《Mrbeast oneshots (mpreg)》Chrisxnoone


Chris gripped the pregnancy test in his hand, not wanting to see the two lines. He was terrified, for sure. His boyfriend wasn't really the best guy overall, the bruises on his arm provided it. He traced one of them, wincing quietly as it still hurt. He wants ready, he knew that, but he also didn't want to give them away. He was confused and didn't know what to do, to keep the baby and tell his boyfriend or to abort the baby and never tell his boyfriend.

His mind spin with the options and he threw the stick in the trash, deciding to deal with it later.


"Chris! What the fuck is this?!" His boyfriend yelled from across the house later that day. Chris felt his whole body freeze and the air get sucked out of him. His throat threatened to close up but he fought against it and yelled back.

"What is it?!" He heard his boyfriend's booming footsteps come towards him, the house looked like it was shaking but maybe it was how bad Chris was shaking. The footsteps stopped and he looked up to his boyfriend just six feet away from him. He had an object in his hand, the object that made Chris fear for his safety. The pregnancy test was in his fist, looking like it was about to break from how much pressure he was gripping it.

"This yours?" He asked, his voice gruff and had a dangerous sharp edge to it. Chris swallowed, his mouth filling up with salvia. A pit started to from in his stomach, his mind going blank.

"No..." He lied, wincing quietly when he saw the expression on his face turn darker.

"I'm going to say this one more time. Is. This. Yours?" He growled, his eyes flaming with rage. Chris looked at him with fear, not afraid to hide it. He felt tears rise to his eyes and his body shake, hormones going wild. His stomach twisted up into a painful knot as the pit grew smaller. He nodded, whining quietly at the end. He feared what he was gong to do with him. Kick him out? Beat him? Stay but abuse him verbally? Stay and become the best person ever?

"USE YOUR WORDS!" He screamed at him, the test snapping in his fist. Chris shrieked and jumped back, tears flowing down his face. He hated being in this situation. He always wished he could speak up to him but he couldn't. Last time he did, he didn't eat for two days.

"Yes." The words were barley audible but it seemed to echo in the quiet home. He stared at him, the broken test still clutched in his hand. He then sighed, his eyes still trained on Chris like if he looked away he would disappear.

"You got five minutes. Pack up your shit and leave. I don't want to see your face or that... creature's face." He instructed, storming out of the room. Chris stood paralyzed, the situation still playing in his head. He then remembered he only had five minutes to pack so he ran up the stairs to grab his stuff. He grabbed a random bag and started to shove clothes in it, not caring to fold them or what they were. Luckily, he only had few clothes so he was done with clothes in ten seconds.

He then ran to the safe. His boyfriend, well not boyfriend anymore, took all his money and stashed it into the safe without giving him the passcode. He found it out a couple months ago and slowly took out money each month while he was gone for work. He put the passcode in, the door swinging open and he took all his money out and got some of the man's money too. He put them all in his backpack and looked at the clock. There minutes left.


He ran to the office, grabbing his computer he had to hide from the man every since he got it. He raked through his brain to think of what he needed. He grabbed all of his important documents and information and stashed it into his bag. He then looked at the clock. One minute. He ran to the front door and opened it, slamming it close after he got outside. He didn't have a car so he decided to walk. It was chilly outside, the wind whipping at him and the coldness biting his skin. His backpack sagged on his back but he was determined to get to his destination.

His mind started to drift off into thoughts he was going to save for later. What was he going to do about the baby? Abort it? Give it up for adoption? Raise it as a single father? His mind started to go dizzy with the options yet again, it being too much to think about. He'll just carry them until he feels like he's ready to make the decision. But his mind wouldn't rest easy without an answer. He crossed his arms over his still flat stomach, sighing deeply. What if the pregnancy test was wrong and he wasn't pregnant? He only took one and one pregnancy test could determine his life. He needed multiple to prove his life. He saw a gas station and his body itched to make a turn to it but his mind forced it to keep waking straight. Later, he'll deal with it. He wasn't ready for this, no one is.

