《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 35



Yilluzu once again entered the room. The chairman upon seeing him enter, approached him to check on him.

"I'm fine Gramps," Yilluzu looked around the room and saw everyone's eyes was on him. "I really made a great commotion." He awkwardly laughed. Gramps saw his discomfort, so he signaled the referee that he can now start the second fight to remove everyone's attention from Yilluzu.

"The second fight will start, the applicant with the badge number 294 and 405. Mr. Hanzo versus Gon, let the fight begin!!" The referee loudly announced.


Once it was announced, everyone's eyes were on Gon and Hanzo. Some think that it was an unfair pairing, however, I don't really think so. Gon has characteristics of a hunter. I may had been an assassin but Gramps is a Hunter, I acquired some insights about it, from the time I spent with this old man, I learned a lot from him. And I paired those two because I know they'd give a good show and I want to see that little kid's capabilities.


Gon moved first, he used his speed but speed alone isn't enough when facing a ninja like Hanzo. 'I wonder how would he face such opponent who's far more stronger than him.' I inwardly thought whilst smiling.

The fight moved but without progress for some time. After a while in the fight, Hanzo struck Gon's nape without a problem.

I'm now skeptical if it really is a right decision to pair the little kid with a veteran. Maybe I expected too much from him.

Gon fell but Hanzo couldn't just let it be, the rule is to make your opponent surrender, so the fight became just one sided. Hanzo beat up Gon and kept persuading him to just give up.


"Little Yill, did you really consider this pairing thoroughly?" Asked Gramps, and the other examiners were also quite doubtful about the system of this tournament.

"Of course Gramps, I thoroughly considered this." I answered while looking at the fight in front of me. I know Gramps has full trust in me, that's why after I answered his question he moved back his attention on the fight.

Gon who was held by Hanzo broke free. "I may not be as strong as you but I still have remaining strength!" He said, then he suddenly fell silent. "I told you, your mind will go numb from what I did. I know you can't see right now. I admit you are strong but this is not a child's play anymore." Hanzo said, he continued to persuade Gon to just surrender, however even though Gon can't see, he continued to attack his opponent blindlessly by just using his instinct.

I frowned as Gon again was beaten up but he stood up again. 'This kid, although pathetic, still has some great will power and perseverance.'

But is perseverance and will power enough?

Gon was again and again beaten up by Hanzo but refused to give up and surrender. The other examiners was getting kind of worried because of what is happening.

Being a Hunter is more than this, if he can't even win through this, then he should've stayed inside their house and not think of being a Hunter with his measly abilities.

Time passed by, it's really getting boring, Hanzo broke one of Gon's arms and looked at him coldly. Gon's screams echoed throughout the room. I just looked at his figure unsympatheticly.

Hanzo then started to tell his life story of how he was trained for 18 year and so on. Because of his talkativeness, Gon had the chance to strike him and made him fall face first on the floor. Gon yet again stood up, with his right arm broken. Hanzo stood up also, his nose bleeding. "Honesly, It was intentional, I really have you the chance to strike at me." He claimed. All the people inside the room began to cheer on Gon even those examiners who should've just remain neutral.


Hanzo took out his weapon and threatened Gon to surrender.

"I'm now confused! I don't really want to have a lot of injuries in my body, but I do not want to give up the fight I think we should just do a different type of fight!" Gon said from a confused expression to a determined one.

'EHH???????' Is Hanzo's strikes made him dumb????????'

Even all the people inside were confused much less Hanzo his opponent.

"Who told you, you can make the decision about that???! See, you're really looking down on me!!" Hanzo exclaimed, I helplessly looked at the circus in front of me. How did my anticipated fight became like this!?

But because of his stupid talks, the atmosphere inside lighten up a bit, he now has the control over things. I can't help but let out. 'PFFT--' because of this boy. 'Really unpredictable.' How fun.

But Hanzo now got a little irritated. He pointed his weapon on Gon's forehead. "Even if I fail this exam, I can still join the next hunter's examination, but you on the other hand if you die that that's the end! Why won't you surrender?!"

I can see Hanzo has no intention of killing the boy, so I just watched this unexpected show in front of me.

"It's because of my father, I want to find him. I feel that if I surrender this one, I will not have the chance to. So, now it's up to you." He answered bothered by the blood dripping from his forehead.

"You're really too hardheaded. Right I can't do anything anymore." He raised his weapon, put it away and surrendered.

Gon won't accept it though, but Hanzo gave him a huge punch in the end which made him be knocked out. He then surrendered, and told us that when Gon wakes up, we would have a big explaining to do to him because he would not accept his win just that easily. I gave him a smile, "Don't worry about that, whatever he do, he already won and that will not change." I assured him, as I stood up from the spot where I'm sitting.

'It may not be the battle that I'm expecting for, but it really is one of a kind fight.' I thought while smiling.



LOOK. WHO'S. BACK????!!!!!!!

No other than!!! Your incompetent AUTHOOOR!!!!!!!!!!

I won't say anything moreee!! But I hope all of y'all had been well!!!!!!!

See yahhhhhhhhh again in the next update!!!!!!!!!!!!

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