《Remarkable (Dance Moms Fic)》Chapter 7: Playing Cupid, Meeting an Old Friend and Sayonara, Cathy
It was June 29th and it was three days to the Starpower competition in Chicago which would be at McCormick Place and for that competition, Abby decided to bring a boy in for the group dance named Snapshot to be the photographer and his name is Brandon Pent, a 15 year old dancer for the Abby Lee Dance Company and a former crush of Brooke's. Brandon's mother is named Diane and also Maddie and Nia had solos and to try to have Brooke and Brandon have chemistry, Abby set them up on a date to the carnival and Maddie's solo was named Universe and Nia's was Bollywood. Mackenzie and Vivi were to have a duet, Cathy didn't show up for pyramid and when she did show up last night and Abby had no choice but to pull the duet and Shane was given a solo called Who's Bad, based off of one of Shane's favorite Michael Jackson songs, known as Bad.
(Shane's solo costume for Who's Bad: Black jacket with some gold buckles, tanktop, some black slacks with white stripes on each side, black loafers)
The week prior, Holly was sent over the edge over Abby putting Nia in a ethnic stereotype dance and she even fought with Abby and Shane was brought into the mix when Holly accused Shane of coming up with the idea of the routine for Nia, but Shane held his ground and also Cathy still wasn't playing by the ALDC rules. Christi hadn't fought with Abby and Chloe was in the good books of Abby as well which made Chloe and Maddie the top dancers of the studio.
Diane and Kelly took Brooke and Brandon to a carnival and it was held in the parking lot of the Old Orchard Shopping Center and tagging along was Shane, who was invited by Diane and Kelly after they asked Abby about it and she agreed and the carnival had tons of rides like the Ferris Wheel 360 degree looping roller coaster named Fire Ball, 1001 Nachts, a claw like ride named Freak Out, an european style ride called the Himalaya, a ride that took riders in a circular motion that went through hills and valleys, a ride that spins in a circular motion named Zero Gravity, an egyptian ship themed ride named Pharaoh's Fury, a bumper ride called Scooter, there was also a ride that gave riders the sensation of flying, which was named Sizzler, also, there were classic rides named the Zipper Ride and the Tilt-A-Whirl, also, there were food concessions, games and other rides for kids and families like a large scale, obstacle course namded Raiders.
"Glad you came with us, Rain." Diane told Shane.
"Thanks, and the name is Shane." Shane corrected.
"Sorry about that."
Meanwhile, Brooke and Brandon were walking.
"Brooke, when i get my driver's license, can i drive you around?" Brandon asked. "I promise i won't crash."
"No way, how about you ask one of the other older girls of the studio?" Brooke suggested. "I'm pretty sure that they'd jump at the chance for you to drive them around when you get your license."
"Brooke, what is your overall opinion on Abby sending us on this date?"
"My opinion about this is that it's weird. I don't know why she came up with this idea."
"You do understand where she's coming from?"
"I was hoping that this was gonna give us chemistry like it did when we were younger." Brandon said, it was obvious that this wasn't helping build chemistry because Brooke was being cold towards him. "What do you think happened?"
"Can we move on to something else?" Brooke suggested to him, it was clear that she did not want to talk about what had happened between them. "Like that Fire Ball ride, that's going round and round. Maybe one of the other older girls would be willing to date you and you can have chemistry with one of them and everybody wins. Maybe i'll set you up on a date with one."
Brandon sighed.
Meanwhile, Kelly and Diane were sitting on a bench.
"We don't get to hang out at times because i'm with Abby, Shane, Lauren, Skye, the girls and the moms and you're with the teen dancers since Brandon is one." Kelly said to Diane.
"I just stay away from the drama." Diane stated.
"I Don't blame you one bit. I've got a feeling that Brooke and Brandon might secretly still have a thing for each other."
Meanwhile, Shane was at one of the games, which was a water race game as he was finished playing it after winning, he noticed that there was a girl around 16 with brown hair and brown eyes that was walking past the game.
The 16 year old girl, who's name was Megan Wilson heard her name be called as she stopped, turned to the left around and was looking in Shane's direction.
"How did you know my name?" Megan asked. "Do i know you?"
"It's me, Shane. Shane Miller."
The moment that she heard him reveal his name, her eyes went wider than saucers and her mouth was wide open, she was face to face with Shane for the first time in six years because she and her mother had moved to Palos Park when she was nine going on ten and she and Shane had known each other since they were very little.
