《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 36


(Netero's POV)

The fight between Gon and Hanzo ws really unexpected.

Back when I asked Yilluzu if he had thoroughly consider pairing the kid with Hanzo, I saw in his eyes that he was doubtful himself but he nonetheless answered me directly that he had considered it well. I know he has full trust in his ability to observe people and I know that Little Yill thought things thoroughly before making decisions, I believe in his perception, so I was not worried at all. Yet again, I was amaze of how things turned out.


The tournament continued, the third fight is between Hisoka and Bodoro, as expected Hisoka did not even take the fight seriously but still won--- however Yilluzu was quite intrigued of what had Hisoka been whispering to his opponent about after every fight.

Eventually although quite curious Yilluzu just decided to not mind Hisoka's business.

The next fight continued between Hanzo and Ponzo, and Hanzo won, next was between Leorio and Bodoro but Leorio asked to delay their fight, which proceeded to Ponzo versus Killua however Killua surrendered because he felt too lazy to fight.

However, this is not what Yilluzu had planned, for the fight is between, his younger brothers, Killua versus Gittarakur which is Illumi.



It is out of my calculations, I assumed Killua would win in his first fight, but how come he'd surrender?!

It's not that I want his fight to be easy but he can land on anyone, but Gittarakur, where did my calculations gone wrong?!

I don't want my brothers to fight each other but what can I do?

I looked at Gittarakur and Killua, a little worried. 'How the f**k did I even mess this up?!'

It would be unfair for everyone if I try to make a move and I know my brothers would also not like it if I were to meddle in their battle.


"Gramps, I feel bad--" I whispered beside Gramps. He looked at me worriedly, I know he had mistaken what I mean so I explained to him.

"Not physically, Gramps. It's just that I don't want them to fight, on the other hand I can't do anything about it because I know they would not like it if I meddle."

He just kept silent and smiled lightly, he patted my back as assurance.

"I became overly confident with myself and did not foresee this coming." I said while clenching my fist.

"Calm down, if you want to meddle I won't stop you. If you think you really have to meddle, just go. Calm down." Gramps comforted.

I nodded my head. I'll jump and stop the fight if it became big.

I focused myself in the battle again, at the same time I heard Gittarakur calling Killua.

"As I thought you didn't even notice."

He's revealing himself?!

Killua looked at Illumi full of surprise. Gittarakur one by one started to take the needles of his face to reveal his appearance.

"Hi." Illumi raised his hand and greet.

I nearly face palmed myself. Like, who would have a great reaction when you suddenly found out your brother was near you all along without you even noticing?!

'Illumi,--- sigh.'

"Did you know that you hurt mother and Milluki?" Illumi monotonously asked.

"I know." Killua answers while looking at Illumi with a frown.

"Did you know that our mother cried? But she's proud of you because her son turned out how the family wanted him to be." Illumi once again said with his still monotonous voice.

'Yeah, it's mom.' I helplessly shook my head.

"But she's worried because her good son suddenly disappeared, she pleaded and asked me to follow you and watch your every move, but unexpectedly I bumped into you here. I'd be honest with you I need this license card for my job. How about you? Why are you here?" Illumi converse with Killua.


"I didn't even dreamed of being a hunter but I don't know why also I'm here." Killua answered. He seemed quite timid when in front of Illumi.

I let them converse with each other. I listened to them and just stayed quiet.

"Then that's great, let me advice you one thing. You're not fit to be a Hunter, the life that only awaits you is to become a professional." My younger brother, Illumi, told Killua.

"That-" s enough.

I didn't have the chance to talk because Killua finally answered back to Illumi.

"Gon, I want him to be my friend and I'm tired of killing people! I want to have a lots of friends, be a normal kid and be happy like Gon." Killua said.

All my life, I can only feel emotional towards my family, and as of now I can feel guilt and sadness wash my whole being.

I lowered my head and clenched my first till my nails drill unto my palm.

'If only, I'm healthy enough to inherit the family business, I would give Killua the freedom he wants.'

Because of the roller coaster like emotion I felt. I suddenly feel myself weaken.

"Gramps--" I placed my hand to Gramps' shoulder to stabilize myself.

"Are you okay?" Worry again plastered in Gramps face.

'This hateful body.' I can't help but to curse this weak body.

"I'm fine Gramps. Just got a little dizzy." I lied.

I didn't notice that Illumi had already threatened Killua to surrendered to him.

As I looked up and saw Illumi patting Killua's head telling him that he really didn't intend to kill Gon, he just wants to threaten him.

I looked at my two brothers. I really need to step in. I need to handle this two.

As I was about to step in. I realize, Killua's expression is not right. So I stopped and forced myself to not get involve. It won't make things any better. I can't just step in because Killua still didn't knew that I am his brother. If I announce that now, I could guess what Killua would feel and look like. To know that not only one of his brother is here but actually two.

After the battle between Illumi and Killua. Killua's whole being became somewhat strange. Whatever Leorio or Kurapika would say, he just seemed like he can't hear those two.

I want to go to Illumi but I'm stuck with Gramps and the battle between Bodoro and Leorio was about to start.

The battle between Leorio and Bodoro continued but something unexpected happened.

'Killua! He---'

I can't believe what he did,

Killua suddenly attacked Bodoro and it was against the rules.

He intentionally killed someone and got disqualified.

I don't care anymore about the exam.

I stood up and hurriedly run towards Killua who was about to exit the room, when Illumi appeared in my peripheral view.

'Something's not right-- '

I last thing I saw was Illumi's face and everything blacked out.





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