《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 25- Fourth Phase (1)


"Attention, everyone! this is the fourth phase of the exam, is the last phase before the final exam.

Congratulations of having made it this far.

I want all of you to draw lots in a box here." Said the examiner with a bizarre looking glasses, as he motioned to a box near him.

"You'll each draw one, in the order,

In which who escaped the trick tower first--- during the third phase examination." Instructed the lady, who pushed the chart with the drawing box earlier.

So, the first to draw the lot is Hisoka, for he is the first one to escape, then followed by Gittarakur, then so on.

After drawing a card with numbers, the examiner informed us that each card we got corresponds to the I.D. badges of the remaining participants of the exam, which we all have worn on our chest throughout the whole examination, from beginning to now.

The examiner then explained that this cards will determine, 'who will be the hunter and who will be the prey'.

I nearly jumped from my place after hearing that this phase is a HUNTING game!

I'm so happy! A dream come true!


'I wanna celebrate, I've been waiting for this the whole time!' I internally rejoiced.

The objective of the phase is to steal the other's I.D. badges, the number we had got from the drawing box, corresponds to the I.D. badge our target is wearing.

I felt excited and hurriedly looked around for my target.

'Please, please be a strong one!' I thought, with cross fingers.

As my eyes landed on my target, I was so-so-so DISAPPOINTED!

'WHAT?! my target is that?! What rotten luck! ' (╥﹏╥)

My target is just an insignificant cannon fodder, how the heck had he'd survived until now?! Is his luck that good and bad at the same time??!


To be able to get this far, and would just be ended up in my hand!

I wanna cry! Such weakling is my target, can't I just have another target instead?!

'Calm down Yilluzu, sorrow is not good for the heart! ' (T^T)

Comforting myself isn't helping at all.

Who would not mourn?! To be able to have your dream come true, and be crushed at the same time, it's really sad.

(Illumi's POV)

After hearing that the fourth phase examination is about hunter and preys, I subconsciously looked at my big brother.

Seeing his sparkling eyes- full of expectations, I was worried, he just got over a cold, would it be alright for him to participate?

But seeing his expectant expression, I cannot bring myself to forbade him, After all, I already agreed to let him join this phase.

'*sigh, I should've just dragged him home when he is asleep.' I internally thought.

I watched Yill-nii looked around,

I know he is searching for his target.

Then a moment later,

'Why is his expression seemed like he wants to cry?!' I panicked, and looked at the direction he is looking.

Looking at a guy, I now know why is his expression like that.

The guy is not up to his standard of a prey.

I patted his head, to comfort.

Honestly, I was relieve his prey is like that-- an easy target.

'Maybe I could just kill him then give his badge to big brother?' I erased that idea from my mind. My big brother wouldn't be happy if I do that.

Clattering--- I told my big brother to cheer up, there is still someone who'd hunt him, maybe he is a strong one.

He gleamed after hearing that.

Sometimes I really wondered if he really is older than me.


But maybe, he's like that because he didn't experienced much to become more mature.

I don't mind him being childish,

seeing him laugh is what matters,

And if something might happen,

I'll just appear and protect him.

(Yilluzu's POV)

I'm still wallowing at my poor luck, when I felt my head being pat,

Gittarakur told me to cheer up, maybe the hunter who will hunt me is a strong one,

'why haven't I thought of the?! HAHA... My little brother is really the best.'

My mood immediately became bright after hearing that.


The instruction for the fourth phase was still ongoing.

The participants, took off their I.D. badges and hid it, I was to lazy to hide mine, so I'd let it be.

The examiner, explained that the objective of the fourth phase is to accumulate a minimum of six points to pass this exam.

Where would we get the points?

Of course to the other participants.

This phase is all about accumulating points from stealing your target's badge.

Each badge corresponds to a certain amount of points you can gain.

Our own badge, is worth three points,

Our target's badges, is also worth three points,

While, the other's badges were worth one point.

So if we can keep our badge and successfully stole our target's badge we can already accumulate six points to pass the exam,

If we failed to do that, we could still hunt six people to accumulate six points to pass.

The exam will be commencing in Zevil Island for a week, within that week the island is our ground, we can do anything to accumulate six point, It is up to us.

Which means??????

We could kill to accumulate six points!!

I'm really looking forward for it!!!!

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