He dropped his head and kept on walking, his feet pounding on the sidewalk. His head throbbed and he felt his back muscles tighten. He kept on walking uni he got to a house. He walked up to the front door and knocked on the door, waiting for someone to open it. He heard movement on the other side of the door and the door handle jingled as the door opened. He was face to face with Jimmy now and when Jimmy saw the state Chris was in, he opened the door and ushered him in.

"What happened?" Was the first thing Jimmy asked when Chris stepped into the house. He shut the door and turned to Chris, opening his arms in case Chris wanted to run into them. He shrieked back, crossing his arms tighter. Jimmy's face softened, putting his arms down.

"Whenever you're ready to tell me, just knock on my door." Jimmy told him, his voice soft and soothing. Chris relaxed a little but not fully. Jimmy turned to go towards the kitchen when he heard Chris's voice.

"I'm pregnant." His voice was quiet and forced, like it took a lot of energy to say those two words. Jimmy turned to him and saw Chris cowering under his gaze. His head was down and his shoulders hunched, his arms wrapped around protectively across his stomach. Jimmy was speechless, he didn't know what to do. No one is prepared to be in this situation, both the person carrying the infant and the person finding out. He took a step forward towards Chris and he stepped back.

"Chris." Was all he said, his voice sounded hurt. Chris kept his position, letting Jimmy look at him. He saw the clear bruises on his arms, some blue and some black. He was wearing jeans so he couldn't tell if he had bruises on his legs but he knew he did. When he first saw a bruise on Chris's arm, he said he accidentally bumped into a wall. When they started to litter his arms and legs, he became concern but Chris would always say he would run into a wall, truck, or he accidentally hit himself. He wore long sleeves, hoodies and pants whenever he could even if it was ninety degrees outside. Chris almost passed out on him since he was wearing long sleeves and pants in ninety degree weather. He remembered the day when he told him he was being hit.



A knock came on Jimmy's office door. He looked up from his computer and smiled softly as he looked at Chris.

"Hey Chris. What's up?" Jimmy asked, indicating to Chris to come into his office. Chris closed the door and stood in front of his desk, making Jimmy suspicious. He never acted like this, he was always upbeat and laughing. Actually, since he got in a relationship with Connor, he was different. Shy and quiet, terrified of everything. Jimmy stared at him until his words broke the silence that blanket them.

"He hit me." So quiet, so broken his voice rang clear in the room. Jimmy gasped quietly and got up to go hug Chris but he shrieked back, fearing him.

"Hey hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Are you not okay with physical touch?" Jimmy asked. He watched Chris hesitated but nod, looking down at the floor. Jimmy sighed and rubbed his face.

"Okay. That's okay. Well, not the hitting part. How many times did he hit you?" Jimmy asked, cracking his knuckles. Chris's paused, thinking over it.

"Three." He answered and Jimmy widened his eyes. He was speechless, why didn't Chris tell him. Why didn't he notice before?

"Why are you still in a relationship with him?" Jimmy asked dumbfounded. Chris groaned quietly and looked up at him, tears stinging his eyes.

"He threatened to kill me." He admitted, a shiver was clear as day in his voice. Jimmy pursed his lips and thought it over.

"You know you can arrest him for that? Assault." Jimmy told him. Chris shook his head, uncrossing his arms and his eyes were wide open, fear were filled in it.

"I can't do that. I want to live, Jimmy. I want to live and not feel guilty." He pleaded, a tear ran down his cheek. He wanted to have a life, why couldn't Jimmy understand that?

"You'll feel guilty that you didn't leave right after he hit you." Jimmy tried to reason. "You think he'll become better if you stay?" Chris was silent for a couple moments, the words hung in the air. Jimmy watched the gears turn in his head

"I don't know what to do." He finally spoke, sounding so broken that it didn't even sound like him.

"You can stay at my house if you want to." Jimmy offered. Chris looked up at him with some much happiness, he was surprised.

"Thank you." He whispered, a small smile forming on his face. Jimmy couldn't help but smile back.

"Any time. If he hits you again, tell me please and I'll make you a room." He told him and Chris nodded, turning around to open the door and leave the office.


Two years later and he never stayed at his house. He had been hit multiple times during those years, so many he lost count. Chris could tell his eyes were on his body, making Chris look up at him. He met Jimmy's eyes that were filled with sadness but also determination.

