《Big Brother - Hunter x Hunter (Fanfic)[BL]》chapter 2- waking up


"My dear Yilluzu, it's been 13 years since you fell asleep. When will you wake up?" Filled with melancholy in her voice, Yilluzu's mother, Kikyo asked.

"Killua has been rebellious this past few days. He even knows how to threaten me, he was just like you, my dear, who likes to go against our wishes and do whatever you wanted. He has the same hair and eyes as yours. Whenever I see him, I always remembered you." Kikyo kept talking while hoping that even just a sentence or just a word could be heard from his son's mouth.

"My dear, I have to go now. Mom will visit you again tomorrow, Okay?" Then Kikyo walked directly at the door, then looked back and sigh before she goes out of the door.

(Yilluzu's POV)

I can hear my mom talking, it's been like this for me for the past years. I can hear their plea for me to wake up and open my eyes but even if I want to, I can't.

I can always hear mom talking to me and dad telling me about his day and updates about the outside, I can always hear the sadness in their voice.

Even though I'm a ruthless assassin, I love my family more than anything and hearing the sadness and guilt of allowing me to do task that day in their voice, I feel like something had been squeezing my heart really tight, it hurts. I want to wake up.

All I can do is listen to the sound of my surrounding which was not that hard because I'm trained to enhance my senses. I can hear the door locked, I guess mom had already gone home. I Miss them. I Miss seeing mom, dad and Illumi.


The next day, again I can hear mom talking to me but this time, her tone was annoyed with the hint of excitement.


"My dearest son, you know your little brother, Killua, he... he's... he has grown now! He wanted to do what he wants. He left home and even threatened me when I tried to stop him, which made me proud because a true assassin doesn't put anyone in his eyes! Which makes him a rightful heir to our family business." Mom's tone is with excitement. *Sigh, mom really is a weird woman.

"He left home and didn't listen to me." Now with annoyed tone. 'Really mom? How bipolar are you. Pfft, do I even need to ask that?' I commented.

I really like listening to mom. It's entertaining with just listening to her rants. Sigh, I want to see her again.

Then I heard mom change her tone. This time it's filled with sadness and longing. " Yilluzu, mom waits for you, we all wait for your return. Your siblings wanted to see you very much, so open your eyes soon, Okay?"

Mom, I really wanted too, but how? I wanted to come back too, I missed seeing you and everyone, I missed doing the things that I like. I wanted to open my eyes and wake up, but I can't.


Then suddenly...


'What this? I... I... I can move my finger!'

(Third person's POV)

In a white colored room which seems to be a patient's room, a man in his 20's can be seen lying on a patient's bed full of tubes and wires connecting in his body to just keep him breathing and alive. His hands can be seen slowly moving and he's eyes was slowly opening, he's beautiful electric blue colored orbs was now on sight. His sharp gaze looked around and checked his surroundings.

The woman inside the room beside the lad seeing him slowly opening his eyes, cannot help but stop and freeze at the moment because of shock.

"YILLUZU!?" Kikyo suddenly shouted then plunged herself towards the young man. "Are... are... is this really true?! You're awake!" she said as she hug him with tears in her eyes.

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