《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 3- Blame


(Yilluzu's POV)

"His vitals are all good and normal, but even though he woked up, which was a miracle, still his body was unlike in the past, which was not that weak and fragile. Now his body was much more fragile and weak because of the past injuries he had attained, that was severe. Better not allow him to exhaust himself and please help him keep a healthy lifestyle." The doctor which took care of me for the past 13 years that I was In coma said. I was sad because in the past my body was already weak, now it's weaker.

In this case I know my family won't ever again allow me to do task and use my nen. "Yilluzu dear, are you feeling alright?" Mom asked me in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine mom." I smiled at her.

"I'll be taking my leave now madame, call me if you need anything." Then the doctor left.

"Your dad will be her in a while. I already called him. I guess your grandpa too will arrive together with your dad." Mom informed me.

"I'm glad that your awake now dear." She said while approaching me but I noticed that mom was like handling me like a fragile glass that with just a single touch will be broken which was kinda exaggerating.

"Me too mom, it's good to see you again."

A few minutes later my dad arrive together with my grandfather. *Sigh.., how I really missed their faces.

"Yilluzu!" My dad excitedly approach me then gave me a big warm hug. 'So warm' I thought.

"It's good to see you again dad." I smiled as I hugged him back.

"I'm really happy that your awake."

My grandfather said as he hugged me too. I Missed them. Here I can really see and feel how my family loves me.


After the heartfelt reunion my mom told dad and grandfather what the doctor said which turned again into exaggeration.

I'm an assassin! Not some little fragile thing who needs protection!


What can I do? Even if I tell them that now, with everything like this happened, they won't ever listen to me.

"Mom, dad? When can I be discharged?" I asked diverting their attentions to me.

"The doctor said that you can be discharged after a week." Mom answered.

"Can't I be discharged now. I want go home." I'm too fed up with this place. The smell of disinfectant and this white colored room. Argghh! I really wanna go home.

"No, you will stay here for a week to make sure you're really okay." And here we go again. The overprotectiveness of my mother has been activated. She's turning wild again.

"Dad," I looked over to dad. Ignoring mom. "NO! NO! NO! YOU WILL STAY HERE!" I heaved a long sigh and ignored her again. Annoying. This is the annoying side of my mother.

"Mom, if you don't stop, I'll just silence you." I looked at her full of killing intent.

'Damn! is my body really this weak now?! Just releasing my killing intent can make me this exhausted!' I plopped myself in the bed, I have no energy left. Seeing this my mom stopped and my dad hurriedly got to my side.

"Yilluzu, are you okay?!"

"I'm tired. This is so frustrating dad, I just did that and it already made me this tired." I said while lying my head on the pillow feeling down.

I saw my dad turned his head away from me. I know he is still blaming himself that he allowed me to go that day. *Sigh..., this people, why do they blame themselves when it is me who made the decision.


"Dad I know you still blame yourself because of that day but, it's my fault and my decision. I brought this upon myself so I have to accept this." I said looking at my dad.

"No, it's mine... If I hadn't allowed you that day this would've not happen." He replied back.

"I am an assassin, the assassin's blood runs in my veins so it is natural for me to kill and get injured and I want this, I love what I do so there is no room for me to regret every decision that I made. I'll just have to accept this. And dad please don't blame yourself anymore, Okay? You too mom." I then looked at my mother.

"Okay, we won't blame ourselves again but you need to stay her for a week to make sure everything okay." My dad said.


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