《Remarkable (Dance Moms Fic)》Chapter 3: Brooke's Hip Pain


For the new week, Shane had a solo called Putting On The Ritz, which was one of his favorite songs and Vivi had a solo named Cowgirl and the group would have all the girls except for Vivi named Ups and Downs, they were gonna be heading to Vorhees, New Jersey to compete at Starbound.

That thursday, it was two days prior to competition and Shane had finished rehearsing his solo, then he was sitting with Abby and even Skye and Lauren were in there watching too, they were watching the group dance rehearsals and Brooke was looking up at the observation room.

"Brooke, stop looking up at your mother, look at my mom, she's the dance teacher." Shane told Brooke.

"Right." Abby added. "Also, your knee is bent and the supporting foot isn't turned out."

As the rehearsal went on, Skye and Lauren looked concerned about Brooke because they could she she was in pain as Abby and Shane turned to them.

"Something's up with Brooke." Skye observed.

"Look's like something's hurting her." Lauren said.

"We'll check it out." Shane told his sisters as he turned to Brooke. "Brooke, what's going on?"

"My hip hurts and it's inflamed." Brooke replied, she had hurt her hip weeks ago and it was now inflamed, then she was sent upstairs to let Kelly know. "Mom, my still hip's hurting."

"Do you want me to see if i can take you to the chiopractor real quick?" Kelly asked.

"What's the matter?" Christi asked, worried about Brooke.

"Her hip and ankle."

When that day's rehearsal was over, everybody went home as Abby, Shane, Lauren and Skye arrived at their house, they parked in the garage and sitting in the living room was a elder woman around 83 named Maryen Lorrain Miller, Maryen is Abby's mother and the grandmother of Shane, Lauren and Skye. Also, Maryen was a dance teacher before Abby began choreographing at 14. They talked to her about their day in the studio before calling it a night.

A day later, Kelly took Brooke to the Skokie Chiropractic on Golf Road and Skokie Boulevard and Paige had tagged along and the Chiropractor named Danielle Perkins introduced herself to them.

"Come on back." Dr. Perkins told them and they went in the room and she began writing on her chart. "How did you hurt it?"

"I'm a dancer. I do a lot of contortion tricks." Brooke told her.


"Is it a sharp stabbing pain or a aching one?"

"Well, when i do a split and stuff, it's like a shooting pain."

"We've put ice on it when it first began and sometimes she would sleep with a heating pad." Kelly stated.

"The ice, that's good, yhe heating pad thing, that isn't good." Dr. Perkins said. "DId you have problems practicing?"

Brooke nodded and the chiropractor started and when they had her bend over, Brooke told her that she felt the pain on her side and she felt it again when she leaned back.

"At this point, i don't think it's a good thing for her to compete this weekend to be honest with you." Dr. Perkins explained.

"We've got to." Kelly commented.

(Shane's Costume for Putting On The Ritz: White button down shirt with a bowtie, black sequin vest, fedora hat and black pants)

It was competition day and the Abby Lee Dance Company were on the bus as they caught a flight to Newark and were on their way to the venue.

"Brooke, how is your hip?" Shane asked.

"It still hurts." Brooke told him.

"I know how you feel, when i was 13, i had a inflamed hip and mom took me to the chiropractor, the same one that Kelly took you to and Dr Perkins told me to sit the week and competition out." Shane said.

"Yeah, we were there with him and mom." Lauren commented.

"And before you know it, with that rest, his hip healed and he was back at it the next week." Skye added.

"I remember that." Kelly stated.

"He grinded that down and you've got to do that too, then it won't hurt anymore." Abby said to Brooke. "Also, when Shane's hip was hurting him, he told me he was afraid that he'd never dance again because of the hip pain and it was heartbreaking for me, my mother and his sisters, but he recovered thanks to Dr. Perkins and continues to dance and that made not only him, but me, Lauren, Shane and my mother feel better."

The bus arrived at Eastern Regional High School, where Starbound was being held at, whenever there's a competition at a school, the classrooms would be used as dressing rooms and Cathy met up with them and they went into a dressing room as Shane and Vivi began getting ready.

"Question, what's the running order?" Melissa asked.


