《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》Chapter 4- Home


(Yilluzu's POV)

It's been a week since I woke up and finally! I can go back home, I really hated this place, it's boring in here.

As the doctor checked my body one last time, I'm getting impatient. Consistently checking my body and health everyday, who wouldn't get impatient, it's like I already memorized the words and findings of this doctors.

" All are normal, his body is in good condition. Although his body became weaker, his injuries have already healed and he is now allowed to go home." The doctor said. Well, yeah I know my own body and I'm getting quite used to constantly feeling tired and I can handle that.

"That's good to hear, doctor. Do you have any reminders left to tell? You know about his body." My mom who never left my side since the day I woke up asked. 'Really, mom?! Are you kidding me? Are you planning on making me stay here for a little longer?! I don't want to stay in here even for just a minute'

Of course I didn't voiced that out, mom would go wild again if I go against her wishes as of now. Arrgh, Really frustrating!.

"Lady Kikyo, you should watch out his health more attentively than before. Please do not allow him to exhaust himself because it'll weaken his constitution more."

"Okay." Good, now we can finally go home!

Then my dad fetched us from there and accompanied us back home.

Arriving at the Kakuro mountain where our house is, I feel so excited coming back home again.

"Welcome back master Yilluzu!" all the servants altogether said while bowing. Some of the servant were new to my eyes and some were the ones I remembered and know.

"It's good to be back." I happly said.


"Yilluzu dear, you should rest. The trip was long and I know it exhausted you." My mom beside me said in a worried tone.

"Sure mom, is my room still the same?"

"No, we moved your room downstairs so that you won't have to need going up and down the stairs, since your body isn't allowed to be tired." My dad said while we walk towards the new location of my room and my mom headed to where my siblings are to tell them that I'm already home.

My assassin's pride was being trampled because of this treatment. They now treated me like a porcelain and fragile doll.

"Dad, there's no need for that. It's just going down and up the stairs. It's not that exhausting and my room upstairs has a nice view which I like and dad, I'm an assassin I can handle it. I can still even kill now if I want to." I told him.

"Yilluzu, I know you don't like being treated this ways but as a father I just want what's best and good for you. Your body is not same as strong as before, so me and your mom just wants you to be okay. We won't make the same mistake again." He said while looking at me in a serious manner. "And Yilluzu from now on I forbid you to use your nen because it might affect your body's condition" and like a huge bomb to me, I got petrified. How can I fight without nen?!

"Ehh? Dad but-"

"No buts Yilluzu, you will listen to me from now on!" My dad cut me off.

"Ah- Okay dad," do I have any choice that to agree with him. He's my father and the head of the family, how can I disobey?


"Good," then we continued walking.


"Hmm?" He did not look at me and continued heading forward.

"Can I at least be in my old room? I like it in there more." I asked in a careful manner.

My father just sighed, "You're really stubborn Yilluzu. Okay, you can stay in your former room."

'Yep, I knew it. He can't still help saying yes to me when I use that tone. HAHAHA!' I inwardly rejoiced. I really liked that room because of the nice and serine view on the balcony and I have a lot of secret passages in there.

"I'll allow you to be in there but you can't use your secret passages there without my permission." And Kaboom! He knew what was I was thinking!

"Ehehehe... yes dad." I awkwardly answered as I divert my eyes away from him.

We then headed upstairs, dad helped me going up while holding my hands which made me think whether to laugh or cry. 'This is truly exaggerating! I can go up stair without help dad!' I inwardly complained.

Upon reaching the top I can feel myself panting a little.

"I told you that you shouldn't go upstairs, now look at you, panting when just climbing the stairs!" My dad scolded.

"I'm fine dad, it's just that my body had lied in bed for years and still hadn't got used to doing a lot of things that much." My dad just pinched his temples, didn't know what to do with my stubbornness.

"Okay, now let's head to your room."

Upon arriving to my room, I saw my things were still in the same place and my room is clean. Maybe they're taking care of it even though I'm away. "Now change your clothes and go to rest we will just call you when dinner's ready." After telling that he then headed outside my room and left.

Opening my closet, I can see that the clothes inside were picked according to my size. My body now is petite and small, my height was about 170 cm, *sigh such a shame for an assassin.

After changing my clothes, I headed to my bed and slumped myself. 'Haaa~ how I missed this bed' then I fell asleep.

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