《R I D I N [zhong chenle] ✓》F I V E


"Have you heard?"

"Sutji Bank got broken in!"

"Doesn't that place have high security though?"

"Well it wasn't strong enough against Devil Rider"

"And Blood Rose"

"Do you think they're working together?"

Chenle yawned, sweater paw covering the opened mouth as he stumbled into the class. He didn't go back home last night until 3am, hence why he was tired. But with how he's dressed, no one would ever think he's the person that everyone is talking about.

"Yo Chenle, did you saw the news?", Donghyuck said as the said person sat in his chair.

"Mhm...what?", he stretched out.

Donghyuck who sat on the boy's desk swung his legs, letting his mouth ramble on. "Sutji Bank got broken into by Devil Rider. Around 10 million got stolen, but it turns out another criminal was with him too! Blood Rose, I think that's the name"

"How terrifying! We're not safe anymore when there's people like these roaming the streets. Let's not get out of our houses anymore, I don't want us to get hurt. Chenle, you too! Stay safe", Nari shook in worry.

"Hey, heard about what happened?", Xiu Ying sat in her chair beside Nari, who only grabbed onto her hands and looked at her in the eye.

"Xiu Ying, you too! Take care, these criminals are dangerous", Xiu Ying felt awkward with Nari's clueless personality, especially since she's one of the criminals.

"Y-yeah, got it", she slowly took her hands back before letting out a yawn.

"Both you and Chenle are yawning so much, what happened last night?"

"Stayed up too late playing PUBG"

"Was busy binging on some dramas", both Chenle and Xiu Ying said as they slammed their heads onto their desks.

"Tsk, that's not good! You guys should sleep more", Nari tried to be angry, but she was more cute than angry with her cheeks puffed out as her eyes narrowed at the two disapprovingly.


Obviously we didn't do that, just when will they realize who am I? Probably never, both of them thought as they slowly drifted to sleep, ignoring the whole lesson.

School was over yet again, and here we have Chenle and Xiu Ying chaging into their criminal identities at their own homes.

Xiu Ying lived alone because she had no one, while Chenle lived alone because there was everyone. His family had a big company, and soon his brother will take over. Chenle isn't really needed to help flourish the business, so he decided to live alone so he didn't bother anyone especially since he's not needed. Although the family loves him, they thought it was a good idea for Chenle to live alone too so he could get independent.

And he did get independant, just in the wrong things. It seems pretty weird that he engages in such crimes too. But a bored teenager who had all the money in the world just wants to let loose and cause some trouble, that's good enough of a reason, right?

China, Europe, America, his name was everywhere in the whole world and he loved it. The thrill knowing articles are written about him, how he's known by everyone and is close to being recognized as a celebrity almost. Devil Rider. That's the name everyone knows. And it's the name he's known as.

Starting out his beloved motorbike that he bought after his first ever robbery success, he didn't hesitate to accelerate as a loud 'vroom' filled the air.

Tonight he's going to steal one of the most precious paintings to ever exist, worth near to 500 million. A smirk etched on his lips, thinking of what he's gonna do with all that money.

Riding the bike through the crowded streets, he came to a stop in front of the Seoul museum. "Time to start chaos", he whispered eagerly, taking long strides up the stairs to the entrance.


After drugging the guard to sleep and stealing the key, he silently walked in with a flashlight on. He saw a couple of guards doing rounds together, becuase this museum is worth more than any other museum, the security is tightened especially with the recent crimes caused by yours truly.

It was going well, until one of the alarms went off. He widened his eyes, remembering he cautiously took his steps until he turned around to see another figure. Based on the fit, he raised an eyebrow and his flashlight, and sighed in frustration when he realized who it was.

"I thought I made it clear I don't want to see you again, so why are you here?", he got even more frustrated seeing that Blood Rose accidentally stepped on a red beam which caused the alarm to go off.

"Sorry pretty boy, I didn't really get the notice that this place was meant for you only", sarcasm laced her words as she crossed her arms.

"You can't get mad when you made the alarm ring, now look what you got us into", Devil Rider turned around to see a number of guards at them. He isn't easy to take down, but he was definitely outnumbered this time. Letting out a harsh exhale, he pulled Blood Rose by the collar so they were standing side by side.

"I'll deal with you later, for now let's kill off some bastards"

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