《PERFECT》Chapter 9


After hours sitting in front of the mirror waiting to have my hair and make up done, I’m finally ready and set. I’ve never sat too long in front of the mirror before not even when I’m getting ready for prom. I hope it’s paid off and make Nick jaw drop to the ground.

I looked at myself again in mirror fully dressed in the gown that Amy and Anna have help me to choose. I’m wearing a black gown with an off-shoulder lace strap across my chest, which nicely fit and showing every curve of my body. My straight hair was let down with a slight curl at the end. I’ve worn a white gold hoop earrings and matching white gold diamond bangles in both my hands, courtesy of my father. Well, I bought it this afternoon with his money, of course. Is that really me? I pinched myself to make sure it is me.

“You look stunning,” said Amy standing behind me looking at my image in the mirror.

“Really?” I asked her, “You think your brother’s jaw will drop to the ground?”

“Definitely,” she stressed, “Not only that. I think it will make his eyes popped out too,” she joked making me laughed with her.

“Wow, is that really you, Ash?” asked Anna who has just walked into the room.

“Yep,” I nodded, “I have the hard time believing it me too,” I confessed to her.

Both she and Amy laughed, “Gosh, you really look stunning,” praised my sister. “Both of you are,” she said looking at Amy.

“Aw, you don’t have to say anything about me,” blushed Amy, “Its Ash whose need the attention tonight. I just want Marc attention.”

“Well Marc definitely going to glue himself to you,” I said to her, “You look stunning. You always do,” I complimented her.

“Oh, Ash, you always look stunning yourself. You just don’t realize it,” Amy said to me. I just smiled at her comments. I know she’s just being nice.

“Let’s take some picture of you two stunning girls,” suggested Anna who has a camera ready in hand. Without hesitation, both Amy and I started to model for Anna.


She managed to snapped two pictures of me alone, two with Amy, one Amy alone, me with Anna and last the three of us before Nick dashed into the room looking so dashing and handsome in his tuxedo.

“Hey girls, it time for you to come down. The guests have…..” he paused looking at me from top to bottom with his jaw on the ground.

Yay!! I managed to make his jaw dropped.

“Yes, my bother, that’s your wife,” Amy teased while closing his mouth for him.

I saw him gulping his saliva before saying, “Wow, you look stunning,” he praised.

I don’t know why I blushed at his compliments instead, “Thank you,” I said softly, “You don’t look bad yourself.” Well, I actually wanted to compliment him too but refrained myself. I didn’t want him to boast around telling everyone about it, but I have to admit, he does look dashing and handsome. Which guy doesn’t look handsome in tux? Am I right?

“You both look perfect with each other,” commented Anna before ushering us, “Come on. Let’s take a picture of you two before going down.”

Nick looked at me again before positioning ourselves. He wrapped his arm round my waist but we still not very closed.

“Come on guys, stop acting so decent,” teased Anna and instructed, “Closer.” Yep, Anna didn’t know the truth about me and Nick. She’s just like my parents who thought that Nick and I have been dating. Why she didn’t know? Because she is worse than Amy, she couldn’t keep anything to herself. She couldn’t keep any secret. If you don’t want any soul to know any of your secret, don’t ever, ever tell her. If you did, within second all the secret will be revealed.

Nick wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer and I unconsciously wrapped my arms around him and putting one hand on his chest. We are very close and he smelled so nice and yummy. I felt my heart beating fast and Goosebumps all over my body. I could feel his too was beating as fast as mine under my hand. Is he feeling nervous being close to me like this? Wow, Nick Sinclair is nervous, unbelievable. I smiled at that thought.


Anna immediately snapped, “One more,” she instructed before snapping again.

“I think it’s enough,” I said stopping her before she asks for more, “We better go down now. The guests will be wondering.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” agreed Anna. She and Amy got out of the room leaving me behind with Nick who still has his one arm around my waist.

“I need to talk to you before we go down,” he stopped me when I tried to walk away making me stopped and looked at him with questions.

“I sorry if you think that I always think badly about you,” he started, “I never think that you would never look beautiful and stunning. You are beautiful and your really look stunning especially right now.”

I glared at him, “You call me “Walking Corpse and Carcass. What do you expect me to think?” I pointed out.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized again, “I promised never going to call you names again.”

I pouted my lips to stop myself from smiling, “Promised?” I asked and showing my pinky to him.

“Promised,” he smiled and linked his pinky with mine, “But, can I call you wifey?” he asked after letting it go.

I glared at him, “You just make a promised,” I reminded him.

“Wifey is not names,” he protested, “It’s a recognition and besides its sound so cute. Especially on you,” he raised his eyes playfully at me.

I rolled his eyes at him, “Whatever,” I responded. Too lazy to argue with him, “But don’t call me that in front of anyone,” I warned.

“No, I definitely won’t,” he grinned and continued, “I have other name for you when we with people.”

I glared at him and warned, “Don’t ever call me babe, please.”

“Why? I thought girls love that name?” he asked.

“Ew, not me, its sound so yucky,” I said showing a yucky face at him.

He just laughed before adding, “There’s one more thing I need to talk to you.”

“What else?” I sighed.

“This,” he said and showing a small velvet box in his hand. I cast a surprise look. He slowly opened the box and two beautiful white gold wedding bands inside it. One with small diamonds around it whiles the other just one small diamond in the middle. I looked at him with a big question mark in my face.

“I’ve returned the rings back to Marc and we need our own. Good thing nobody realised that we are not wearing any,” he said to me while taking out the one with a small diamonds around it. I was speechless, still in shock didn’t know what to do. He took my right hand and slipped the beautiful ring into my ring finger.

I looked at the ring, “It’s beautiful and its must be expensive. We just going to be married for two months,” I reminded him, “You shouldn’t spend your money on this.”

“Nay, it’s ok,” he shrugged,” You can keep them later as a thank you gift from me for agreeing to be my wife for two months.”

Aw, that so sweet of him. I never knew Nick could be this sweet. Another side of his I have just recovered. I smiled and took the other ring from the box and slipped it into his ring finger. Then I kissed him on the cheek making him shocked, “Thank you too for everything,” I said to him with misty eyes.

“You are most welcome,” he smiled back at me, “We better get going before everyone started to think dirty about what we are doing, especially your sister and mine.”

I nodded and he clapped his hand with mine walking towards the door. I stopped and looked at our hands at then at him.

“What?” he asked when I stopped, looking at me. I just glanced at our hand without a word. “Don’t you think we should walk in like this?” he asked.

“No, stupid,” I teasingly scolded him and pulled my hand, “We should walk like this,” and linked my arm around his.

“Hmm, you’re right. This look perfect,” he said and I nodded my head before we both walk together to greet our waiting guests.

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