《To Be A Dad (Irondad and Spiderson)》5:First Steps


Pepper smiled as Peter grabbed on to the table and pulled himself up. "How long till he starts walking?" Tony looked up from his work and glanced at Peter. He smiled softly at seeing the baby bounce in one spot.

"Once he's eleven months he'll start walking. So he'll probably start soon." Tony got up and Pepper regretted bringing his action back to his son. Once Tony's attention was on his kid, nothing could pull him away. "Come 'ere Pete, " Tony called to his child, holding his arms open for him.

Peter giggled. "Dada!" He wobbled a couple of steps while holding the table but quickly dropped to the floor and started crawling to Tony. The father was a bit disappointed about Peter not walking but smiled nonetheless.

"Hey, kiddie." Peter giggled and cuddled into his chest before yawing. Tony chucked and cradled Peter closer. "You sleepy bud?" Peter kept cuddling closer, eyes drooping.

"I believe it's his bedtime sir. And perhaps you should catch up on the book I recommend you?" JARVIS spoke up, a slightly teasing tone at the mention of the book. Tony sighed, rolling his eyes. He hated reading but the parenting books we're helpful, especially on what to feed Peter other than his formula.

"Yeah, yeah. Lights down in Pete's room?" Tony asked JARVIS as he held Peter. The boy liked being held before he was put to bed and Tony didn't have a problem with it. He started his way upstairs as Pepper sighed and continued her work.

"Already done sir. Although his blanket is in your room." JARVIS spoke again and Peter giggled at his voice. The AI was also responsible for Peter, watching over him when Tony was working, so Peter has become very used to JARVIS' voice. "Good night Peter, I hope you sleep well." The AI spoke softly when Tony placed Peter in his crib.


Tony chuckled and gently kissed Peter's head before speaking himself. "Night Pete." Tony left the room door slightly open before walking back to his office.

Rhodey came by the next morning. Surprised to see Tony sitting at the table, feeding Peter some oatmeal. The uncle smiled and walked over, sitting down across Tony."Hey. Heard Peter almost walked yesterday." Tony chuckled and nodded.

"Yeah, you should've seen him, do you think he'll walk soon?" Tony asked as he wiped away excess food from Peters mouth. Rhodey nodded, watching his friend's careful movements.

Rhodey was still unfamiliar to the sight of tony being like this. Being a dad. He was gentle and talked in a soft voice for the kid. He's never done that before. It was just so odd to see Tony care so much about the kid. He sighed and smiled, at least Tony was happy. "Yeah, Tones I'm sure he'll walk soon. More problems for you though, he'll be running all over the place."

Tony chuckled and rolled his eyes. "It's called a baby gate," Rhodey smirked, if Peter was going to be anything like Tony, then he was sure the kid could open a baby gate.

"Yeah unless he learns how to open it." Tony shook his head and put Peter down in the living room when the kid was done eating. Tony sat down on the couch as Rhodey grabbed an apple and followed.

Peter grabbed on to the coffee table and bounced there, ignoring the adults. He looked over at his dad and giggled before letting go of the table and wobbling to him. Rhodey stopped talking and turned to look at his nephew. "Tones!" Tony looked and laughed when he saw Peter making his way to him.

Tony got on the floor and opened his arms up, catching the child when he fell. "Good boy Petey." Tony smiled and kissed the top of his head.

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