《Pandora's Gift》Chapter 10
And unlike his red headed friend Bakugou was silent as he walked with her down the path. But she didn't mind the silence as she watched Hatori and Kirishima together. It was such a heartwarming thing to watch Kirishima talking and encouraging the kid. It was a bit of an interesting interaction to watch. A big mountain of a man with sharp shark-like teeth who turned into a literal wall of stone. Everything about the man was scary, and yet he really was a smiling ball of sunshine and the largest human teddy bear a person could ever meet. Though it did raise some questions as she watched just the way he interacted with the young kid. So warm, kind, and almost like a parent. It reminded her of herself when she interacted with the kid.
"I know it's not my place. But seeing Kirishima with Hatori. I have to ask. Why didn't he ever start a family?" She asked softly, glancing over at the blonde who was the man in question's best friends. An odd look crossed the blonde's face and she would have laughed had she not been serious in wanting an answer.
"I don't know. I always thought he and Pinky were going to get together. They dated for a while and suddenly they broke up. We are all still friends but he has never really dated since," wow Bakugou actually answered her question seriously. But the look of almost concern that flashed for a second across the blonde's face gave away that the blonde must have had some concerns over the same question.
"I'm sure he will meet someone eventually who will make him happy and he will have kids galore. Just imagine you being an uncle to a group of rugrats," she said trying to lighten the mood a little as her tone quickly turned teasing as she called him an uncle. And yet she was pretty sure for a split second she watched the corner of her lips tug up a little before pressing back into a firm line.
"Ha of course the dumb ass would have a ton of kids," he said with a huff through his nose as he actually played along with the teasing. For a split second she was actually surprised that the blonde was playing along with the teasing.
"And what about you? With some sparky little mini gremlin following you around?" She asked with a wide grin pulling at her own lips at the thought of some mini blonde little rugrat following Katsuki around. Of course the man glared at her for that teasing.
"You're one to talk. You're the omega, aren't you the one who's going to want all the little gremlins running around?" Apparently Bakugou had no issues turning the teasing around on her. That actually had her snort, she didn't even mean to as she couldn't hold back the laughter. Usually she would kick someone's ass for teasing or even bringing up that she was an omega and she should just make babies. But with it coming from the blonde who clearly was actually lightly teasing her and not being rude she would easily allow it.
Was it the loud laughter or the extremely sweet smell of strawberries that filled the air that was what drew Kirishima's attention to the two behind him. To which he was shocked to see Sakaki laughing her head off and Bakugou actually had the ever so faint ghost of a smile on his lips as he listened to the woman beside him kill herself with laughter. It was an odd and yet warming sight for the redhead. He had worried his blonde grumpy friend would die alone but seeing the two get along so well had him wondering what he could do to push the two together. Mina was going to have a field day helping the red head play Cupid, and she would kill him if he didn't include her in his plan.
For now Kirishima turned his attention to Hatori lifting the boy up onto his shoulders as he continued to hike. This was he could keep the kid occupied and allow them to walk ahead of Sakaki and Bakugou allowing the two to have some slight privacy with Kirishima leading the way ahead and keeping the kid busy. And it seemed neither Sakaki or Bakugou noticed that Kirishima was trying to put a little distance between himself and his best friend.
"Really you think I would have a bunch of crotch gremlins running around? One part time is enough work," she said even though it wasn't completely true. Sure, a part of her didn't mind that she didn't have kids. But a part of her, mostly her omega side. Did wish to have that family and kids. Find a strong alpha who would love and care for her while she raised their child. But she also wasn't stupid. She wasn't your typical weak and mild omega. She never rolled over and submitted to anyone any more. And that made her unattractive to many alpha's. Everyone wanted the cute little submissive omega. Her being full of lean muscles, bull headed and stubborn often wasn't attractive qualities to have. It had been bad enough when she was in UA and wasn't even a pro hero and had not grown any better as she aged and actually began working as a pro hero. And as such the woman even avoided dating for all she was worth. She would be married to her job and she was fine with that decision. Well most days she was fine with it. But she'd be lying if having Hatori around didn't sometimes unbalance the control over her omega side.
"I don't know, the kid seems to make you happy," was the hum she got which was actually a little surprising coming from the blonde. It actually surprised her so much she didn't know what to say back. Instead she found her face heating up as her gaze quickly glanced away as she found herself fiddling suddenly. Though it was the spike in strawberries with a slight acidic tings to it that had the blonde growl softly. That had the dark haired woman freeze. She wasn't accustomed to people being able to smell her scent and she often forgot about how it could give away things that she wouldn't want others to know.
"Calm the fuck down," Bakugou growled at her which only had her face light up more. Damn it she needed to calm down.
"Sorry," she mumbled quickly, unable to look over at him as she quickly looked ahead for Kirishima or Hatori. But the two were so far ahead she nearly couldn't see them. It was nearly just her and Bakugou along the trail.
"What the fuck are you apologizing for?" He growled back which ended with her chewing in her bottom lip. Damn it she hated how the man was always so straight forward and aggressive. It made it hard to push away that side of her brain that wanted to submit and please the man beside her and he didn't even seem to be trying to force her into submission at the moment.