"Chris, do you want to keep the baby?" Those three words sent shock waves throughout his body. What was growing inside of him was in fact a baby. His mind started to think of all the options. Was he ready to take care of a baby? Hell no. Did he want to have children now? No. Did he want to keep this baby? Maybe. He shrugged, looking down at Jimmy's feet.

"If you do keep the baby, I swear to keep you and the baby safe. If you don't, I still swear to keep you safe. I can't let you get hurt again, it hurts me too much to see you suffer." Jimmy promised. Chris looked up again at him and his jaw dropped a little. He couldn't remember the last time someone said that to him, Connor had isolated him from his friends for years. But Chris would always sneak around to see them from time to time.

"Okay? Now, you can pick out any room in this house to spend the night. Make yourself anything you want to eat and if you need anything, just come to me." He instructed, going to the kitchen to grab something. Chris had a smile on his face, one that hasn't been on his face for years. He slowly walked up the stairs, thinking this was too good to be true. He walked down the hallway and went into the first bedroom on the right. He opened the door and saw a neat bed with a painting of the beach over it and nothing more. He dropped his backpack onto the floor and sat down on the edge of the bed. He heard a knock on the door and he turned his head towards the door.

"Hey. I made you this if you're hungry." He had a plate of chicken soup, crackers and a cup a tea. He set it down onto the bed and ruffled Chris's hair, which he barley filched from as he was still in a daze.

"Thank you." He spoke, looking up at him. Jimmy smiled and nodded.

"No problemo. Just put the dishes in the sink when you're done and do whatever you want. I'll be in my bedroom if you need me." He spoke, inching toward the door. Chris nodded and Jimmy closed the door. Chris sighed and his smile grew bigger. He wrapped an arm around his stomach and grabbed the spoon, starting to eat the soup.


Sunlight poured into his room through the slits of the blinds of the windows. Food being cooked was mixed in the warm air. Chris opened his eyes and stretched his arms back, taking a moment to sniff the air. He smelled food and knew Jimmy was cooking breakfast. He sat up and threw off the comforter on his legs, throwing them over the edge. He got up, the soft carpet meeting his feet. He shuffled out the room, rubbing his eyes and shivering as he met with the cold wood floor. He walked down the stairs, seeing Jimmy in the kitchen stirring something in the pan.

"Morning." He yawned, sitting down at the counter. Jimmy turned around and smiled softly at him.

"Morning. I was making some eggs if you want some?" He asked and Chris nodded. Jimmy placed the eggs he was stirring on a plate and got some bread, popping it into the toaster.

"What do you want to drink? Tea or water?" He asked again, turning to Chris. Chris shrugged and looked up at him.

"I guess water." He answered and Jimmy went to grab a water bottle. He walked over to him and placed the plate and bottle in front of him. He went back to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl and cereal. The toast spring up and he grabbed it, looking at Chris.

"Plain?" Chris nodded and stretched out his hand. Jimmy handed him his toast, crumbs going everywhere. Jimmy fixed his bowl of cereal and brought it over to the counter. He sat next to Chris and they started to eat, silence blanketing them.

Halfway through his meal, he felt a tap on his stomach which had a small bump on it.. He looked down and cocked his head. Jimmy noticed and looked at his bump too.

"What's wrong?" He asked. Chris opened his mouth to answer but he felt another tap and a flutter.

"I... don't know. I'm feeling taps and flutters, I don't know what it is." He told him, feeling more flutters and taps from his bump.

"I think they're kicking. Can I touch?" He asked, his hand hovering over his bump. He nodded and Jimmy placed his hand onto his bump, feeling a tap underneath his hand. He gasped quietly and moved his hand around.

"It feels-Weird."Chris started but was cut off by Jimmy. He nodded, feeling more taps now since Jimmy moved his hand. He let himself smile, feeling a deeper love for them. They still refused to say baby, it being to big of a label to label the thing growing inside Chris everyday. It was still hard to wrap their heads around it. The baby shifted and Jimmy looked up at Chris.

"You felt that?" Chris asked, turning his head a little to look at him. Jimmy nodded, still in awe over the fact they were kicking and moving now.