"Vivi's gonna go first, then Shane will go next." Abby responded, then after Shane put his hair in a ponytail, he went and got changed into his costume.

"How do i look?" Shane asked.

"You look cool." Abby told him, giving him the thumbs up.

"What mom said, bro." Lauren said.

"Shane, you look like you're really putting on the ritz." Holly commented.

"Like Miss Abby just said, you look cool." Maddie added.

"Thanks." Shane responded as two competition directors named Shannon and Veronica.

"I'm gonna be backstage with you and i'd like to go over some things because we notice that we're missing some song titles." Veronica told them and Abby called her son over to help out. "First is "My Pumps" and that's Vivi-Anne's solo, right?"

"Wait a minute." Shane looked perplexed and Abby had the same expression on her face. "The solo isn't called My Pumps, it's called bumble-bee. Something's fishy."

"I agree."

Melissa came up to them with a CD with a perplexed expression on her face too. "Then what's..."

Abby and Shane looked at it really closely and they turned over to Cathy.

"Cathy, what's this little rocket music?" Abby asked, she wanted to know what was going on.

"Well, Vivi..." Cathy began, still getting her daughter ready. "Was a little uncomfortable with the solo you gave her that we worked on because she didn't have much rehearsal time, so we're gonna do a piece that we know."

Abby and Shane looked on in shock and so did Gianna, the moms and girls. They could not believe Cathy went behind their back and change the routine they planned without consulting them first, she decided to wait less than ten minutes before Vivi's solo went on.

"Mom, Cathy is conniving, rude and sneaky." Shane told Abby in a quiet voice so Cathy wouldn't hear him, then he had an idea that could hopefully teach Cathy a lesson. "Mom, i've got an idea."

"Let's hear it." Abby told her son as Shane whispered something into her ear. "Good idea, go ahead."

"Ok, we'll change this into a independent entry." Shane said as he was given a pen to change Vivi's solo into a independent entry as Cathy turned to them after hearing what Shane had just said.

"You're doing what? You're gonna change it into a independent entry?" Cathy's eyes went wider than saucers as she said that.

"Yeah." Abby stated. "Me, Gianna and Shane didn't do this number."

"But she's representing your studio." Cathy responded.

"It's not with a number we've never done. In a costume, we didn't design." Shane said as he began running his solo while Abby went outside in the hallway to talk to Cathy and then Shane and Vivi went to the stage as Abby, Gianna, Lauren, Skye, the girls and moms all went into the audience.

"That woman is crazy." Abby fumed. "But at least i know Shane's got this in the bag."

Vivi went on the stage when she was called and did her dance and it was a disaster from the start and she completed the dance and next was the teen division after the junior soloist division was done.

"Coming up, we have Putting On The Ritz by Shane from the Abby Lee Dance Company!" The music began to play as Shane tapped his way on to the stage and he was great right from the start and he did a pose as the crowd cheered and he headed off stage and next were awards and in the petite soloist division, Vivi got 7th.

"Who taught you this number?" The female emcee asked Vivi-Anne.

"Cathy Jean Nesbitt-Stein." Vivi-Anne replied.

"The name of your studio?"

"Candy Apples Dance Center."

Lauren, Skye, the girls and moms all cringed even more as Abby was not a happy camper Shane's face contorted in anger as he was waiting for the teen soloist awards to see how he did and next after the junior soloist division was the teen soloist division as places 10 through 2 were announced.

"In first place in the Teen Solo division is Putting On The Ritz!" Shane got up and was given his trophy as Abby, Gianna, Lauren, Skye, The Moms and Girls except for Cathy cheered.

"All right, big bro!" Lauren and Skye cheered their older brother.

"Who taught you this routine?"

"Abby Lee Miller and Gianna Martello."

"Name of your studio?"

"Abby Lee Dance Company."

"That's how you do it." Abby said, smiling that her son got it right and she was still mad over Vivi saying the wrong choreographer and wrong studio name but she knows Shane and the girls get the name of the choreographer and studio right and then Cathy and left to everyone's surprise as the girls were getting ready for the group dance. The girls did their group dance despite Brooke being in pain and they got first place.

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