"I didn't get a chance to put my pheromone blockers on. I forget how easily my scent changes," she simply mumbled almost pouting as she hated that it was true. She never paid any real attention to her scent or how her scent would affect those around her. It was a thought she hated to think about and watching the way Bakugou's jaw tensed a little she wasn't sure if it was because of the awkward subject or if it was his reaction to her scent and it's changes that brought on the tension in his jaw.
"We better hurry up or Kirishima is going to leave us behind," she said before suddenly taking off jogging ahead of Bakugou trying to get away from him a little.
Bakugou watched her as she suddenly took off running away from him. His body itched and his skin crawled as he resisted the urge to not just take off after her, chasing her down. His alpha wanted so badly to run after her and catch the fleeing omega. The thought of giving chase was far more enticing than Bakugou would have liked to admit as he sped up his own pace to catch up to his friend, the kid and the annoying omega he was finding more and more annoying, though that was not completely her fault.
The scenery was beautiful, the air nice and fresh even though they spent all morning walking and Sakaki had gotten hungry shortly after the walking started. After all, she barely got half her breakfast before Bakugou was banging on her door. But she bit her tongue knowing complaining wouldn't help any. Kirishima carried Hatori on and off during the hours making it easy for them to travel along a good stretch of the trail. Sakaki still wasn't actually sure where they were going or how long the hike was going to take.
Finally both men started to slow down a little which was a relief though she would never admit it. She was used to walking the streets, not scaling mountains. So this was an entirely new workout for her. But it felt nice, feeling a little worn out by the hike had felt good. Though she was sure her legs were gonna feel the burn by the time she got home after today. But it was something she had grown to welcome and enjoy after a day of exercise or work.
"How much further?" It was the kid who asked and Sakaki silently thanked him for asking as she was curious as well.
"It's just around the corner now," Kirishima answered since Bakugou just grunted as usual. But at least it was better than him turning his anger on the kid so she couldn't complain too much.
With that they came around a bend and watched as the trees gave way to a small rest area it seemed. But it was the beautiful view that was truly breathtaking as they looked out from the side of the mountain. The city is nothing more than dots in the distance.
"Oh wow!" Sakaki said, actually sounding as breathless as she felt as she took in the amazing view.
"I know right? This is a spot me and Katsuki like to come to from time to time," Kirishima said, flashing her a wide smile as Bakugou tossed a glare at the red head for giving away the personal information.
With a small wooden picnic table set up allowing a beautiful view. With the chance to break for lunch the guys both peeled their backpacked off before pulling out a number of bento boxes. And of course Bakugou is right and Kirishima was able to pack away three himself. The bentos though plain were still a surprise. The fact that the blonde explosive idiot could make bentos that were clearly made for each person. After all, she could smell the spices in whatever Katsuki had made for himself. While everyone else had nice and simple meals.
Sakaki had to strongly resist the urge to tease the blonde. After all most alpha's tended to think cooking was an omega skill. So to see the blonde still cooking and doing it for them was a warming thought. Though she was more than sure that the blonde would also blow up anyone's ass who tried to make fun of him for cooking so well. Sakaki herself rather enjoyed it, it was a turn on to see that an alpha could care for her in that sort of way.
She'd never admit it but that was probably a better lunch than she could have made herself. Or maybe it was the fact she missed half her breakfast, walked a few miles, got a lot of fresh air and had a beautiful view to enjoy as she ate? She didn't know but she wasn't about to break that peace with complementing the blonde either. That dang ego of his didn't need any stroking. Though the soft smile on her lips and the sweet calmed scent she was giving off probably gave away how happy and content she was as she had an elbow placed on the table with her chin resting in her palm as she looked over Hatori and enjoyed the nice view. The kid was a slower eater, often too busy talking to eat his food. It was something Sakaki learned to just wait out. And today was truly no different as the kid yapped everyone's ears off before really getting any of his meal eaten.
It was till Bakugou threatened to eat Hatori's bento if the kid did shut up. Which had Sakaki glare at him but really just for the reason that the blonde had cursed at the kid. Bakugou really needed to learn to not curse in front of a child. But Sakaki didn't imagine the blonde would ever not be able to curse. That would be like asking him not to be so aggressive or have so much drive. Hold on a second when did his explosive personality become some form of his drive. It was odd to see the blonde in a bit of a different light. She had spent years with the blonde in high school yet when had she ever sat down and truly eaten a meal with him? Sure supper every night in the dorms but she always sat as far away as possible and never actually sat with him.
And yet now years later she was sitting with the same blonde she had spent her high school years trying to avoid. She used to find his aggressive, loud and often obnoxious personality as a turn off and even scary when she was in high school. But then again she was far from the same kid when she was in high school. She had been so shy, weak and mild. She had struggled just to get through UA and had never made a big splash while there even as her classmates did. It was Miruko who saw something in her. Helped train her and taught her to grow a backbone and that being an omega did not mean she had to be shy and mild. Maybe it was the new confidence she had gained over the years that made Bakugou no longer look as intimidating as he used to? Eh she could probably never truly know.
