《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 34


(Netero's POV)


As I turned my head in the direction of the voice, Little Yill was running towards me while waving his hand. I gave him a smile, which he returned with a dazzling one.

Since he was just a child, he would always do that, he'll shout 'Gramps', with a bright smile every time he sees or visits me. And even till now, he never changed.

At the time when he suddenly disappeared, no one ever knew exactly happened. That old man of the Zoldyck's never had told me anything. Until the rumors spread that he died or was sick and being kept.

Though the rumor spread widely nd rapidly, the Zoldyck's just remained tight-lipped, not a single clarification nor reaction was heard from them. Of course I tried to reach them but I stopped midway, because it's not just me who's worried, his family was also suffering, so I had to stop myself from digging informations further, and maybe also because I knew within myself that he isn't dead.

Then the 289th Hunter exam commenced, I visited the second phase, and I unexpectedly saw him, after 13 years of no news nor glimpse of him, I saw him, alive and kicking, and still the same mischievous and stubborn little guy from back then. I was really happy when I saw him, he clarified everything himself. I didn't stuck myself into it any longer, for I'm already contented knowing that he is alive.

"Gramps, what are you spacing about? The exam is about to start." I returned my attention to him, he was looking at me with shining eyes, I can see how excited he is for this phase.

Back at then when I was still thinking of what I should give as final exam, he came to me, I was kind of shocked that he didn't passed the fourth phase. But knowing this little guy for a long time now, I knew he came to me for something. So I took the initiative to ask him what we should do for the final exam, and as expected he already has something on his mind. And looking at him now, I know that it was a good I idea that I allowed him to do whatever he wants.

The first fight started, so I turned my attention to it. The two first applicants that are against each other, the guy with the badge 44 sure is strong, and I was quite impressed to that kid with the badge 404 too. Those two can read each other's moves. Yilluzu by my side watch them with a smile on his lips and with focused eyes. He's enjoying the show.

The two applicants on the stage fought with par strengths. And after a series of attacking and dodging each other, the kid's other sword broke with a swish of the applicant 44's card.

From time to time I would cast my attention to Little Yill and see him watch with glee, he was silent and didn't make a single comment of what is happening, but just as I finished my thoughts I heard him say in a low voice, "Kurapika's still lacking." He then sighed. But even though he said that his eyes never moved away from the fight. The applicant 404 was then subsequently got beaten after losing his other sword, he however still stood up and persevered.



Kurapika was still far too weak for that wretched clown, but his perseverance and dedication really caught my attention.

Hisoka wasn't even that serious when he's fighting, he was just playing around, but I get him, his opponent was still not worth to be taken seriously.

But as the fight drags longer, I can feel Hisoka's interest triggering. "This is realy getting pretty interesting."

Hisoka's eyes drew into a crescent, bloodlust oozing. My smile grew wider.

Kurapika then shouted Hisoka's name and rushed forward towards him, his pupils shone a beautiful red. He attacked Hisoka and successfully punctured Hisoka's shoulder with the card that the Hisoka had thrown towards him, and with a swift move he hit Hisoka's abdomen with the handle of his sword which made Hisoka flew a few meters away.

I watched with glee and enjoyment. 'Ha! Every one of those kids are really interesting!'

Hisoka stood up and his face grew distorted, "Calm yourself, Calm yourself..." he kept repeating those word.

"Ah~ he's losing it~" I said in mirth.

The clown disgustingly licked his own blood from the card that pierced his shoulder. The insanity in his face made may expectation rise to its peak, wondering what he would do next.

I watch with full anticipation as Hisoka approach Kurapika but I sensed something amiss. Once he was already beside Kurapika he suddenly whispered something to the kid which triggered his red eyes.

"What is he doing?" I can't help but blurt when I saw him bypass the kid and walked away.

"I can surrender, right?" He unexpectedly said.

'WHAT?!!' I was stupefied. Right when the show was getting pretty interesting and exciting, he surrendered!

"He- he surrendered? Gramps-" as my expectation rise to its peak, it was suddenly push back down and hit the bottom with great impact, the disappointment really was quite unbearable, and irritation slowly took over me. "How aggravating. Just when it really getting fun."

"What I hate the most is ruining my amusement." I subconsciously muttered under my breath, as I feel my blood started boiling from irritation.

(Netero's POV)

My eyebrows elevated as the applicant number 44 surrendered, quite suddenly.

"He- he surrendered? Gramps-" I suddenly heard Yilluzu said, in quite an eery, low tone. I looked at him, his head held low. His eyes cold, his face darkened.

I was shocked and hurriedly act, his bloodlust was slowly slipping. "How aggravating. Just when it's really getting fun. What I hate the most is ruining my amusement." He again muttered.

