《Remarkable (Dance Moms Fic)》Chapter 6: Birthday Surprise for Shane


Two weeks later, the day was June 8th and on that day, it was somebody's birthday and that somebody was Shane, who was now 16 and Abby was seen heading upstairs to her son's room and with her was Lauren, Skye and Maryen as she had a birthday cake and they approached Shane's Room, which was near the master bedroom, which was Abby's room.

Abby opened the door and they went into Shane's bedroom and he was asleep and he began to stir and then he woke up.

"Happy 16th Birthday, Shane!" Abby, Maryen, Skye and Lauren all said.

"Aw, thanks." Shane said as they hugged him and then he cut the first piece of cake after blowing out the candles.

"No problem." Maryen stated.

"We've got a surprise for you, big bro." Skye told Shane.

"We sure do, but first, you've got to put on this blindfold." Abby said, pulling out a blindfold, Shane then put on the blindfold and he got out of the bed.

"We'll help you and we'll let you know when to take the blindfold off." Lauren added as she and Skye held their brother's hand to help him as he's blindfolded.

"All righty." Shane replied as Lauren and Skye helped him walk down the stairs with Abby in front and Maryen right behind them and as soon as they got to the front door, Abby opened it and they walked him outside and they came to a stop.

"Now you can take the blindfold off." Abby said.

Shane reached behind his head, untied the blindfold and took it off and he gasped at what he saw in front of him.

It was a shiny, red Chevrolet Express 1500, that is a van that could hold up to 15 passengers stood in front of everybody with a ribbon tied around and it made into a bow that was on the hood. There was also a black design on the red paint and it had doors that can open on both sides. In addition, it had a radio that could play CD's and USB ports that could connect to mp3 players.


"What do you think?" Abby asked her shocked son.

"This is the van i've always wanted and i love it! Thanks mom!" Shane gave Abby a hug.

"You're welcome, sweetie. I had been saving up for it since you were 14 since you've always told me you've wanted this type of van, it's yours." Abby told him and she pulled out a key for the van and gave it to him.

"I'll always practice good road safety. Whenever i drive to school, i'll drive straight to the studio when the school day is over and if you need me to do an errand, give me the word i'll do it." Shane commented, he had gotten his license the day before since he took driver's education class in the previous school year.

"Great to hear."

"How about we take a test drive and see how you do?" Lauren suggested.

"Yeah!" Skye added.

"What do you think?" Shane looked over at his mother.

"Let's do it." Abby answered and Maryen told them she would stay, but before they could, they went back in the house and got ready and once they did that, they headed to Shane's new van, Shane got in the driver's seat, Abby was in the front seat and Skye and Lauren were in the seats behind them. Shane checked the side mirrors, then the rear view mirror, he then put the key in the ignition and turned it, which brought the engine to life.

Shane began driving and he turned carefully onto Floral Avenue, then he turned left onto Oakton and he was driving really well and Abby wasn't nervous at all, she was enjoying it and a few minutes later, they came back to the house and he carefully parked in the garage next to Abby's escalade.


"You did great for your first driving experience!" Skye told her older brother.

"Thanks." Shane commented.

The four got out of the van and went inside and told Maryen how it went, she was happy that her grandson did great for his first time driving, later on that day, Abby threw Shane a 16th birthday bash with the girls and their families all there and they had a fantastic time.

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