With the food eaten and the kid just finishing the last bit of his own food the three started cleaning up. Sakaki watched as the men started loading the now empty bento boxes into their backpacks as she took a drink from her bottle of water.
"So why did you guys ditch your work on today in order to make it out here?" She asked with a soft tilt of her head as she watched both men freeze before one shot her a hard glare and the other flashed a toothy innocent looking smile after being busted. After all it didn't take a genius to know that both men getting the same day off was probably a real rarity with them both being the two main heroes in their agency.
"We left the mission to the side kicks. And called in some favours to have some friends cover our patrol routes," of course it was Kirishima who answered her which in turn had Bakugou growl and glare at his friend for giving away the fact that they had both kinda ditched their jobs for the day. That only brought a light giggle from the woman which had at least Bakugou's growling stop.
"You guys didn't have to do that for the kid," she said, glancing over at Hatori who was still picking at the last bit of food left in his bento. The kid seemed oblivious to the adult conversation.
"It's no trouble and it was nice for both of us to get a day off," Kirishima said, though it was the look on Bakugou's face that screamed he wanted to yell something at her that really had drawn her attention. But maybe it was the fact he could feel her eyes digging into him that kept him quiet, or the fact he didn't know how to not curse in front of the kid? Either way the look on his face was nearly hilarious as she watched his face pinch and contour.
"Why do you even care. It's your day off too so why are we talking about work?" Was the growl Bakugou gave. And wow he didn't completely just explode like a volcano. She almost expected smoke might have started coming from his ears pretty soon if he didn't say anything. And oddly enough he was even able to make two full sentences without a curse word in a single one.
"I don't. I just enjoyed the look of panic on your face," she said, smirking playfully which only seemed to irritate the blonde even more as she could hear the small popping of his palms as they sparked with mini explosions. That is exactly what she expected for an outcome as she started to laugh as Kirishima almost looked a little worried as he watched the two.
"Oh calm down Kacchan," she should have known better than to continue to push the blonde's buttons. But it was just far too fun poking the bear as she watched him growl with his top lip curled up showing off his fangs.
"You bitch!" There was almost no warning as he jumped at her, his palms sparking. The childish giggling came from her as she jumped back just out of his reach as she smiled widely laughing like a hyena as she made sure to keep herself just out of the man's reach. He was still just as fast as he had been in high school but also still as predictable as well. Sweeping with his right hand first. That was an easy dodge as she jumped back from him.
Of course his anger only seemed to grow more as he realized he missed her. And now it turned into a game of cat and mouse as Bakugou jumped to grab her only to miss her by the skin of his teeth. Which only seemed to make him more angry and made him more easily to predict. Which only made her laugh harder as she dodged his large hands that tried to grab her. Poor Kirishima had originally looked like he was going to piss himself till he realized that Katsuki was not going to be able to grab her unless she let him.
At some point it had nearly turned into a dance as she smiled widely. Even Bakugou had no longer been growling at her nor was his hands sparking as he chased after her trying though it was clear now he no longer wished to harm her, he was still trying to actually grab her. Almost made her wonder what he would do if she actually let him catch her? Maybe if no one else was around she would let him catch her and see what would happen. But her pride wouldn't let others see her allow herself to be caught.
Once they were both panting and tired the chase had come to a stalemate and Sakaki found herself sitting on the ground, her legs sprawled out in front of her as her hands sat in the grass behind her as she panted softly trying to catch her breath. It at least didn't make her feel bad as she wasn't the only one who was panting and trying to catch their breath as she watched Bakugou wipe his hand over the back of his hand over his forehead to remove the sweat that was threatening to roll down his forehead and into his eyes.
At some point Kirishima had stopped paying the two attention as he chatted with Hatori as he stuffed all their stuff back into the two backpacks the men had brought with them. With everything packed up and once she and Bakugou had caught their breaths the group started back down the mountain though now Bakugou and Sakaki had slowed down a little trailing behind the two with more energy as Kirishima walked ahead with Hatori who was once again refreshed and full of energy, kids. They were little energized bunnies. May as well be the new commercial for a rechargeable battery company.
The walk down the mountain trail was a quiet and calm walk as she walked beside Bakugou the entire way down. She oddly enjoyed his company and the fact he didn't yell at her the entire way down the mountain. Though maybe he got that all out of his system when he had chased her around the rest area trying to blow her up. Still the hike down back to the jeep was a nice one.
Kirishima was almost to jeep while she and Bakugou were still a bit back. Where she suddenly got the courage to say the next words out of her mouth she didn't know. And well she would surely regret them and yet her mouth still curled up into a playful smirk as she spoke.
"Maybe in our next game of chase no one will be around and I'll let you catch me," she didn't even look over to take in the split second of shock that covered Bakugou's face before it disappeared. Instead she smirked and took off jogging away from him, calling out to Kirishima that she would buckle Hatori into his booster seat. Which had stopped the redhead from having to try and master the, to him, odd equipment.
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