Everyone around the room felt the chilling aura. "Little Yill, Calm down." However, he just looked at me coldly, his smile was as sinister as a devil. This is the first time I saw that expression on his face.

I was about to move closer to him and appease him, when suddenly, a burly big applicant appeared beside him. I remembered it was one of his companions.


All the people inside the room felt suffocated. They all look with horrified expression towards Yilluzu.

The applicant 301 approached him disregarding that Yilluzu could kill him easily if he'd approach closer. He bend and whispered something to him and all the pressing aura, dissipated immediately just like it was never been there.

Yilluzu raised his head, then sighed, seemingly calming himself. I don't know what that applicant had told Yilluzu but at least he calmed him down.

"Have you calmed down little Yill?" I asked concerned. "Yes, I apologize, I lost my composure for a moment." He replied back, with his normal smile.

However, the other people inside the room was still in a state of shock. Who wouldn't be? That pressing and heavy aura a while ago was really spine-chilling.

"All of you can rest for 30 minutes before the second fight starts." I announce to ease the atmosphere a little, and also to have a moment check on Yilluzu.

Everyone scattered without a choice. I asked Yilluzu to sit first but he smiled at me and rejected. He told me he wants to go out first for a little breather.

He exited the venue, following behind him was the applicant 301. I didn't tag along for he requested me that he needs to talk to his companions first.

(Illumi's POV)

I followed Yill-nii outside, Hisoka tailed along too. I gave Hisoka a piercing glance. It's his fault that Yill-nii is in a bad mood and nearly caused a massacre inside the room.

Big brother leaned on a wall outside with a still lowered head, his long hair draped, covering his face. I can't see his expression but I know he isn't happy. "Yill-nii?"

I heard him deeply sighed. "Hisoka, you really have disappointed me." Was the first sentence he had muttered after a long silence.

I know what he is unhappy about. Yill-nii was expecting a fun and good show from Hisoka. But the fight ended when he surrendered, just when all things got really exciting. My big brother got unhappy. Like, who wouldn't be? I was expecting something too, especially when Hisoka started to get insane.

Then after a few minutes of silence from all of us. Even the annoying clown grew quiet and haven't said a single thing.

Yill-nii raised his head and said, "Hah~ never mind. I'll forgive you for ruining my entertainment this one time, because it's just the first strike and you're someone to Illumi. And I don't want to waste the other remaining fun wallowing in aggravation just because of your mistake. But, remember, there's no second time." He declared the last sentence, with cold, ruthless eyes.

Without waiting for Hisoka's reply, he momentarily closed his eyes, once he opened them again, his face no longer had the trace of the mood he had a while ago. He was like his usual self again, like nothing had happened, his smile was flawless and his eye returned back to the usually, happy and shining one. Not a trace of coldness nor ruthlessness can be seen. "Let's go back? It's Gon and that bald ninja's fight next!" He said while skipping happily and excitedly. I was befuddled, 'How can he change mood that easily?'

I sighed and remembered our mother, 'It really runs in the blood.' I helplessly thought.

Hisoka was also dumbfounded. Of course we thought of the same thing.

It's just like a second ago, my big brother was about to commit a massacre, then the next second me became like an excited, innocent kid who's looking forward to watch his favorite show.

But seeing that big brother has no other plans on continuing the topic and had already headed back inside, while skipping, we all just chose to let it go, we pretended that nothing had happened.

(Hisoka's POV)

When I felt that powerful aura and bloodlust, I was shocked like everyone else. The burning feeling inside me that had just been distinguished, suddenly came back. 'I want to fight him.' Was what I thought, and what had occupied my mind, but when I saw that it was from Yilluzu. That thought was overpowered by, 'I f***ked up!'

I know why he was mad. Because of that boy from Kuruta, I forgot that I promised Yilluzu a good and entertaining show. But I surrendered midway!

I followed them outside, Gittarakur gave me a piercing glance and I know he is mad too. So, I can only follow them quietly.

I didn't talk and make a sound. Then suddenly Yilluzu said that he'll let it slide and his expression came back to normal. I was momentarily dumbfounded. One moment he was mad and then one second he's okay?! And I didn't even say anything at that!

I looked at him, but when he turned his back and headed inside the venue while skipping, I figured out that I should just also pretend that nothing had happened lest Yilluzu change his mind and annihilate me, not that I think that he can do that nor I don't want to fight him, but Illumi would shut me down first.









"The second fight will start, the applicant with the badge number 294 and 405. Mr. Hanzo versus Gon, let's begin!!" The referee loudly announced.



A lo~~~~~ng chapter for y'all!!!

I won't say anything more, but please do expect that I won't be able to update again for a lo~~~ng ti~~~~me too!!!!! NYAHAHAHAHA!!

See y'all next time!!!!!!

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