《PERFECT》Chapter 10


“Hah, there they are,” said daddy happily when he saw us coming, “We’ve been wondering whether you two decided to stay in your room instead,” he teased and the rest laughed with him.

“Daddy,” I blushed and kissed his cheek.

“I’ve actually tempted to do that,” Nick joked and yelped when I pinched him.

“I don’t blame you. She look so stunning,” injected his dad and kissed me on the cheek, “You really do, my dear. I could clearly see that my son going to glue himself to you.”

I blushed and glanced at Nick. I saw him blushing too. Nick blushed? Wow, that’s something new too.

Our parents introduced us to some of the guests before we all sat together at the main table. After all the courses were served, Nick’s father got up to the stage and started his welcoming speech and telling everyone how proud and happy he and his family were about our marriage. He also told everyone how proud they were to have me as part of their family, how they have been pressuring their son to propose to me. I smiled at that recognition. I wondered what his respond to them every time they pressure him. I might ask him about it tonight when we alone.

Then my father took his place and said the same thing about our marriage. He ended his speech by looking at the two of us, “Well you two, I hope you both would really get busy and produce us with grandchildren immediately.”

Everyone including Nick laughed except me. I gasped. I just remembered. I didn’t use any protection on our first night, but what about Nick? Did he use any? I don’t remember seeing any condom lying around anywhere in the room that day. I remember Nick ask me whether I’m protected instead. Damn. I’ve totally forgotten about it. I’m intended to go to the pharmacy to get some pills but I totally forgotten. Damn it. I hope I’m not pregnant. Please god, I silently praised. I should go to the pharmacy tomorrow and hopefully I’m not too late.


“Are you ok?” whispered Nick concernedly. He probably noticed my pale and worried look.

I bit my lips and faked a smile, “Yes. I’m fine,” I lied.

Nick doesn’t look convinced with my answered. The music stated to play a slow number which is my mother’s favourite song from Boyzone – Baby Can I Hold You. Everyone eyes were on us.

I looked at Nick and smiled sweetly, “I think it’s our cue to dance,” I said to him.

He smirked before getting up and leads me to the front of stage where the Band was playing. He puts his arm around my waist while I put mine on his shoulders. We entwined our hands and he pulled me closer to him making our body touched. I don’t know why I could feel my body slightly shivered and giving Goosebumps again.

“Why are you shivering?” Nick asked me. Gosh he noticed it too, “Are you cold or are you nervous being so close to me?”

I looked at him who was looking at me with a teasing eyes, “I’m not nervous because of you,” I lied, “I was nervous because everyone eyes were on us. I have never been a centre of attention before,” I explained to him which is part true. The other part? I didn’t even know why myself.

Nick smiled, “Well there’s always first in everything.” I rolled my eyes and he chuckled before asking, “Want to tell me what’s on your mind just now?”

“Hmm?” I looked at him confused, didn’t really catch what he was asking.

“Just now, you look like you going to be sick,” he reminded me.

“Oh,” was all I said.

“Want to tell me?” he asked. Should I tell him the truth? What happen if he knows the truth? How would he react?


I hesitated to answer him, “Come on. Just tell me who know I could help.” He insisted.

“It’s really nothing,” I told him. I could still see that he’s not convinced.

He sighed, “Alright if you said so,” he gave up but showing an obvious face that he wasn’t happy with my answer.

“I’ll tell you later when we alone,” I finally said to him. Well maybe I should tell him and who know he could come out with a solution to resolve the matter.

He gave me satisfied smile, “Alright.”

I realized that we are still the only couple on the dance floor, “Don’t the rest want to dance?” I asked Nick.

“I think they wanted to see something happen first before they’ll join us,” he said.

“See something happen?” I queried, “Like what?”

“They waiting for us to kiss,” said Nick softly.

“What??” I shockingly asked him.

“That what’s they normally expected from newly weds,” he pointed out.

“And you think we should do it?” I asked him.

He shrugged, “I don’t think a small kiss would don’t any harm to any of us.”

I sniggered, “Of course it won’t,” and looked everyone around us. They were smiling especially both my parents. Yeah, Nick is right and I could see in their face they waiting for us to kiss.

I looked at Nick who was looking at me. I don’t know why I suddenly blushed like a stupid girl and bit my lips.

I think Nick took that as a cue of me approving him to kiss me. He lowered his head slowly towards me. I close my eyes while waiting for his lips to touch me. I don’t know why I close my eyes when I supposed to expect just a small peck from him.

I felt his lips on mine and I don’t know how and when, I opened up my mouth kissing him fully instead. Nick hand left mine and wrapped both his arms around me while I slide both my arms around his neck. Our body touched and I don’t think there any gap between us. His lips felt so soft and yummy making me forget about our surrounding until I heard claps, cheering and whistling from the crowds. We immediately pulled apart, aware of where we are and I was blushing like hell. I heard Nick chuckled before pulling me back into his arms hugging me while I hid my blushed face in his broad chest. I could feel his heart beating loudly as mine. I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

Wow, I didn’t know his kiss has a great effect on me and now I believed Amy when she told me that I couldn’t keep my mouth from Nick because right now, I wanted those lips on mine again. Well maybe later when we alone, I smiled to myself.

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