《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 27


(Yilluzu's POV)

After I got back to Gittarakur and Hisoka,

Gittarakur urged me to take a rest for a while, with a threat that if I refused to take a nap, he would drag me back home or call dad to fetch me.

I don't even know how he would do that, but I, without a choice was forced to take a rest while the fourth exam hasn't still started.





"Attention please, we will be arriving shortly, I hope you all enjoyed the trip!"

The ship came to a stop in an island,

"We will be disembarking in same order, in which you reach the bottom of the trick tower."

"To keep things orderly, you will be going to shore, one at a time in two minutes interval."


"So Hisoka would go first, then you, I am near the last, so let's part ways for now, let's meet each other as soon as we already got six points. Is this alright?" I looked at both my companions, and asked.

Gittarakur was quite reluctant to agree,

"I'll be fine, I already promised you that I will take better care of mysel didn't I? Besides we need to hunt separately." I smiled at my sweet worrywart of a little brother.

He eventually agreed after I promise countless time that, I'd take better care of myself.




Hisoka and Gittarakur disembarked sequentially at two minutes intervals.

Then so on.



We still have a week so no rush,

For a couple of days I played with my prey, but it was no fun at all,

All he do was; shout, plead, and run.

It's boring. (´ー`)

My hunter was the same.

It's no fun at all.




After accumulating more than six points, I decided to reunite with Gittarakur.


As I was walking down the path, I again suddenly felt light and dizzy,

My vision blurred and blackened.

I fell as I loose my balance but I remained calm, but unfortunately for me, my luck is really rotten!!

When I fell down, a branch penetrated the back of my right shoulder!!!

I stayed lying like this for a while,

'I hate this feeling.'

It's the same as back then; I can't open my eyes, I am paralyzed.

I began to panic, what if I can't wake up anymore?!

The blood is still oozing from my shoulder, I'm still conscious but I can't open my eyes and I can't move my body, I can't even speak!

I waited and waited, and after half a day I guessed, I can finally open my eyes and move, but I don't have any energy left, I lost quite an amount of blood.

"Ahhhh-- what should I do?" I muttered to myself as I was slipping from my consciousness.

'I can't faint here, it's dangerous!'

I forced myself to keep wake and slowly sat.

I pulled away from the branch that penetrated my body.

"Really indecisive, Yilluzu." I said to myself as more blood gushed from my wound.

I stood up as and used a tree to support myself.

"To be in a state like this, you really fell down hard from the top, Yill." I mocked my currently weak self.

I had just promised Illumi that I'd take care of myself, now what?!

I sighed as I walked supporting myself.

After half a day of walking, I am really tired.

Then finally I saw Illumi back in his original form.

I don't have that much energy and Illumi is still a few meters away from my spot.

I don't have any choice but to shout,


'F***! I couldn't even shout!'

'Haaa-- I have no choice. WALK YILLUZU!! YOU'RE JUST A FEW METERS AWAY!!'

I slowly walked towards them, as my consciousness was really slipping off, I saw Illumi run towards me.

'Finally, you saw me.' Was the last sentence I remembered before I fell unconscious.







(Illumi's POV)

I was talking with Hisoka, when I suddenly darted my vision on a certain place,

There, I saw my big brother, his clothes blooded,

My body reacted subconsciously and I ran towards his direction, panic ruled over my body.

I supported my brother as he fell down and fainted.

I was petrified,

For the first time in my life, fear took over me.

'Wh-what should I do?!'

Watching my big brother motionless in my arms, I really don't know what to do.

'what should I do?!'

"--ll!! --mi!! ILLUMI!!"

"ILLUMI!! Snap out of it!!"

I saw as Hisoka's panicked face, I snapped out of my stupor.

"Your big brother needs to be treated!"

My body suddenly moved, I carried Yill-nii underneath a tree and to dress his wound.





After a dressing his wound and making sure there's no other problem with Yill-nii I can finally heaved a sigh of relief.

Hisoka left to get some water in a nearby river and I stayed here with my brother.

My big brother is so pale,

If you didn't notice his shallow breaths you would've thought he's already dead.

I sighed, I really regretted I still allowed him to wander off by himself.

(Hisoka's POV)

After Illumi got to Yilluzu's side and caught him, he became petrified.

I ran towards them and called Illumi,

Illumi just stood there without response.

I called him countless of times to wake him up from his shock and reminded him about Yilluzu's condition.

He then became aware and quickly executed a series of action,

He really is fully equipped, he has medicines, and everything.

I helped him treat Yilluzu's wound.

After that, he asked me to get water from a nearby river.

I began to wonder, 'how the hell Yilluzu came to a predicament like that.'

As I was going to a nearby river, I decided to just hunt three people to get the six points, so that I wouldn't need to search later on.

I'll just stay with Illumi and Yilluzu.

I looked for a target and found two people.

The blond kid and the a guy with suit case,

Those were the ones I fought with in the first phase.



Soooo-- my beloveds.... here you areeee!!

This useless author of yours finished four chapters, as reward for your patience.

(o´▽'o)I was just planning on giving all of you one chapter but-----

In order to ask for your forgiveness, I wrote till here!!!!

Okay! Okay! I won't talk anymore!

Once again everyone... thanks for reading and stay tuned.(*¯ ³¯*)♡

Ps. Forgive me I still don't have a fixed update time.(シ=﹏=)シ

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