"Oh, my goodness, Shane-O!" Megan exclaimed, finally finding her voice and she threw her arms around him and he threw his arms around her, they both felt warmth from the contact. "How have you been?"
"I've been doing great." Shane said. "You?"
"Doing great too." Megan answered.
"What brings you to Skokie? Last time i saw you, we were both nine going on ten and you and your mother moved to Palos Park six years ago."
"We used to live there and believe it or not, we just moved back to Skokie this past May."
"Great to know and you look beautiful." Shane complimented.
"Aw, thanks. You've gotten more handsome and i can tell you've still got your long hair because i remember you growing your hair when you were seven."
"Thanks, Meg."
"So what brings you to the carnival?"
"I'm here accompanying Brooke and Brandon on their date that Mom set up so they could have chemistry for the group dance this weekend. Their mothers are here too."
"I haven't seen Brooke since she was seven and haven't seen Brandon since he was nine. I'm here with my mom, Sylvia." Megan commented. "Hey, mom! Come here quick, you aren't gonna believe who i just found!"
A woman around 36 with brown hair and brown eyes approached and her name was Sylvia, who is Megan's mother and she was wondering what the excitement was about and she had a look of surprise the minute she saw Shane.
"Shane?" Sylvia asked. "Is that really you?"
"Yes Miss Wilson, it's me."
Sylvia then pulled him into a hug, she was so happy to see him for the first time in six years.
"Last time i saw you, you were little and now you've grown into a handsome young man."
"Yeah, I'm 16 now." Shane told them.
"My daughter turned 16 recently and since you're close to being a young adult, you can call me Sylvia if you want." Sylvia stated as Shane nodded, Megan and Shane were born in the same year and month, Megan was born one June the 2nd and Shane was born on June the 8th, so Megan is six days older than him. "Let's head over and surprise Diane and Kelly."
"Let's." Megan said as Shane led to them to the bench where they were sitting and also, Brandon and Brooke were talking to them.
"Hey, Shane Train." Diane greeted.
"Hey, everybody. Guess what? i just ran into an old friend here."
"You did?"
"And here she is." Shane moved to the side and standing there next to him was Megan and Sylvia as Diane, Kelly, Brandon and Brooke recognized them right away and there were hugs all around, The four were happy to see Megan and Sylvia.
"It's been a long time!" Kelly exclaimed to Sylvia and Megan.
"What brings you two back to Skokie?" Diane asked. "Last time we saw you both, you were moving to Palos Park."
"We got a little homesick and missed Skokie, so we moved back last month, Mrs Pent." Megan answered.
"Great to have you back and if you'd like, you can call me Diane." Diane told her.
"And you can call me Kelly if you want." Kelly added.
"All right."
"Brooke, you've grown into a wonderful young lady and Brandon, you've grown into a fantastic young man." Sylvia complimented.
"Thanks." Brooke and Brandon replied.
"Megan, Sylvia, i forgot to tell you, we'll be having lunch at Mom's house and if you'd like, you can come if you'd want, we're still living on Floral Avenue." Shane offered.
"All right, i sure miss my old dance teacher." Megan stated.
"She'll be surprised when she sees us." Sylvia commented and then they left the carnival.
Two days later, which was the day before competition, Abby decided to invite the girls and moms over to lunch and at the house, Abby, Shane, Lauren and Skye had cleaned up the house as Maryen was sitting down, Shane had told Abby, Lauren and Skye that he had ran into an old friend of his at the carnival and she couldn't wait to see who the old friend was and asked if he had invited the friend over, he said yes and doorbell rang.
"That's probably them or the old friend that Shane told us about." Skye commented as Shane went to the door and opened it and standing at the doorway was Megan and Sylvia, who entered the house.
"Surprise." Megan and Sylvia both said and Abby saw it was Megan and Sylvia, who is an old friend of hers and was the former assistant choreographer of the studio before Gianna became the assistant choreographer and Megan was a former ALDC dancer.
"Sylvia!" Abby exclaimed, seeing her old friend and former assistant choreographer come in.
"Hey, Abs! long time no see!" Sylvia stated as the two hugged.
"Meg!" Lauren and Skye ran to Megan and gave her a hug. "It's been so long!"
"Hey, LoLo! Hey, Skye!" Megan laughed. "Haven't seen you both since you were four, i bet you're both ten."
"We are." Skye said as Megan went over to Abby.
"Hey, Meg." Abby greeted Megan she gave her a hug.
"Hi, Miss Abby." Megan responded. "How have you been?"