"You know, I think it's stupid that aren't calling them a baby." Chris quietly spoke, placing his hand onto his bump. Jimmy cocked his head and moved his hand a little.

"You want to start calling them a baby?" He asked. Chris rolled his eyes and nodded.

"That's what they are, so why can't we say that they are?" Chris told him, leaning back to look at the man. His cheeks flamed a bright red and he looked down at the floor in shame.

"I agree with you. It is a baby, I didn't realize that we haven't been calling them a baby." He attempted, shaking his head. Chris smiled softly and ruffled his hair.

"It's alright. Just call them a baby now. I think they were getting offended that we weren't calling them a baby." He joked, making Jimmy smirk. He looked up again at him and smiled. He took his hand off his bump and resumed eating, munching quietly. Chris leaned forward and started to eat his breakfast, the flutters and taps keeping him companying.


Chris sat on the couch, watching a show. Jimmy sat next to him and rubbed his feet for him. Being heavily pregnant made his feet hurt from just standing and he gladly accepted them whenever Jimmy offered them.

"Why did you chose a date so close to my due date to go out a town?" He whined, rubbing the underside of his huge belly. Jimmy sighed and rubbed his thumb against the swollen skin.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think about it when I was planning. I'll be back by tonight, okay? I'm going to stay for thirty more minutes until I have to leave." Jimmy told him. Chris huffed and kept his eyes glued to the screen.

"I know, I know. Look, I'll give you a back rub before I leave, how about that? You've been wanting one for so long." He offered. Chris looked at him, rolling his eyes and sighing.

"I'll take that offer. Just come home before midnight, okay?" He pleaded and Jimmy nodded.

"I'll be back by ten if the traffic isn't bad." He told him, making him smile. "Now, you want that back rub?" Chris laughed and nodded, taking his feet off his lap and turning sideways, struggling the whole time. Jimmy lifted the back of his shirt and put his hands on his lower back. He kneaded his fingers through the sore muscles and felt Chris relax under his fingers.

"Harder." He begged, trying to keep the pleading tone out of his voice. His back hurt and Jimmy's fingers worked wonders to help loosen up the muscles. Jimmy obeyed and pressed harder. Chris sighed happily and dropped his head.

"Thanks." He mumbled, his back feeling ten times better. Jimmy hummed and kept massaging.

"No problem." He replied, feeling the muscles loosened up underneath his fingers. He moved his fingers up and started to massage his upper back. Chris groaned quietly, making Jimmy laugh.

"Don't laugh." He mumbled, making Jimmy laugh again.

"I'm sorry! It's just, I'm not used to it." He replied, making Chris roll his eyes. He then felt the warm fingers that were working wonders on his back leave it. He sat up and looked behind him to look at him.

"Why'd you stop?" He asked, pausing when he saw the sorry look in his face. He pursed his lips and looked down.

"I'm sorry. I'll be back in twelve hours, promise." He told him, rubbing his back and getting up. Chris looked up at him, leaving back and placing his hand onto his swollen abdomen. He rubbed circles on it with his finger and scrunched up his lips.

"Promise?" He asked. Jimmy nodded, leaving forward to run his fingers through his hair.

"Anything for you." He replied, ruffling it up and walking away to grab his stuff. Chris smiled and combed his hair down that Jimmy messed up. The man came back into the room after a couple minutes. His eyes laid on Chris, who was still stroking his abdomen.

"You going to be okay?" He asked. Chris nodded, looking up at him. Jimmy stood there for a couple seconds, just nodding and staring at him.

"You got to leave, Jimmy. I'll be fine, promise." He spoke, only adding more fear to the man. He pursued his lips and fidgeted with his fingers, twisting them into painful locks.

"I can cancel it. I just don't want to leave you and you go into labor." Chris rolled his eyes but nodded.

"I'm not going to go into labor. Stop being so paranoid and go." His voice had a edge to it, a warning to Jimmy to leave before things got messy. He nodded at Chris and sighed.

"I'll be back by ten, promise." And with that, he walked to the door and opened it, leaving the house. When Chris heard the soft click of the door, he threw his head back and released a sigh.

"Thank gosh." He mumbled, looking up again to finish watching his show.

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