax before falling asleep while watching movies together as they often did when he stayed over. She knew eventually he would start to use the extra futon she kept but for now she relished in the fact that the kid still slept curled up in bed with her when he visited.
It felt too early when her alarm clock went off in the morning waking the two of them. Then again she often did like to sleep in till 7am on her days off and with Hatori it was often the only time she let herself not even set her alarms. But right before falling asleep last night she had come to the realization she had no idea when Bakugou and Kirishima would be showing up. She probably should have just texted one of them, most likely Kirishima given the late hour she came to that realization while laying in bed trying to fall asleep. She recalled Bakugou always being an early to bed person. So she didn't dare even think to text him. But she also didn't want to wake Kirishima up either. That would just make her feel bad. Eh she could just do it in the morning was the thought she had before drifting off to sleep. Now awake she turned off her alarm and rolled out of bed with a yawn as Hatori whined asking for five more minutes. Well she could go for a shower this way before she had to start breakfast so she left the boy to sleep a little longer while she took the opportunity to enjoy a longer than necessary shower. All of which was a domino effect for the trouble she was about to find herself in.
Once out of the shower and dried off she gave Hatori a shake before making her way to her closet before pulling out some fresh clothes for him. She always kept her own stash of clothes for the kid in her own closet. Made it easier than packing the kid with a suitcase and more than a week's worth of clothes for his annual weekly visits. With herself already dressed in a tank top and some capri jeans that sat like a second skin along her legs. Probably not the best for a hike but she didn't expect the guys were going to take them on a real mountain hill trek with a young kid in tow so she dressed more assuming a simple walking path little hike. Yet another decision she was likely to regret later on that day.
Hatori on the other hand was in a simple t-shirt and some cute little light brown shorts before the pair found themselves in the kitchen where Sakaki was quickly grilling some fish and making some tamagoyaki as she waited for the rise to cook as well. By the time Hatori was dressed and slowly dragged his half asleep but to the kitchen table Sakaki was already littering it with food before placing the kids plate down. With her plate filled quickly seconds later she happily joined him as the duo started eating. It was rare she actually made a full breakfast for herself. Usually she had a tendency to just make some rice balls she could shovel down her throat while rushing out the door. But with Hatori she could actually take the time to slow down and enjoy such simple things. Well that was till a knock at her door had her pausing mid bite of her tamagoyaki.
Oh no, oh no, oh no, no no no where the words along with a few curse words that flew through her head in the split second she had to pick herself up from her seat. It was barely 8:30 in the morning, there was no way the two idiots would be knocking at her. Please let it be some vacuum salesman and not two idiots standing in front of her door. Of course the second she approached the door she never even had to check before the oh so rough yell told her all too well who was on the other side of the door.
"Open the damn door," yep of course it was Bakugou who yelled out before she could even get the door open.
"Geez give me a minute, do you know how early it is?" She called out as she quickly pulled the door open to be greeted by both men standing in the hall of her apartment building.
"Early? It's not that early," Bakugou growled before nearly storming into her place as he nearly shoulder checking her. But at least he had the decency to kick his shoes off before he stormed into her tiny little apartment.
"Sorry about him. He's been up and ready to go all morning and you know Bakugou," Kirishima said, smiling softly as he nearly whispered the apology.
"Still as impatient as always I see," she mumbled under her breath but she still stepped away from the door allowing the red head to step in though he kept his shoes on and stayed by the door.
"We are just finishing breakfast. Then we will be ready to go," she called out as she stepped into her little kitchen to find Bakugou leaning against her counter. Why was it having both men in her little apartment made the space feel incredibly tiny? Geez she wasn't even sure if both men, herself and the kid could even fit in her living room. She could feel Bakugou's eyes on her as she slipped past him back to the table stuffing a tamagoyaki into her mouth before walking past the table and the kid who was now trying to talk around a mouthful of rice.
"Don't talk with your mouth full," she scolded the kid though she herself was still trying to finish the mouthful of egg as she moved to her.
"You're one to talk," it was actually Bakugou who said what the kid was thinking though she didn't hesitate to throw a glare at the blonde man.
"Oh shut up, if you would have waited ten minutes I wouldn't have to rush," she called out before she walked into her bedroom to grab a backpack before tossing some extra socks into it for Hatori, she was well away of kids and the love to get their feet wet every chance they get. She also grabbed some spare clothes for the same reason. She had learned fast that kids just love to get dirty as a whole. She ran to her bathroom next quickly tossing on a light little makeup and tossing her scent blockers into the backpack as well. Not having the time to plaster all four on her body. Surely she could do it later once she had a second.
Then from there she made her way back into the kitchen to open her little fridge and pull out a couple of water bottles before she tossed those into the back pack as well. By this time Hatori had finished his meal and even placed his own plates in the sink. It seemed someone, she suspected Bakugou, had wrapped up her leftover breakfast and placed them in the fridge. But she wasn't about to thank him or ask him about it either.
"Hatori go put your shoes on, I'm sure Red can help you if you ask him really nicely," She said watching the kids face light up as he ran to the front door to look for the new pair of running shoes he had. A set with laces even though he couldn't yet tie them on his own. But she could hear him bragging about the shoes, the kid really loved to the big red idiot standing in front of her front door.