"I'm doing good."
"Still producing those winners?"
"You know it." Abby responded, giving Megan the thumbs up. "Last time i saw you, you were nine going on ten."
"Megan's 16 now." Sylvia told Abby.
"I am, Miss Abby."
"If you'd like, you can just simply call me Abby." Abby offered to Megan.
"All right." Megan agreed, then she and Sylvia greeted Maryen, who was really happy to see them and they hugged her and then they were all sitting on the couch catching up.
"Question, what brings you back to Skokie?" Abby asked.
"Well, we were living in Palos Park and then memories of us being in the ALDC surfaced, so we've flirted with the idea of moving back to Skokie and this past may, we did that and two days ago, we ran into Shane at the carnival when he was there with Kelly, Diane, Brooke and Brandon." Sylvia commented.
"Cool." Skye stated. "It's awesome to have you back."
"We appreciate that." Megan said.
Lauren and Skye see the vehicles of the moms and girls arrive.
"Mom, Grandma, Shane, the moms and girls are here!" Lauren stated.
"Quick, Megan, Sylvia, hide in the kitchen!" Abby instructed. "We'll surprise them since they hadn't seen you two in so long although you saw Brooke and her mother at the carnival and we'll signal to you by whistling."
Megan and Sylvia both went in the kitchen and hid there as Shane went to the door and the girls and moms except for Cathy and Vivi were standing at the doorway and they came in.
"Before we start lunch, we've got a surprise for you." Shane told them and the girls and moms were wondering what they had up their sleeves and Shane turned to the kitchen and whistled. Once he did that, Megan and Sylvia came from the kitchen as the moms and girls except for Kelly and Brooke, who had already saw them, had surprised looks on their faces.
"Meg!" Maddie, Nia, Paige, Chloe and Mackenzie exclaimed, running towards Megan and giving her a hug as they hadn't seen her since they were very little.
"Hey, girls!" Megan responded as she hugged them, then they went to Sylvia and hugged her, then Sylvia hugged the moms and Megan did the same thing and they went into the kitchen to get some food and soft drinks and they began eating and in the kitchen, Shane was putting grease on a spalding basketball because the girls were gonna play get the basketball out of the pool and in the kitchen with him was Melissa and Christi.
"Did you know i bought this last week?" Shane told them.
"No, didn't know that." Christi said.
"Who do you think may get the ball out of the pool?" Melissa asked.
"If i had to guess, it could either be Maddie, Chloe, Lauren or even Skye."
"It could go either way." Christi said. "Now let's take the ball to the indoor pool."
"All righty." Shane then got the ball and carefully held it as it had grease on it and as he got to the edge of the pool, he threw the ball in the pool and Abby was about to push him in, but he turned around. The girls all jumped in the pool and the first to get the ball was Paige. "Paigey Mack's got the ball!"
The next day it was competition day and Abby, Shane, Lauren, Skye, Gianna and crew were at McCormick Place in Chicago, where Starpower competition was being held at and in one of the dressing rooms, Shane, Lauren, Skye, the girls and Brandon were sitting down as Abby and Gianna were talking with some colleagues and other dancers as Megan and Sylvia came in.
"Hey, everybody." Sylvia greeted.
The door opened and walking in was Cathy and Vivi and everyone turned their eyes towards them as they were approaching the makeup table.
"Hi." Cathy greeted as the moms continued looking at them, they were not happy that Cathy didn't show up for two whole days and now she was coming in like everything was kosher.
"What's going on, Cathy?" Melissa asked and Cathy didn't answer her and ignored them as she started to do Vivi's hair, thinking that her daughter and Mackenzie were going to do the duet.
"Just to give you a heads up, Abby had just pulled the planned duet that Mackenzie and Vivi were supposed to do and it was Shane's idea because you didn't show up for pyramid and missed the rehearsals and it hurt Mackenzie's feelings." Kelly added.
"Well, sorry about that, but, i had some things to do at the last second so it's not a big deal." Cathy retorted and she gave the stink eye at Shane, then she turned to Megan and Sylvia. "Who are you two?"
"I'm Megan Wilson and this is my mother, Sylvia. We grew up with Shane and danced for Abby." Megan introduced.
"I'm Cathy Nesbitt-Stein and this is my daughter Vivi." Cathy replied and she turned to the moms. "Like i've said before, i had some last second things to do and i wasn't able to make it."
"Abby has been doing the same stuff over and over again, so i'm over it and it's not affecting you." Cathy snarkily said.
