《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 26- Is It Possible?!


I looked at Hisoka and Illumi with a smile, "Oh please tell me, none of you is my hunter." I gleamed at both of the.

Honestly, I am really hoping that none of them is my hunter.

It is no fun if one of them is, they'll just give up taking mine and would just hunt three people to accumulate six points. So I really hope none of them is my hunter.

Gittarakur shook his head 'no'.

"How disappointing, I didn't draw your number~ I was really looking forward to have a fight with you." Hisoka said, with a huge annoying grin on his face.

After hearing that I saw Gittarakur gave Hisoka a side glance, as a warning, Hisoka immediately wave his hands in defence, "I'm just kidding Ill."

*sigh, see?! This two really would let me go if I was their target!

ヽ(  ̄д ̄)ノ

"Okay, that's good. Then I would walk around the ship for a while, catch yah later!" I waved at them as I quickly escaped. They didn't follow me as they know that I can't go far, 'cause we're in a ship.

I walked around the deck and watch the boring, seemingly endless ocean.

Then I saw the two boys, Killua and Gon sitting together, "Hey kiddos!" I greeted as I appear beside them.

"Mr. Yilluzu." Greeted Gon. What mister? How distant~. ( ´∀`)

I laughed at his address and told him to just call me Yilluzu.

"What are you two doing in here?" I asked, as I sat beside Killua, who looked at me scrutinizingly.

"Hi Killua," I wave at him, he just nodded at my greeting.

"So have you already guessed who am I?" I wisphered at him without a change in expression.

He flinched at my sudden closeness but I just disregarded it.


"Who did you get? Mine is just an insignificant person." I change the topic once Killua started eyeing me skeptically.

"It's a secret~" Gon closed-eye smiled at me, as I laugh.

"It's fine if you don't tell me." I smilingly said.

"Mine's, no. 199." Killua mused, nonchalantly.


Wa-wai-wait!! Did he just disclosed his target?!

I looked at him, inquiringly as I never expected that he would disclose his draw.

He looked back at me annoyed, and said, "You asked didn't you?" (¬ ¬)

Yeah, I asked but that was just on whim. (; ̄▽ ̄)

"I told you because I feel like you don't put much threat on us, and I guess instinct that I can trust you." He said as he looked away from me.

I can't still believe he would explain it like that.

I laughed, "Yes, Yes, I'm no threat, I'm just surprised that you would trust me like that, don't worry I won't let you down." I said as I patted his head, I can see his ears turn pink,

'He's just shy." I thought, as I smiled happily, at his adorableness.

I'm just glad, that even though my little brother don't know me and can't even remember me, he did have the instinct that he can trust me.

I know trusting others easily like that, is not good but if its me, he can trust me.

"Since Killua already told his, then, I'll tell mine. Mine's no.44." He beamed at me.

And--- another shock! (O⌂O!!)

How can he still beamed like that, his target is HISOKA!! (!!o⌂o)

"Gon, d-don't you know, that's Hisoka's badge number?" I asked at him incredulously. (ಠ〜ಠ)??

"I know right?" Killua placed both his hands on his head, appearing nonchalant at all, "Its really a wonder how could he still be like that."


"Honestly, most of the people here wants to avoid that guy, yet I can see that you can still feel excited from that, you're really something Gon." I laughingly said, "Don't worry, even though I know that clown, I won't disclose what I saw here." I promised them.

"Then, thank you, Yilluzu-san!" He said.

"Killua, do you know who is yours?" I asked.

"That's a reason why I told you mine too." He put down his hands and looked at me.

Yes, I know who that is.

"I know who no. 199 is," I smiled at him.

There's no rule that says, I can't help my brother, right?

"Are you going to tell me?" He looked at me inquiringly,

"Of course," I smilingly said. "The guy who has the no. 199 in his badge is one of the Amori brothers," I told him.

"Oh those three?" Asked Killua,

"Yes, the eldest brother, Amori, holds the no. 197, the youngest brother, Imori, holds the no. 198 and the second brother, Umori, is your target, the badge no. 199." I told them.

"How did you know their name?" Asked Gon.

I smiled, and said, "Oh that, they're quite peculiar, so I asked Hisoka if he knew them, then he told me who they are." I laughingly told them.

I can still remember, when I asked that question, Illumi immediately order Hisoka to see who they are.

It's quite satisfying seeing that clown be ordered around.

He then ask the annoying pig, Tonpa, who they are. That's why I know most of the participants here, especially those with potentials.

"Then, thank you, for your help." Said Killua with a smile.

'He's really adorable like Illumi! How fortunate of me to have little brothers like this! Maybe this is fate's payment from taking away my health, it's quite worth it!' I internally thought, without a change in my smiling expression.

"Anytime, seek me if you have any trouble." I said, as patted his silver locks. "It is nice talking to you, time passed so fast, I need to go back now."

I leaned close to Killua and whispered, "We're still playing, right? Figure out who am I, little Kill." I smiled, without Gon perceiving that I whispered something to Killua.

"Are you going back now?" Asked Gon.

"Yes, unless you want Gittarakur and Hisoka to join us here." I turned to him and jokingly said, which made the two boys be petrified.

I laughed at their adorableness, and waved them goodbye.

(Killua's POV)

After parting ways from Gon for the fourth phase, I can't help but recall the image of Yilluzu-san in my mind and couldn't help but wonder, "Do I really know him?"

Silver locks and electric-blue eyes, traits my father and I have.


No, no... that is impossible,


Don't tell me?!!!

It's possible right?!!

We have an eldest brother, but he is in a coma for already 13 years, is it still possible for him to wake up? I don't even know if he's still alive yet.

But with that characteristics only and the way he seems to want me to know who he is, there's a possibility!

But I don't have much evidence.

'Such a pain.' I sighed

Let's forget it for now and focus on the exam.

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