《R I D I N [zhong chenle] ✓》F O U R


"He's after me? I thought I knee-ed him hard enough", Xiu Ying, or more like Blood Rose, mumbled as she saw a motorbike quickly racing through the rear view mirror.

Out of all days, both Chenle and Xiu Ying just happened to rob the same exact bank which led into this whole mess. If only she robbed a different one, there were still 5 more after all.

Does Blood Rose have a license? No, she's a criminal do you really think she'll get a license? But she had many runs before, so she ended up knowing how to drive a car by herself. It wasn't safe driving, but at least it'll save her from getting caught.

On this night unfortunately, she'll have to lower her pride for Devil Rider was never one to give up and was quickly catching up.

Mumbling a string of curses, she sharply turned around a corner and through even more corners hoping to lose him. After some time, she noticed the bike was no longer behind her which made her heave a sigh of relief. She finally lost him, or did she really?

Stopping at a street that was not so far from her apartment, Blood Rose took the bag of money from behind her and got out of the car.

Walking hastily, it wasn't quick enough as loud footsteps filled her ears and suddenly she got thrown to the wall, leaving her to drop her bag and her hands pressed beside her as the same person from before stared at her.

"It's you again", she said nonchalantly. "Fancy seeing you here"

Chenle chuckled deeply, the sound muffled due to the mask. "I believe you stole something from me?"

"What? Your heart, maybe?", she flirted. "Lucky guess, but I was obviously hinting at that", he nudged his head towards the bag that was at their foot now.


"Hmmm", she stared at him, her gaze eventually ending up on the motorbike behind the car she stole. "Oh? Aren't you Devil Rider, the most wanted criminal out there?"

"Got that right, darling", he tilted his head, a bit of his black hair covering his eyes. "Heard about what did back at the highway, impressive indeed"

"Thanks for the compliment, but also no thanks", he squinted his brown eyes towards the girl, trying to decipher who she was. "Are you Yellow Lily?"

The girl let out a loud laugh, head thrown back hitting the wall. "Guess again, pretty boy"

"Hmmm, Blood Rose?"

"My oh my. A smart one aren't you?", playfulness was visible in her eyes, a amused smiled on her lips that was not seen under the mask. "Can't believe you decided to chase me until here, I thought I got your little friend hard enough. Does it still work?"

"I don't know, should we try then?", Chenle came close to her, whispering as he kept a knee in between her legs. A giggle erupted from her.

"Now, the money"

"A criminal stealing from a criminal? Who would've thought?"

"I'm not like others, you see"

"Ahh... I definitely got that part! Alright then, let me go and we'll split the money"

"Only 50%?"

"It technically still is my money, plus I saved you back there", Devil Rider grunted in annoyance, hating how she had a point. He wasn't the type to share, though.

"How about 60%?"

"Boy, I took a large sum. Let's not be greedy shall we? I'm kind enough to give you at least until 51%"

He tsked, loud and clear enough for both to hear. "Fine, 50% it is", he let go of her and watched as she scrambled towards the bag before taking a amount and shoving it towards him.


Taking the money, he started counting. Brows raised, he looked at her sideways. "5 million? You stole a lot then"

"Kinda my specialty", she rolled her eyes as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Well then, it was a pleasure to meet you Ms. Blood Rose", Chenle took her hand and left a kiss, although it was hardly noticeable due to his mask and her gloved hand. "But I hope we never meet again. No offence, I prefer working alone"

"None taken", she retracted her hand and stared as he walked towards his bike. Sharing one last stare, Devil Rider started his vehicle before zooming away down the road.

"Hope I'll never see you too, Mr. Rider"

But life had other plans.


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