"Actually, it does because we're a team and a group because at least we show up every week even though us moms have driven Abby up the rails." Melissa told her.
"Well if you think Abby doesn't do the same things over and over again, maybe you should get your tights and dance with them because it's getting on my nerves when you say that it's a team and it's a group and Vivi not doing much during the group routines does not count, so therefore i'm not on your team!" Cathy said as the girls looked on.
"My mom's teaching gets results." Shane said.
"What he said. Abby has done a great job making great dances." Sylvia added and Maddie went on to compete her solo and she got first and as everybody was getting ready for the group, Brooke and Brandon weren't happy.
"Brandon, Brooke, what's with you two?" Abby asked as Brandon and Brooke looked at her. "You both aren't looking happy."
"You two have to draw the judges eyes over to you, that's the choreography that mom and Gia choreographed and if the judges looked over and see paint drying, they won't keep looking over." Shane commented.
Once everything was ready, Maddie, Chloe, Paige, Nia, Brooke and Brandon were all onstage for the Snapshot routine and right from the start, it was disastrous as Brooke and Brandon weren't connecting and the girls' dancing was thrown off because of that, but they managed to complete the dance. For the group awards, it didn't place.
"Abby, to be honest, i expected this because Brooke and Brandon's connection wasn't happening." Sylvia told Abby.
"What mom said." Megan agreed, then Brandon and Diane left, knowing that Brandon would be the fall guy that Abby was looking for and in the ALDC's dresing room as Nia and Shane were getting ready for their solos.
"We're rehearing Nia's solo and then Shane's solo." Abby said. "Nia, put your bollywood costume on and Shane, put your costume on too."
"Gotcha." Shane commented and he put on his solo costume.
"You look handsome, Shane." Megan complimented.
"Thanks, Meg." Shane replied.
"Please welcome to the stage, Nia with Bollywood." Nia went on stage and she did her dance very well and made sure not to mess up and she posed and the crowd cheered and next was the teen soloist divison.
"Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome to the stage, Shane with Bad!" Shane went on the stage and the music started playing and he was a dancing machine out there and in between the first chorus and the second verse, he moonwalked smoothly and the crowd loved and at the end he did the splits and the crowd went nuts. Nia won in her division and Shane continued his undefeated streak with a first place win in his division and backstage, Abby announced that they were gonna head to Vegas, then L.A. and last but not least, Lake Tahoe, but Cathy wasn't happy about that.
"We're noticing that you don't look to happy about this." Shane stated to Cathy as Megan, Sylvia, the moms and girls all left except for Abby and Shane as Gianna offered to take Skye and Lauren home and Abby agreed.
"Here's the thing, Vivi and i did not bargain to be a part of this kind a travel, so we aren't going to Vegas and we're also no longer gonna be a part of your team." Cathy informed and that confirmed that Cathy and Vivi were no longer going to be a part of the Abby Lee Dance Company.
"Why are we not surprised?" Shane said as Abby nodded in agreement. "At least you could have had your mom accompany Vivi to the competitions with us, we know that she only goes with you, but you've got to let her go with some you know other than you."
"That's not gonna happem if i did that, Vivi would freak out because one time i did that, she was crying and wanted me because i was not there, so we're getting off the train." Cathy told them.
"We get that, however, you're being a quitter and i've said this before, Everyone's Replaceable and we know that there is likely an dancer in my studio and their mom that's willing to travel with us since you won't." Abby stated.
"Good, then you two call that dancer and their mother, i respect you as a dance teacher, but we will not be goint to Vegas." Cathy snarkily said.
"So long, you quitter. Don't let the door hit you and Vivi on your behinds on the way out." Shane growled.
"Whatever, losers." Cathy retorted as she and Vivi got their bags and left.
"Mom, we don't need that crabby apple loser from Ohio, we have a lot of wonderful and talented dancers that know how to win." Shane commented.
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Narrator! Spontaneity! Energy! A wholly UNOFFICIAL guide to RRL! Current events! Absolutely no plot whatsoever! Narrator!!!Credits: Hosted by Narrator, Produced by Author; Information Lackey is Author; Random Ideas Box Provided by Author; Everything Else by AuthorSpecial mentions go to the RRL community for being such a cool group. Oh, and internet. Can’t forget about that one.Random Development page for Trending News https://goo.gl/FiYPRf (comments and suggestions welcome)P.s. There’s cookies. (Cover unrelated)@the random 0.5 star rater, I love ya too! No joke! :-)
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