"Hurry up dumbass," she could hear Bakugou growl at her.
"Give me thirty more seconds," she said as she looked around trying to make sure she didn't forget anything. With that she tossed the backpack over her shoulder and making her way to the front door where she looked for her own running shoes before grabbing them and slipping them on as she watched Kirishima walk out into the hall with Hatori making more room for her and Bakugou to put their shoes on and follow as they all make their way out of the apartment building.
The jeep that sat parked in front of the apartment building had grabbed both her attention and Hatori's. It was rather nice with the top open allowing those who sat in it to get a lot of fresh air.
"Oh wow! Do we get to ride in it?" It was Hatori who said what she was thinking as he ran up to the red jeep.
"I'm gonna go out on a limb and say this is Kirishima's ride?" She asked as she looked between the two men. Kirishima smiled widely as Bakugou just grumbled something under his breath.
"How could you tell?" Kirishima asked with a wide innocent smile on his lips.
"Oh I don't know the fact that it's big and red may have given it away," she said unable to help the laugh as Kirishima pulled out his keys and unlocked the vehicle even though it wasn't really needed as they all could have just crawled in since it lacked doors or walls on the back half. Of the vehicle.
"Just don't get us killed," Sakaki said as she carefully buckled Hatori in before moving to sit in the back seat beside him. It was a good thing there were not any more people, the jeep just held the four of them.
"So where exactly are we going?" Sakaki asked as the vehicle roared to life and pulled out into traffic.
"It's a place me and Bakugou go for hikes all the time," Kirishima said as he sat in the driver's seat as he drove. The wind of the open vehicle was torture on her long hair as she didn't think to grab a hair tie in her rush to get out of her home. And yet the giggles from the kid beside her gave away how much he found either the car ride fun or how funny she was to watch as she tried to contain her long dark hair from whipping around her face. She wanted to complain that Kirishima's answer was not really the one she wanted since it still left her with the thought of where the hell is that? It truly did not answer her question. But she had a feeling neither man was going to say anything as they drove though the morning rush hour or what bit there was at 9am on a Saturday morning. And of course the closer to the outskirts of the city the less vehicles and the faster it felt like Kirishima was driving.
Soon city buildings turned to trees as the incline grew. And before they knew it they were pulling into a small little parking lot just a small ways up a well popular mountain a lot of people liked to hike on. Though it had been a long time since she had gone hiking she did know a few of the basic trails around the mountain. With the jeep shut off all four occupants jumped out. And apparently she wasn't the only one to pack a backpack though the ones the two guys pulled out of the back of the jeep made hers really look dainty.
"Geez what did you two do? pack your entire house?" She asked with an eyebrow raised as the packs were easily big enough to stuff poor Hatori into if they wanted to.
"Well shitty hair eats like a bear so I had to pack enough food. Then making sure we have enough water. And both packs have their own first aid kits," Bakugou actually answered her as he swung his own bag over his shoulders. Now that she took the time to notice both men were clearly well accustomed to climbing mountains as they wore nice looking hiking boots, both had shorts on and of course both sported shirts that looked a size too small for them as the shirts clung to them like a second skin. She wasn't wearing her scent blockers so she had to keep her mind busy with other thoughts.
"So you just packed your entire kitchen. Okay," Sakaki hummed softly with a playful smirk as she heard Kirishima bark with laughter.
"You ain't wrong," the redhead said once his laughter had died down. It was the popping and cracklings from Bakugou's hand that had both her and the redhead friend laughing as their joking only seemed to irritate Bakugou.
"Alright alright calm down Boom Boom boy. So what path are we taking?" She asked as she turned her attention over to Hatori who had suddenly found a bug on the ground that was really interesting.
"This way," Bakugou growled before taking the lead. This reminded her of high school Bakugou with his need to always be in the lead, and how he hated people even walking beside him. So of course she wasn't surprised when the blonde took the lead leaving her and Kirishima to follow after him. With Hatori happily running to catch up with Bakugou.
"It's nearly been eight years but he still has not changed," she said out loud though she had meant to keep it to herself but it wasn't hard for Kirishima to overhear the soft words.
"Yep he's still the same person he was in high school. He's usually not as angry as he has been lately. But I'm sure it's nothing. Hopefully some fresh air and hiking will help," Kirishima said, flashing her a wide toothy grin. It oddly felt reassuring to see that the man had not changed very much in the good amount of years since she had seen him last. And here he was being the same loud idiot as always but that oddly soothed a part of her mind.
She watched as the little boy ran out ahead of Bakugou once they were set out on the trail and the only thing around them was trees and brush. She warned the kid not to get too far ahead of them and stay within view. But she was sure as long as Bakugou could see the kid she wasn't too worried. After all, who would want to take on the two mountains of men escorting the woman and child. And in the middle of nowhere too.
The walking was nice, the trail not all that difficult since the ground was nice and level. The incline was not too rough and Hatori seemed to be loving it as he zig zagged all around looking at any bugs he could find or any plants that caught his attention like a pretty flower or something. Apparently Bakugou must have found it annoying as eventually at some point Bakugou and Kirishima had traded places with Kirishima and Hatori leading the way as Bakugou trailed back with Sakaki. It was a bit off having the blonde walking beside her rather than the redhead.
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