《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 18-Wander


Rustling sound was heard from the person lying on Illumi's lap. He sat down rubbing his eyes, then look vigilantly around but then calmed down once he saw his little brother's face.

"Yill-nii, you just slept for a short while. Go back to sleep and rest." Illumi said as he held his big brother's shoulder to urge him to lie back down.

Yilluzu just shook his head no and smiled. "I don't know but I just don't feel tired at all now, so it's fine."

He then looked at Hisoka who was leaning his head on Illumi's shoulder and smiled.

Illumi realized that his big brother just saw Hisoka's intimate position and tried to speak an explanation but Yilluzu just giggled at his reaction.

"Don't worry it's fine." He said while still smiling happily.

"Umm... Yill-nii, Hisoka and I-" Illumi started.

Yilluzu cutted him off, "I know, I'm blind if I didn't even notice it." He eyed them knowingly with a smile.

(Yilluzu's POV)

My little brother's cute reaction when I found out about their relationship is just so amusing.

I stood up and patted the non-existent dust on my clothes, Illumi just looked at me and asked where am I going.

"Just let me be by myself for a while, okay?" I smilingly said to him.

I planned on touring this ship maybe I'll find something interesting to see.

And I'll interact with Killua to at least get to know him.

"I want to take a walk around the ship, don't worry I promise to not do anything dangerous," I waved my hand at him defensively.

'Although I know there's no threat in here for me,'

but I need to appease this overprotective brother of mine, so I won't add that.

"I promise, believe me, I won't." I tried to coax him.

I then signaled Hisoka with a look, to help me.

"Let him Ill, Yilluzu just wants a breather I guess." He eyed me back to add something.


"Yeah, yeah, I won't go anywhere far or somewhere where there is danger." I added looking at him sincerely.

Then Hisoka whispered something on Illumi. I don't know what is it but if it'll help me, I don't care what it is.

"Okay but you have to promise, no dangerous things, then I'll let you." He said as he looked at me seriously.

'Why do I feel like I'm the younger brother and he is the older one?' I helplessly thought.

"Yes, yes promise!" I enthusiastically said.

"Okay." Illumi consented.

'YES!! I can now officially wonder off without a guard!'

Wai-what? Why do I feel my brain was degenerating to of a child?????

It's their fault! For always treating me like a child!

I always forgot how old I am.

I looked at him and smiled thanking him for letting me go.

Illumi then looked at Hisoka and I took the chance to give Hisoka who was facing my way a thumbs up and muttered 'good job!'.

Then I ran off, fearing Illumi would change his mind and follow me.

I wander off aimlessly and then I decided to just put on hold searching for Killua.

"Maybe they have a cafeteria in here or something."

I walked around to locate the lounge or cafeteria something like that,

'I want to drink some tea.'

Once I held the cup of hot tea on my hand I saw Killua and Gon sitting on one of the couches in the room and a girl was sitting with them too.

I smiled and walked towards them.

As I approach I heard the girl said that she wants to be a blacklist hunter to avenge her father who was assassinated.


' Oh, that's why he looked like that to Killua, maybe one of my family killed her father.' I deduced as I took a sip from my cup.

"He was killed by the professional assassins, surnamed Zoldyck." The girl with the no.111 said.


'BINGO! It's my family.'

After saying that I saw Leorio and Kurapika approach the girl who was named Anita.

Killua told them to back off because it's his business and the reason why she's there was him, he told them he is a Zoldyck, then Anita attacked him which he just dodged easily without difficulty.

I approached them and then the next moment I saw Gramps, Chairman Netero, appeared and stopped the fight.

"Let her be, it's our business to handle." Killua said.

"Yeah, you're right, any problem or fight between applicants can't be interfered," I said as I nonchalantly walked towards them and took a sip on my tea. "But unfortunately Miss 111 here, didn't pass the second phase of the exam."

I explained.

"And miss, even if you want to, you can't win against that kid." I told the Anita girl and motion Killua's side.

The girl was taken by the guards.

"How did you know she did not pass, little Yill?" Gramps walked to my direction and asked.

"It's simple, I did not see her when Menchi announced that 43 participants passed the second phase." I explained while drinking my tea.

Gramps smile me and patted my head.

'See? this is the reason why I always forgot how old am I. They always treat me like a kid.' I helplessly thought.

Killua then walked away from the group of Gon.

I stood beside the Gramps and told him I have something to do and followed Killua but I was stopped by his friends.

"Aren't you the guy who disregarded the examiners while they're talking in front?" Gon asked.

"Hi there." I greeted him.

"You looked like my friend Killua." Gon said as he looked at the direction where Killua go.

"Really? Do you think so?" I laughed at him amused.

"I have something to do, see yah later." I waved at them as I walked away.

"Can you tell us your name?!" Leorio shouted behind me,

I turned my head and put my index finger in front of my mouth, "Its a secret for now."

Then I continued walking until I'm out of their sight.

I saw Killua by himself watching the outside, off mindlessly

I approached him and was now beside him but he still didn't notice.

'No, that's not good. Ignoring your surrounding, if I were an assassin who was tasked to take his life, he would be dead by now.' I thought as I shook my head disapprovingly.

'You still have a long way to go, with this do you think you can get away easily from the hands of our family?'

"Hi there!" He flinched and attacked me directly when he realized that I was already beside him without him noticing.

He whipped his hand towards me but I just easily countered him without difficulty and pressed him to the window.

"Easy there, remember to always keep your guard up, little fella, if I were a killer you would already be a cold corpse by now." I whispered behind his ears and reminded him.

He glared at me,"Who are you?! Let me go!"

He struggled at my hand but to no avail.

'Tsk... still weak.'

"Now, now, let's all calm down for a sec and cool down our heads, I'm not here to fight." I said as let go of him and raised both my hand In front of me.

He took a jump away from me and looked at me vigilantly.

"Who are you?!" He asked again.

I smiled at him, "You should find out yourself, that way it'd be more interesting." I whispered to him.

Again, he was shocked that I was beside him,

he realized that he was unable to move and was helpless in this kind of situation, that I am more powerful than him.

I passed the frozen him, waved my hands, saying, "See you around."

I just wander again aimlessly in the ship.

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