《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》29:Wedding Gone Wrong


Tony smiled down at his seven-year-old, who looked adorable in his suit. "Ready to be the ring bear buddy?" Tony asked Peter who nodded and giggled. He turned to his best man, Rhodey, who looked like a proud mother. "Is Stephen here yet?"

"Nope, Jarvis said he's stuck in traffic but he's speeding his way over. Don't worry Tones, you'll walk down the aisle soon enough." Tony rolled his eyes and adjusted his white tux.

"Shut up." Happy came in, smiling when he saw his boss.

"Waiting for Prince charming?" He asked only to get Rhodey to laugh and Tony to roll his eyes.

"Of course he is," Jarvis said as he walked in, looking extremely handsome in his suit. "Stephen should be here soon, Pepper is calling him as we speak."

Tony smiled excitedly and smoothed his suit once again. "Do I look okay?"

Jarvis rolled his eyes. "Sir, you look beautiful, now stop worrying."

Rhodey hugged Tony and patted his back. "Yeah Tones, you look amazing, I'm sure Stephen will cry." He then looked at Jarvis.

"I'm sure Sir will cry first." Jarvis chuckled, fixing himself a drink. Rhode I laughed and nodded, looking back at Tony. "That is if he hasn't already."

"How'd you plan this great of a wedding anyway?" Happy asked

Jarvis shrugged as he sat down, already going back to the time he made a joke about it. It was a small wedding, only inviting those who they were close to, so it was nothing big and fancy. "I've had an idea about it for a while." Happy chuckled and picked up Peter, who was trying to steal candy from a counter.

"Yeah, I'm sure you have." Suddenly Pepper burst in.


"Tony! We have to go! Stephen got into an accident!" Tony paled as everyone else looked frantically at him.

"What happened?" Tony grabbed his keys and started heading out, everyone following him.

"We were talking when he crashed, I called an ambulance and there, finding him as we speak, we had to meet up with Christene." Pepper quickly got into the car as Happy buckled Peter in before getting in himself. Soon Jarvis was driving, pepper was next to him and Happy, Tony and Peter sat in the middle while Rhodey sat in the back.

Jarvis drove carefully but quickly, checking Tony's vitals as he did. His stress leaves were getting higher the closer they got.

When they did get to the hospital, Tony jumped out of the car before Jarvis even finished parking. He ran inside and went to the front desk, being greeted by one of Stephen's coworkers. "I'm sorry honey, they just got him in there, just sit tight okay?"

Tony sighed and went to wait, he paced back and forth. Would Stephen be okay? Tony sighed at the thought of losing his lover. Stephen has accepted him through everything, he gets along with Peter and he takes care of Tony. The thought of never seeing him again breaks his heart.

"Sir, you have to calm down, you won't help him if you are already stressed without knowing what exactly is wrong," Jarvis spoke softly, placing a hand on Tony's shoulder.

Tony nodded and sat down, taking Peter from Rhodey and hugging the child close to him. Jarvis sat next to him, trying to get him to breath normally but to no avail. Rhodey wrapped an arm around him, bringing his best friend close. "It's gonna be fine Tones."

Tony nodded and looked down when Peter rugged at his sleeves. "Is daddy okay?" Tony nodded again, trying not to cry at the thoughts filling up his head.


"Daddy will be just fine, he just had an accident is all." Peter nodded, all serious for a seven-year-old.

"Daddy is strong, he'll be okay." Peter decided and Tony smiled, once again Peter is making him feel better. He hugged the child tight and tried to calm down.

"Tony?" Christine's voice rang out after a while. Tony looked up at her and rushed to know what's wrong with his lover. "He's fine, well kind of. His hands are destroyed, we did everything we could but there is no way they'll be steady."

Tony felt his heartbreak even more. Stephen loved his job, without his work he wasn't complete. "Is- can I see him?" She nodded.

"I already talked to him, he's not taking it lightly." Tony nodded and looked back at his family who looked at him worriedly.

"Just tell me the room number and I'll find it." She did as asked and left as Tony went back to them.

"I'll go see him first, then we should all go." They nodded in agreement. "I'll be back okay Petey?" The boy nodded.

"Give daddy a hug for me?" Tony nodded.

"Of course Peter." Tony left taking off his blazer as he walked down the halls. When he made it to the room he sighed. "Oh, Stephen." Stephen glanced up at him.

"Why are you here?" He asked bitterly, and Tony was confused.

"What do you mean?" Stephen seemed to get the only madder at the question.

"I've broken Anthony, I'm not good enough for you." Tony sighed and said,

"Stephen you better listen very fucking carefully." Stephen glanced at him. "I love you, and I'll always love you, I don't care if I have to do everything for you, I'm not gonna leave you. Especially not now. You're not broken Stephen, this is just a step back and we'll get through it together. You didn't leave me when I had my arc reactor taken out and I won't leave you. I'll marry you right here in this hospital if you want me to prove it."

Stephen stayed quiet for a long time, and Tony sat by his side, never leaving and never taking his eyes off his lover. "I love you," Stephen spoke quietly and Tony smiled.

"I love you too."

The rest came in to see Stephen, and the doctor was surprised when Peter hadn't said anything other than 'I love you' to him.

Stephen realized that he had a family and that he wouldn't go through this alone.

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